TLO/Super Soil recipes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe Dirt
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DE loses a lot of it's pest killing properties once it gets wet. I've used it on roaches in the past and it has to be re-applied once the area gets wet.
I know for sure you are right about this... you are most probably correct about the rest too. :thumbs:
I believe it's used as a silica source more than pest control. DE loses a lot of it's pest killing properties once it gets wet. I've used it on roaches in the past and it has to be re-applied once the area gets wet.

Could be wrong.

Mr Piggy you are spot on!

Dry powdered DE is excellent for killing bugs, the DE has very sharp edges which puncture insects which then die from dehydration.
DE is often used to store seeds , if for some reason an insect or it eggs such get sealed in a bag of seeds, they will soon be dispatched by the DE.

I use "Dia Hydro" as a soil mix ingredient, it is DE in granular form marketed as a hydroponics substrate.
Due to its granular nature I use it to improve soil structure, it is also holds @ least 100% its weight in water and has a high cation - anion ecxchange (CEC) of 42.
It also has good thermal properties so helps keep root temps stable,is relatively Ph neutral & and of course high in silicon.
A majority of DE Deposits on earth are from saltwater Diatoms (Diatoms are the fossilized remains of tiny phytoplankton) Dia Hydro is from fresh water DE deposits, this is what you want if adding to soil, for obvious reasons ie you don't want salt in your mix.
It may be possible to find other brands that use fresh water DE, please share it with us.
I also like to inoculate my roots with mycorrhizal fungi , this is amazing stuff which improves root mass as well a forming a secondary root mass created by the fungal hyphea. Brand i use is "root grow" and is endorsed by the Royal Horticultural Society.
Whilst I realise this is not a recipe. it does however provide useful information on a specific ingredients that will will prove useful.


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Here's a BASIC organic soil recipe that will produce damn fine results. Props to MoHo for originally posting...beginners give this a whirl if the "supersoils" seem intimidating or too expensive etc...

Base Mix:50% good potting soil (Black Gold, FFOF, Roots Organics, etc.)
30% perlite (or rice hulls, if you can find them)
20% worm castings or quality compost

To that you can add all kinds of goodies, OR you can keep it simple as hell and just add:
1-2 TBSP dolomite lime per gallon of soil and
A dry fertilizer product (like Happy Frog 5-5-5 or Peace of Mind 5-5-5, or the Espoma Organic Traditions All-Purpose one, or Earth Juice's "Rainbow Mix", etc.)

Most of those dry fert brands ^ are like $7-15 per bag and you can just follow the application rates on the packages. It's usually like 1/4 cup per container. And yes, you can get all the way through flower with an "all-purpose" balanced fertilizer. In organic soil, you supply the soil with all the nutrients a plant needs, then feed the microbes and fungi in the soil with compost tea, and watch as the plants and the soil microbes "communicate" with one another... the plant will "ask" (via root exudates) the soil microbes for exactly what it needs, when it needs it... and will leave the rest behind in the soil. This is what most people don't get about organic soil growing. There is no need for manipulating N-P-K ratios to any significant degree. You aren't force-feeding your plants; you are just sliding their stool over to the buffet table and letting them choose.

I personally recommend watering with teas...not necessarily the entire time, but at least every third watering...adding fish emulsion etc during veg, and high P bat guano during flower...molasses molasses molasses...:D

That's the way I like it - simple and add things as you go.
I just mixed this:
16 L Biocanna Bio Terra Plus
8 L worm compost (worm castings)
9 L perlite
1 L Plagron bat guano.

I also have a 250 g package of fish meal. Not sure if I should add it or use later with tea? It says on the package that it attracts fish (bought in fisherman's store) because it smells...

I know I know This is recipes only but,,,,
will you people please list the cooking times. I seen that there was one that had a 30 to 40 day cook time but is that for all or just the one???
I'm a first timer at making super soil but I just made a batch today. I want to advise people against doing this indoors because I did it in my livingroom in a large 50gal bin and it smells like guano in my house now.

Anyway, here is the recipe I used.

1/2 block pro mix.
Approx 15 - 20lbs worm castings
2.5lbs steamed bone meal
2lbs indo bat guano
1lb Jamaican guano
.5lb high N all purpose guano
2lbs blood meal
1.5lbs rock phosphate
3/8 cup Epsom Salts
1/4 cup sweet lime (dolomite)
1/4 azomite (trace elements)
1 tablespoon powdered humic acid
1.5 cups greensand
2 tblsp great white

I'm letting it cook for 30 - 45 days then I'll use and report back.
Fast Attck TLO Recipe "By the Rev"

Hi guys.I found this recipe on an older post looking around here actually.I though it was in the recipes thread,but I guess not.I tried to find it again to just throw a link up,but couldnt.So I just retyped it here cuz I wrote it down to try next grow.

