Indoor This will be a Slowmo Grow

started gemming 2x gorilla glue and 1x Toofless Alien... one gg will go into a 500ml cup for the solo grow off (if im too late to enter i'll just grow along) and the other will go in 10l Airpot.. hopefully one of my own one babies turns out to be male so we can starting producing some seeds :smoking::eyebrows:
i have high hopes for this one, looks male to me, but no definitive proof yet, but has nice structure and vigours growth 18cm tall atm

Sometimes, it's just how it is. For example, I'm pretty confident in my growing skills, but some strains I just don't seem to be able to make happy. Like Sweet Seeds. My best yield ever was a Dark Devil by them, and my most beautiful buds were from my Red Poison.

That said, I've had a LOT of problems and lost a lot of seeds from lack of germination to heat issues. Yeah, I know it's not their problem, lots of people are growing amazing seeds by them. It's like a fuck**g Twilight Zone, or something!

Just dropped a few Sweet Seeds seeds tonight, now that I think about it!

Im confident you will master the new sweet seed challenge :pighug: :thumbsup: it's like having an old grandma... they can be grumpy, and difficult .... but treated half-way right they will love you big time :d5:... kindda like this first grow :haha:
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what .... @witchyhour
Are you starting to send out buds in the world ;)

the green messengers

I had an inside joke :vibe: .. i knew that @witchyhour was poised to send a homemade bucket to @Dr. Babnik. this info was granted to me while visiting the good dr.

No weed... the sniffer dogs are too good for that :redcard:
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