Indoor This will be a Slowmo Grow

btw vaping a overnight dried from brie this morning ... i would say we have some potential here :vibe:
Soned Dragon will be delivered Monday. Make space in the tent!
Soned Dragon will be delivered Monday. Make space in the tent!
@Dr. Babnik

(Stoned Dragon x Auto Gorilla OG) possible cross right from the start :crying:
You are in charge of that.
In that regard, I follow orders.

I'll make myself another cup of coffee and go into my room and enjoy a vap.

Have to go out after sticks today. My Atomics need two sticks each. I'll take a pic with my new iphone 7. The cam works much better than on no. 6.
@Dr. Babnik @hippy71 @Yeatster @Sensi Jay

AvT is getting soooo pretty :