Fast Attck TLO Recipe by the Rev. "From Skunk Magazine"

1 - 1.5 cf. Good organic soil

1 - 2 cups Green Sand

1 cup Dolomite Lime

1/4 - 1/2 cup Bloodmeal

3/4 - 1 cup Bonemeal

1 - 2 cups Kelpmeal

2 - 3 Gallons Earth Worm Castings (EWC) living and Fresh

2 - 3 Gallons Pearlite

1 - 2 cups Feathermeal

2 TBspn Molasses/Honey per Gallon Filtered Water. RO or Dist.

Cook 2 weeks. Turn Twice and Store in an OPEN tote.

If ya find the link just pop it in this posts place please.I thought it belonged here.Cant wait to ry this.I bet this can be a pretty darn univeral soil from tea,top coating n so forth.maybe even a plug style Bloom or Grow spike....??.....:Sharing One:
The Rev's 2.1 Master Soil Mix

This soil Mix is designed to be cooked first and to be used with a pure water source like RO/Dist. or rainwater only! Also this mix is designed to be used in concert with the TLO style of using Layer and Spikes.

Base Mix:

2 gallons quality organic soil mix (or healthy organic recycled soil mix)

2 gallons throughly rinsed coir(coconut fiber)

2 gallons Pearlite(small nugget size)

2 gallons earth worm castings (fresh EWC and/or fresh compost works too)


1 1/2 cup grow or bloom "Pure" by Organicare (or 1 cup 5-5-5)

1/2 cup green sand

3/4 cup ground oyster shells ( 1 cup if no crushed oyster shell)

1 cup oyster shells (optional)

1/2 cup Dolomite Lime (powdered)

1 3/4 cup prilled(pelletized) fast-acting dolomite lime

1/4 cup blood meal

1/4 cup high N birb/bat guano 12-8-2 N-P-K

1/2 Heaping cup of Feather Meal

1 cup un-steamed granular bone meal (like whiney farms brand)

1/2 cup bulb food

1/4 cup powdered soft rock phosphate

1/2 heaping cup of powdered gypsum

1/2 cup kelp meal

4 heaping cups of composted steer manure (this inoculates your mix with specialized microbeasties and primo organic matter)

1/2 cup Azomite granular (add an additional 1/4 cup green sand if no Azomite)

1 cup granular humic acid ore (such as down to earth brand)

1 cup alfalfa meal (or 2 cups pellets-make sure pellets are all organic and no additives)

1/2 cup rock phosphate granular (optional)

1 heaping cup organic rice (important for the good Fungi in this soil mix)

you can buy it too pre made and pre mixed as far as Ammendments makes upto a 30 gallon lighter feeding soil.Or around a 10 gallon heavier feeding soil mix.

My links are not working.


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420 Class Soils and Amendment Recipes

[h=2]Soil Recipes: The first two are for containers. The third 3rd is for raised beds and the ground.[/h]Soil Recipe 1:
8 large bags of high quality organic potting soil
25-50 lbs. of organic worm castings
5 lbs. of Blood meal 12-0-0
5 lbs. Bat guano 0-5-0
5 lbs. Fish Bone Meal 3-16-0
¾ cup Epsom salt
1 cup Sweet lime (Dolomite)
½ cup Azomite ( Trace element)
2 Tbs. dry Humic acid. Mix well, wet, let sit for 2+ weeks. Subcool's Supersoil

Soil Recipe 2:
40 gallons used soil, or organic potting soil
4 cups alfalfa meal
4 cups bone meal
4 cups kelp meal
4 cups powdered dolomite lime
30 pound bag of earthworm castings . . .
That’s the basic recipe . . . However we also like to use:
4 cups of Greensand
4 cups of Rock Phosphate
4 cups of diatomaceous earth. Mix well, wet, let sit for 2+ weeks.

Soil Recipe 3:
20% Compost
20% Topsoil
15% Steer Compost
15% Mushroom Compost
20% Pumice
10% Coarse Sand
Worm Castings
VAM Mycorrhizal Fungi

:tiphat: :gthumb: :pass: :vibes: :tiphat: :tiphat: :tiphat:
I'll pick #3 lol! when I get around to it, that is one I might try, its in keeping with my KISS principal.
Ever Tried Vermicomposting Make ur own Ewc ...
Its easy u feed them Chicken laying Mash which is corn ground up ..