Grow Mediums The Waximus DIY2015-A Drip System for the rest of us

I clean my res usually every change out. The additives I use in flower get really bubbly in the res with my airstone and when it dries on the side it gets crusty. So ive just got in the habit of taking the res outside and spraying it down, no real serious cleaning or disenfecting. If your res doesnt get any gunk build up or dirty in any way I wouldnt worry about cleaning it. Never had an airstone clog, but my stones put out a pretty good amount of air I dont think they could clog up. :dunno:
Thank you, Bro :) Yeah, my air pump could inflate the Hindenburg! lolol
I will check for crusties tomorrow, and act accordingly :)
You boys Rock!"AFN smoke out"
I think its cuz my air pump is too weak, its a double output but still i need one of those industrial strenght ones lol
I've been thinking about rigging up a small/cheapo version of something like this just to keep plants alive on vacation. One really stupid thing that is stumping me lol, do those basic digital timers for about $15~$20 time in minutes?

The analog timers I'm using for lights are just the type with the pins, and just 1 pin per day would probably drown the plants lol. So I guess I need one in minutes right? Like 3~5 mins a day or something maybe?

I read the packaging for all the timers in Lowes/Home Depot for an hour one day, and none were explicitly clear if they could be timed in minutes! Lol wtf it's so simple that it's stupid haha!
Correction / Update: ok maybe Home Depot / Lowes isn't the best place to shop for advanced timers if you can't figure them out there like I apparently couldn't lmao!

Turns out that Hydrofarm makes a nice timer just for this exact thing... Duh! It's available at the online grow shops and Amazon, and does digitally time in minutes all the way down to 1 minute on, has up to 8 on/offs per day, and even a backup battery to maintain your timer settings during power outages.

I just had to search a little differently :)
Correction / Update: ok maybe Home Depot / Lowes isn't the best place to shop for advanced timers if you can't figure them out there like I apparently couldn't lmao!

Turns out that Hydrofarm makes a nice timer just for this exact thing... Duh! It's available at the online grow shops and Amazon, and does digitally time in minutes all the way down to 1 minute on, has up to 8 on/offs per day, and even a backup battery to maintain your timer settings during power outages.

I just had to search a little differently :)
That's the one I'm thinking of switching to, Anthro :) Do you know if it does seconds? I need to pull one of mine out and check, in a bit...
I've been using one of these:

It works great, but you are limited to setting one knob for how many seconds/minutes ON, and the other knob is how many minutes/hours between ON cycles. If you set it to go off at noon, every 6 hours, the actual time drifts a few minutes a day, and that zotzed something in my OCD gland... lololol
Hey dudes. Ive been through all of this already lol. The GH timer is the second best timer you can get, only because its lowest settings are in min, they also need to be recalibrated somewhat frequently.

If you want a timer that goes down to seconds, go on ebay and get a mistking mister timer. It does seconds, and it needs to be recalibrated less than the GH. I use this one.
The Hydrofarm unit I don't think does seconds, but I planned to use 1/2 gph drippers, and so a few minutes per day should keep my soil plants doing well on vacation. That's just what my particular needs are though :) A little bit of drift would probably be okay in my case.

But I guess if I were full hydro, not soil, maybe I'd want a good one with seconds like Truu mentioned. Drift would be a problem with something like hydro that needs to be very precise.

Ordered the Hydrofarm one for now, it should be up to my small-tent soil needs.
Hey dudes. Ive been through all of this already lol. The GH timer is the second best timer you can get, only because its lowest settings are in min, they also need to be recalibrated somewhat frequently.

If you want a timer that goes down to seconds, go on ebay and get a mistking mister timer. It does seconds, and it needs to be recalibrated less than the GH. I use this one.
Game.Set.Match, Brother! Just picked it up :)
Pretty happy with the duration of the cooler rez, too. Haven't had to refill, and its day 5- tomorrow will be the day :) After ducting the exhaust blower around the corner, no issues keeping the rez at 67deg, either. Smooth sailing!
Wouldn't have been a stroll without your mentoring, Brother! Thanks for all the advice, and encouragement! :pighug:
Hey guys:Sharing One:
THIS is the short cycle timer I've been using lately.
Min/max off time of 10 seconds.
It's nice because it has a photo sensor, so if you don't want watering at night you can set it like that too.
It's been working well for me so far.
Decent price too.
Now that is a very nice feature! The photosensor, I mean. Reading the description, I think that could also be used to turn an exhaust fan off at night, for instance when a heater must be used in winter. Of course other timers can just be synced to do this, but it would be very helpful to have it in one package like that! Bookmarked for possible use one day :)