That's a nice mountain of Widow sang!

No problem San, would write more but only taking quick cigarette breaks while pulling this all nighter trimming by myself....I have two cheese xxl germination right now. U inspired me to get some of these monsters and with all the seeds I have jump to the front of the line....your amazing skills give me hope to to continue growing as a grower, thanks for having me along food your Wilma grows brother! Much love!
i want to get into an autopot system in the near future but due to having a bunch of single seeds i dont think the autopot idea is going to work untill i put together another seed order and get all the same strain correct?@tripaholic88 thank you kindly sir- anyone could do it. You can fill the res tank and leave them for a full week no problem. Its lazy mans growing!
@Dudeski thanks for the rep dude
Harvest day for the white widow xxl! Day 82
up until a couple weeks ago I kept saying how I felt a little disappointed by this grow as the plants only reached about 70ish cm height each, and the cheese xxl in the other set up were nearly 6 feet!
but last nights harvest taught me that shorter plants with even canopy- BY FAR outperforms 6ft plants as far as bud production goes, every branch was like a main cola and every bud was dense.
no airy popcorn shit at all. so even canopy and lollypopping wil be my new regime.
last pictures of the girls
Another great harvest Sang,thats a fine looking heap of bud.I would rep you but i got to spread some around first.
So a good olewill have to suffice for now.
last shot in the Wilma
trim job took 5 hours for 2 of us- bus were very easy to trim. Very nice bud to leaf ratio
its all hanging up in the grow room now with fans circulating air, cant even make a guess on dry weight but it,ll blow away the previous grows 17.5 oz
Next up will be dutch passions autoultimate probably in another couple weeks or when @Wile e Peyote is ready to play, were having a friendly grow off!
cheers to everyone that's been following along its much appreciated- theres plenty more to come