The rumors of my cartel assassination are greatly exaggerated!! That poor pendejo didn't have a chance.... :xlaugh:
The coco Conchitas :wiggle: are IN THE FLOWER TENT, Waximus 2015 is UP and RUNNING!
Visual proof:
The Goyls, in their spanking new digs! The left side is Greenhouse Money Maker, the right is GH Great White Shark. Yeah.. I hadn't hooked everything up yet... I'll post some "tutorially" pics this weekend
Here is the 3x3 flood table I picked up- fits a 4x4 tent area, perfectly. That's a humidifier under the rigging, which will be moved back to make room for the drain bucket.
So, Questions for the experienced drippers.... I have my timer set to 30 seconds every 6 hours. The first cycle did not drain to waste, just made the 1 gal pouches heavy. And, the plants show no negative after 4 hours (since cycle). This schedule will put a cycle just before lights on, midday, just before lights off, and once in the middle of the night. The questions:
1. Does that sound like a good starting point?
2. SHOULD the pouches be draining to waste every cycle? Maybe 60 seconds, vs 30 for ON?
3. Is it better/necessary to NOT have a water cycle during lights out??
THIS has been an official update of the Waximus Drip System!! Thank you, and good tokes!!
"AFN smoke out"