Indoor This will be a Slowmo Grow

happy new year all.. i can't use quotes for some reason...
@Dudeski @XxxAuto @Eyeoftheworld @Dr. Babnik @MarshydroTina

but i cut a baby today...

and regretted it 2 secs later ... she already smells so nice after cutting
: View attachment 682239

nice side branching without topping or FiM

But she was gonna be huge.... i have a feeling this is a outdoor cross.

2 babies left... ..

I'm starting some mephisto beans ... just have to ponder which ones :eyebrows:

What happened to your plants? looks I missed so much, so busy
started gemming 2x gorilla glue and 1x Toofless Alien... one gg will go into a 500ml cup for the solo grow off (if im too late to enter i'll just grow along) and the other will go in 10l Airpot.. hopefully one of my own one babies turns out to be male so we can starting producing some seeds :smoking::eyebrows:
Ooooo...seeds! [emoji7] [emoji76] [emoji106]

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Im confident you will master the new sweet seed challenge :pighug: [emoji106] it's like having an old grandma... they can be grumpy, and difficult .... but treated half-way right they will love you big time :d5:... kindda like this first grow :haha:
Wait...did you just call me grandma?? [emoji121] [emoji35]

[emoji13] [emoji16] [emoji28] [emoji23]

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