Grow Mediums The Waximus DIY2015-A Drip System for the rest of us

Got my popcorn and a front row seat! Whose hoggin the weed?? lol "Munch..munch..munch

Man my airstone just got clogged and i couldnt unclog it for s***t. Its tiny tho compared to yours! How strong is ur airpump bro?
Got my popcorn and a front row seat! Whose hoggin the weed?? lol "Munch..munch..munch

Man my airstone just got clogged and i couldnt unclog it for s***t. Its tiny tho compared to yours! How strong is ur airpump bro?
Hand over the popcorn or the Ganja gets it!... lololol
I think its rated at 2 gal/min?? What the hell kinda spec is that?! It'll get one of my 6" round airstones right levitating, though! I'm clearly in the "more bubbles, more oxygen" camp lololol
I got my 1 gallon Root Pouches today. Their build quality is spot on, but, for a guy who usually grows in 5 gal airpots, its like a hood fer yer junk!! I cannot believe I am growing Ganja in a stub sock! lololol
Well, well, well! Look at what I've stumbled upon! "Munch..munch..munch
Thank you for having me, bruh! I am intrigued, and will definitely keep an eye on your journey into the land of coco growing!
Well, I decided to go with a PVC tray stand, like this one:
It just arrived- 3 days to ship (didn't purchase from eprey..)
This thing is SUBLIME! 10 seconds to assemble, and I can lay on it with no problem, so it'll handle a bevy of monster plants lolol
I'm going to go back to the hydro store today, and haggle with them on a demo unit 4x4 drain tray. The combination will look tight, and eliminate any jury rigging moving forward (famous last words...)

Since I just moved my veg tent plants into the flower tent, I'm ready to start the next seeds, the first coco run! I'm thinking I can germ them, and then pot them straight to 1 gal root pouches in Roots Organic cocopalm. I'll need to hand water for the first few weeks (9 plants in the flower tent until the first 4 are done in 4 weeks..., then I can set up the drip system on one side of the tent. Not ideal, as I will need to babysit the hand watering for most of veg, but I figure if I pre-install the drip rings, and work to keep a multi-watering per day schedule, it will work.
Any problems with this thinking, Peeps?
All this has me thinking about looking into a auto feed system for soil. Do they exist? I think this could be a fun/frustrating as hell project for a little later down the road!
I hand water for the first few weeks.
I don't mind as it gives me a chance to really look closely at the plants.
Sounds like you got a nice setup coming along!