Grow Mediums The Waximus DIY2015-A Drip System for the rest of us

Wowo waxi ladies are looking fine!! The setup is awesome man cant wait for the tutorially pics! Ill try to answer questions 1 and 2 but im no pro so hold off till someone more experienced answers.

1. Yeah that sounds like a great starting point. Based off their size/age i think the roots are well established now so they can take it.

Now, some theory. I think once in a while you should have a day with no waterings so the roots can explode in growth. Then when the plants fully budded, those extra roots can help drink more and so you can feed way more times/day.

2. I think yea u should, just to make sure the entire root zone is well saturated and no dry pockets build up in the coco. id go the full 60s.

Looking forward to your next update bro!!
Thank you, J! Glad to hear that the Ladies making the grade :) I have to admit, the change in routine had me slightly rattled, yesterday lolol Since the drip feed is all new, I was checking pot weight every 30 minutes, freaking that they didn't have run off, sniffing the fan breeze to see if I could detect the Digging Dead stench of root rot... lolololol All the while, the plants were just worshiping the LED panels.
I think I'm gong to like this :coffee2:

some love, Brother :Sharing One:
Hey waxi. I've done both ways [drip till drain, or no drain small drip. I usually do what you are dripping now in the first 2 weeks. I recommend you try pushing them a lot more, say 6x a day for 1 min. at thus stage in your plants life especially photo's, the roots are well established and it should be near impossible to over water. I say 6x a day but soon you may try 8. And if you want to try heavier fredings, back them down to 4x a day with longer feeds till good drainage. you have to work with them to find their sweet spots. Of course every woman is different :Sharing One:

If you are not getting drainage give them a nice flush every other day or so.

I water at even intervals during the day. I water at night as well. I will split up a 3x a day feeding for every 8 hrs. So 12, 8,4pm, repeat. Same wit more feedings just split them up even.
Hey waxi. I've done both ways [drip till drain, or no drain small drip. I usually do what you are dripping now in the first 2 weeks. I recommend you try pushing them a lot more, say 6x a day for 1 min. at thus stage in your plants life especially photo's, the roots are well established and it should be near impossible to over water. I say 6x a day but soon you may try 8. And if you want to try heavier fredings, back them down to 4x a day with longer feeds till good drainage. you have to work with them to find their sweet spots. Of course every woman is different :Sharing One:

If you are not getting drainage give them a nice flush every other day or so.

I water at even intervals during the day. I water at night as well. I will split up a 3x a day feeding for every 8 hrs. So 12, 8,4pm, repeat. Same wit more feedings just split them up even.
Brother truu! If there is a coco God, I hope he calls you, "Your Eminence" :clap::clap:
That is EXACTLY what I needed to know! Thank you, Brother:devil:

So, its Day 2 of the Waximus2015 Shake Down Cruise, and when I got home, the Ladies were LOVING IT!! I'm no photographer, but that table is High Times pic worthy lololol

truu, when you say a good flush, do you use plain/pH'd water? Or, override the cycle and pump them to drainage from the rez? My biggest concern was that the root pouches wouldn't drain, but I reckon it just needs a 60s soaking to get the "juices flowing"?

This looks like its going to be a favorite method, for me. I will be needing another table, and rez, for the perpetual setup, then.
And, I'm loving only having to mix the nutes every 3-4 days!
Thanks again, Brother! :d5:
You rock!
:Sharing One:
I have never used plain water to flush unless a serious problem occurs, or im flushing for harvest. You can always flush with fresh nutes from the res, as they are fresh with oxygen (I know you are oxygenating your res!). Never worry about over watering at this stage bro. You can flush those plants all day, as long as they have proper drainage you have nothing to worry about in 4 hours they will be ready for more. I used to use cloth pots and they worked great. For me, when my pots are somewhat dry and my drip isnt getting run off, I will just turn the pump on until it starts draining for 30 sec to a min.

