New Grower TheMongol: Real Strange Grow Matters







Hey@Sl0wbob2017...where are you...?
Finally I'm in and the account is activated. Thank you Mongol for writing the Admin. I will drive home and start the post I wanted to make.

Greets L0wbob;)

Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy maaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn...finally @A-Train got you in here, you should send him some personal thanks by starting a conversation on his profile....

hope you will post your SELF-MADE-LED soon here

you will get a shit of many answers i hope!!!!! and what the others will estimate you SUPERIOR-LED

cann´t wait to hang your light in my growroom, when we start a new one...

see you later:coffee2:
So i did it, the post is done.

You can take a look here :

Lets see what ppl think. I cant wait till this lamp is hanging in your room :D

Man, we have really to make serious thougths how to fix your lightinmy room. I think to setup another timber bean at the ceiling of the room by fixing it at both walls opposite to abide the weight of your light....hahaha, can´t wait and what your light will do to the plants we will do....will need your help to fix, bro @L0wbob2017 :pass:
Man, we have really to make serious thougths how to fix your lightinmy room. I think to setup another timber bean at the ceiling of the room by fixing it at both walls opposite to abide the weight of your light....hahaha, can´t wait and what your light will do to the plants we will do....will need your help to fix, bro @L0wbob2017 :pass:

we will find a solution. Cant wait to see this thing turnod on in your room, filling out the complete corner haha.