Grow Mediums The Waximus DIY2015-A Drip System for the rest of us

All this has me thinking about looking into a auto feed system for soil. Do they exist? I think this could be a fun/frustrating as hell project for a little later down the road!
Brother B! I reckon this drip system would work with soil. You'd just have to adjust the timer(s) to meet the soil moisture needs.
One major consideration for me, in setting this up, is to keep the "table" as low as possible in the tent. I think I can get by with 10 inches of clearance under the table, for the waste container. I didn't want to lose any more vertical space, even though I FIM and LST like an executioner... lolol
I hand water for the first few weeks.
I don't mind as it gives me a chance to really look closely at the plants.
Sounds like you got a nice setup coming along!
Thanks for your experience, Gray Bear :) That gives me confidence that I'm on the right track! If I can get a drain/flood tray today for a good price, I might set up the system this weekend in the (now vacant) veg tent, for some pre-staging tests. Then, when it goes live, I'll have things close to dialed in as far as how long to water to runoff, and how often.
I love figuring out new methods, and THIS method is now under my skin!
some love, Gents!
I love diy stuff Waxi, almost everything I do is DIYed in some way or another.
I love to see if I can get it done inexpensively enough to bring to market.
So far, mostly not, but it keeps me busy.
The wife does not like the mad scientist nature of my DIY endeavors however, as I seem to have difficulty keeping things down in scale!
I love diy stuff Waxi, almost everything I do is DIYed in some way or another.
I love to see if I can get it done inexpensively enough to bring to market.
So far, mostly not, but it keeps me busy.
The wife does not like the mad scientist nature of my DIY endeavors however, as I seem to have difficulty keeping things down in scale!
Yes.. Lady Waxi has been "hinting" that another utility shed might want to pop up, this Spring..... I wonder if it is the emerging mountain of coco/soil/nutes....? lololol
I get the "what the hell??!!" look, too, with my growing pile of odds and ends related to my grow hobby. Can't get into a house fast enough because I'm quickly running out of space!
I get the "what the hell??!!" look, too, with my growing pile of odds and ends related to my grow hobby. Can't get into a house fast enough because I'm quickly running out of space!
I offered to build something like this, into the hill next to our house:

But Lady Waxi won't do the digging.... lololol
Thats beautiful lol would love to have a greenhouse like that!!

Yeah bro i handwater the first three weeks every other day, then start 1x per day till week 4 and then 3x per day thereon after. This way the roots are gonna be established by the time your cranking up the feeds.

If you know how to get a strong root system earlier on tho you can start feeding 1x/day from week 2. Since i didnt use any root stimulants i just played it safe.
Thats beautiful lol would love to have a greenhouse like that!! Yeah bro i handwater the first three weeks every other day, then start 1x per day till week 4 and then 3x per day thereon after. This way the roots are gonna be established by the time your cranking up the feeds. If you know how to get a strong root system earlier on tho you can start feeding 1x/day from week 2. Since i didnt use any root stimulants i just played it safe.
If ANs Voodoo Jiuce does its usual magic, they should be quick rooters :) Thanks for the tips, my Brother!
THAT would be a sweet grow set up. Heck, I'd come help you dig to get that going.
Awesome! 1 slave down... 6-7 to go... lololol We DO have a perfect place for a greenhouse like this.
Hi waximus, thanks for sharing.

I've made a very similar setup but with one big flaw. The res is higher than the plants. Once the timer kicks in and water starts pumping, it continues to syphon down the drip line. Bit of an oversight on my behalf!

Do you know of any values that might stem the lower pressure syphon-effect after the pump has stopped? I'm going to have to lower the res either way as I would hate 40l flowing feels!

I offered to build something like this, into the hill next to our house:

But Lady Waxi won't do the digging.... lololol

That joint would be tight!! Hell, let me get a small 4×4 corner, and you can in me to work!! Where's the shovel! I'll get to digging ASAP!