Well its nice to see you and jay go off of what I've been talking about, the results are always great and its such a breeze to work with. I also really love seeing yall grow some badass plants! My dream setup would be to have 4 4x4 rooms with a 600w led in each, running a perpetual grow between the 4. One day.... one day.
I have never used plain water to flush unless a serious problem occurs, or im flushing for harvest. You can always flush with fresh nutes from the res, as they are fresh with oxygen (I know you are oxygenating your res!). Never worry about over watering at this stage bro. You can flush those plants all day, as long as they have proper drainage you have nothing to worry about in 4 hours they will be ready for more. I used to use cloth pots and they worked great. For me, when my pots are somewhat dry and my drip isnt getting run off, I will just turn the pump on until it starts draining for 30 sec to a min.

Well its nice to see you and jay go off of what I've been talking about, the results are always great and its such a breeze to work with. I also really love seeing yall grow some badass plants! My dream setup would be to have 4 4x4 rooms with a 600w led in each, running a perpetual grow between the 4. One day.... one day.
Well, its Day 3 of Drippapaloosa, and I could not be happier with this method, and the DIY2015 setup!
Truu, yes, I'm airstoning the rez, and keeping the temp in there at 67 deg f..
Question: Do you clean out your rez with every "change" of nutes, or just add to the leftovers? I think, at 4 days/5 gal of nutes, there will be less than an inch in the bottom of the rez... I could just turn on the cycle timer and drain it to the plants, i reckon- a dregs flush, perhaps...
And, I may switch out the cycle timer for a digital timer. I can get the exact feed times with the digital, but the cycle timer is far from "precision"..
The Ladies are in top form, and just starting to transition to flowering. Again, I could not be happier with this setup!
All for now, longgggggggg day/week, so its rollit time!
some love, Peeps!
"AFN smoke out"
Hahaha Drippapaloosa!! Aw yeah!!

i never cleaned the res bro when the water got to the pump level i would just add more water and let it be. I also didnt use a stone to oxygenate the res cuz it got clogged after a couple weeks use. Worked out fine, but if u have the time and energy cleaning it would be better of course.
Well its nice to see you and jay go off of what I've been talking about, the results are always great and its such a breeze to work with. I also really love seeing yall grow some badass plants! My dream setup would be to have 4 4x4 rooms with a 600w led in each, running a perpetual grow between the 4. One day.... one day.

You can say that again! Easiest grow i ever had AND the most rewarding!! Seriously my first two plants under this sys are gonna be my two best yielders lol

Having four 4x4 rooms with 600w each.... :bone: lol that would be awesome.
You can say that again! Easiest grow i ever had AND the most rewarding!! Seriously my first two plants under this sys are gonna be my two best yielders lol

Having four 4x4 rooms with 600w each.... :bone: lol that would be awesome.

Hey, J :) I am using Drip Clean in the rez. I'm hoping that will help the airstone stay clean. If not, I've got 5 more, from my early DWC days.. I'll just change 'em out lolol

I think I'm going to convert the other half of the flower tent to drip, as well! Halfway to truu's dream setup :Aloha:

My "next" concern is for how tall the Ladies get. As it is, the flood table is 14 inches off the floor. If these plants get as big as the Durbans and Chemdogs are (4 foot), then I'll be duct taping the lighting to the ceiling.... lololol (No. Waxi wouldn't duct tape a light to a ceiling.... :ama:)
I'm hoping the FIM/Topping will keep them around 3 feet, tops. The bud site count on these babies is going to be full on BushMonster!! lolol
Off to the honey do list, peeps :)
some love
I clean my res usually every change out. The additives I use in flower get really bubbly in the res with my airstone and when it dries on the side it gets crusty. So ive just got in the habit of taking the res outside and spraying it down, no real serious cleaning or disenfecting. If your res doesnt get any gunk build up or dirty in any way I wouldnt worry about cleaning it. Never had an airstone clog, but my stones put out a pretty good amount of air I dont think they could clog up. :dunno: