Grow Mediums The Waximus DIY2015-A Drip System for the rest of us

Good Shit I love DYI when its so cost effective ..recycle those old parts cant wait to see it in action.
Thanks, Peeps!! I appreciate the love :) I'm hoping to have the system ready for testing next week. Once its "ready for issue", I'll start some Greenhouse strains and the shakedown cruise begins!
"AFN smoke out"
I'm tuned into your show Waxi! Can't wait to see your upcoming grow using the system and what your results will be! Yeahh!!!!

I'm tuned into your show Waxi! Can't wait to see your upcoming grow using the system and what your results will be! Yeahh!!!!

Great to have you aboard, Nute! I know I've got a lot of juggling tents to do in the next week! lolol
And, yet ANOTHER avatar win! lololol
:Sharing One:
Another great thread from Waxi. I vote for Waxi TV! Or perhaps his own network, WBS! (Waxi's Broadcast System)
Another great thread from Waxi. I vote for Waxi TV! Or perhaps his own network, WBS! (Waxi's Broadcast System)
Great! The Rupert Murdoch of Cannabis....... Oy...... lolololol
a diy comedy show, I'd watch it! :p
I'll try to keep it light, but I'm hoping for docu-drama at worst! lolol
Sweet build waxi :) cant wait to see the magic!! :Sharing One: