New Grower TheMongol: Real Strange Grow Matters

:jointman:Hey Mon'! I lost you for a moment, since Bud-E moved you here,.. and yes, the Infirmary has been a fekkin' zoo lately! :help: .... OK, let's see,... Mongol, that's a weird pH test kit! Why does the soil look so sandy? I know about slurry tests, but this one is not looking quite like what I'm used too,.. best as you can, please explain how this test is done,... that you're getting consistent 7.0 is no surprise, from the looks of the label, this is a very basic, low resolution test... does it really only go by 1.0 pH steps? does it measure beyond 7.0, to 8.0? It's accuracy is crude, and uncertain,..My point is, if this is offering anything useful,... do you not have a digital pH meter? Oh! wait, I forgot-- why don't you use the Accurate 8 meter? I told you not to worry about the roots,.. this direct measurement is more trustworthy than anything else! trust me dude,...
Fortunately, the plants are doing very well, mate! :d5:... I see no sign of too high pH issues, which most likely would be Zn and Fe defc.'s,...
I have to use my dictionary...sorry...

SO GLAD YOU ARE BACK IN THE GAME....thanks a lot to @budelee and @NugNoob and also you we´ra back in the game again...

Bud-E should be budeleeeee...? .."feekin" my dic tells nothing, but it sounds good...test are done like this...add 10 mm of soil from the midlle of the pot..than increase to 35 mm of add destill water, i also used RO water...than add a pill that was in the package....shake for 2-3 stand stell solution is clear and results is seen on pictures...should be ph neutrtal...? I´m not able, to get the Accurate 8 ph soil probe wright now,.....does it really go by test ph-test 1.0...idk...its recommended to look for the did measurred in my opinoin about 7.1 to 6.8....but not beyond 8.0....yes I have a digital ph-meter, calbriting all time before measuring runin and also calibrating to measure in the threads before posted....and as seen in the posts in the pasts on my thread...roots are doing fine...could be more....but still like you told " the roots are looking fine, that´s a good sign" i know about about that a healthy plant is looking to maximize the root system, the more there will root system, the more bigger will be tha plant, yiedls..etc...and for sure i trust you, mate:pass:
All here to learn my man, they are going to do just fine, I think they will end up surprising you by harvest with how much yield you get. No sweat!

@budelee I too have studied your HST/Scrog/FIM/etc thread, like a lot and still I'm like... how the eff am I gonna do this : P Thanks for the tips and advice thus far.
I don´t think to get yield as recommended... as I see them, there is something at least...that they are blocked.... my thoughts are about My Little Princes and Big Boy....
yo mongul, stopped by for a sec but still at work so didnt getta chance to go over the entire thing quite yet.... lol by no means am i a expert but do appreciate you asking my opinion... imo i think they look pretty healthy... it looks like some of the tips have a bit of yellow are you flushing now?? other than that they look pretty healthy in the pics.
yo mongul, stopped by for a sec but still at work so didnt getta chance to go over the entire thing quite yet.... lol by no means am i a expert but do appreciate you asking my opinion... imo i think they look pretty healthy... it looks like some of the tips have a bit of yellow are you flushing now?? other than that they look pretty healthy in the pics.

Thanks to stop in....i think, the more advisers there are, the better.....maybe it´s because of low quality/pictures...but there is no yellow and I´m far away from flushing:welcome:
Hey dude

Found my way over here from my thread and read through it all. Had a stranger issue early, but looks good now.

Was I correct when I read you have minimal run off when you feed?

Honestly, your biggest problem may be deciding which plant to enter in next months plant of the month competition.
Hey dude

Found my way over here from my thread and read through it all. Had a stranger issue early, but looks good now.

Was I correct when I read you have minimal run off when you feed?

Honestly, your biggest problem may be deciding which plant to enter in next months plant of the month competition.

I know right...? the pH "issue" doesn't seem to be an issue. He's knocking it out of the park! :woohoo1:
I know right...? the pH "issue" doesn't seem to be an issue. He's knocking it out of the park! :woohoo1:
You are right @NugNoob ... the "ph-issue" seems al right like I´m doing it...hey bro, thanks so much for your " translation and explaining" posts yesterday, they are so wife is getting angry about the time I´m spending in here...I had to promise her to do a short 1-week-family-vacation in southern-europe,after my my current grow finishes, when it will finish, nobody knows... like Italy enjoy the weather, joining the sea...having wife takes really a lot and is really uncomplaining to the grow...but for sure, also if I´m in vacation...I´ll behind your grow on mobile...keep in touch..
Hey dude

Found my way over here from my thread and read through it all. Had a stranger issue early, but looks good now.

Was I correct when I read you have minimal run off when you feed?

Honestly, your biggest problem may be deciding which plant to enter in next months plant of the month competition.

Thanks for answering ... if i had "minimal" run off" using all my kowlegde and also advises obtained here on AFN it probably could you told. they are looking good? They are transspiring like like hell...actual had to clear my demumidifier 4 times a day...thanks to be in...but first of all, I know what to do, let´s confirm @NugNoob he will doing fine..