Grow Mediums The Waximus DIY2015-A Drip System for the rest of us

Waxi great tutorial bro the setup is great!

And that song... lmao!! Im in love with the coco.. hahaha.
Speaking of inspiration, Bro, it was your coco loco thread that got me interested in going drip/coco :) So, thank YOU for the inspiration, J! Then, you get Brother truu to come along side, and I was HOOKED! This is unquestionably the easiest hydro set up to maintain, methinks. I plan on converting my entire flower tent to drip, now, and I'm excited for the "extra" time. I may just have to breed a Waxi cross for the rest of the world to try lolol

And, THIS is the magic of AFN! I was inspired, to inspire someone else, to grow and learn and yield the best canna we can! Most Righteous!
"AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out"
Hey Waxi, I'm dialing my stuff in still, and noticed something odd. It appears that, for some many minutes after my pump turns off, the drippers keep going. I must assume that it's because the main line is still pressurized for some time..? Lol. This is kinda screwing me up lol.

Does yours do this? Should I put in a return line back to the tank reservoir? Maybe if it had a return line, without a dripper of course, it would immediately depressurize upon pump turn off.
I never noticed, Bro. But, I wouldn't be too concerned. I have 6 feet of 1/2 between my pump and manifold, so I figure it's a cup, cup and a half, of water..
I'm still kinda freaked out that the pots are so wet/heavy! That is taking some getting used to... lolol
Yeah it does do some serious watering lol. I picked 0.5 gph drippers, and did a few tests into a water bottle, looked good, and did the first automated live plant test last night :) just 15 minutes soaked the pot and I had a little runoff in the saucer! I normally don't like to water the soil to runoff, so we're trying 10 minutes tonight.

I had thought I would need a midday timer program also, but once a day might be enough, or maybe too much even haha!

Check out my cute lil DIY drip ring too haha, I just used about a foot of the small tubing and punched a bunch of tiny holes with an xacto knife, slapped it to a T and put a stake and line to it. Damn if it doesn't work surprisingly well! It actually does drip through many of the holes too lol! (I ththought maybe it might just come out of the two or three closest holes to the line but it spreads out!)
Those look Mint, Bro!
My pots are always heavy, but the only thing I've noted is a brand new cal/mg issue with one of the Money Makers. I upped the cal/mag on today's rez add :) Hoping to nip it in the bud heh heh
I think 30 seconds on for my system puts about 3 pints through each pot. Its doing that 4x/day right now, and the plants have grown 6 inches in 5 days :)
truu says its hard to overwater when they're mature. truu is correct, methinks!
Speaking of inspiration, Bro, it was your coco loco thread that got me interested in going drip/coco :) So, thank YOU for the inspiration, J! Then, you get Brother truu to come along side, and I was HOOKED! This is unquestionably the easiest hydro set up to maintain, methinks. I plan on converting my entire flower tent to drip, now, and I'm excited for the "extra" time. I may just have to breed a Waxi cross for the rest of the world to try lolol

And, THIS is the magic of AFN! I was inspired, to inspire someone else, to grow and learn and yield the best canna we can! Most Righteous!
"AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out"

Aw shucks thanks brother glad to have inspired u!! I completely agree on the ease of use, crazy how little time is invested with this method! And really time flies now since i only do res changes every 5 days or so haha. I check on my girls every day but when i see the res light im like woah its been 5 days already?! lol awesome stuff.

I hope this thread helps to inspire even more peeps onto Truu's drip method for autos, and even more drip theory comes to light!! I love how you're setting it up and putting up awesome tutorially pics and stuff that are just pure gold when it comes to this man thank you!!
Howdy, coconuts!
I received my MistKing timer yesterday, and wasted no time putting it into the system. I'm now cycling 5x/day, once in the middle of night cycle. I'll post pics this weekend, but------ The Ladies have nearly doubled in size!!! They're in full stretch mode, and I'm hoping for no more tham another 8-9 inches before they settle.
ABSOLUTELY BLOWN AWAY over the growth, health, and EASE of this setup!:fire:
I just mixed another 3 gallon rez dose, 10 minutes work, 5 days off... lolol:coffee2:
I thought I has a bit of cal/mag showing on one of the MM Ladies, but turns out, I just wiped it with the watering can, so it got the scabies....
All is well in Waximus2015 Land!
Hope y'all have a great weekend. Time for me to get to painting..."AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out"
Caught up and subbed now Wax Excellent read lads. Has gotten my lazy ass juices flowing. Something like the Waximus2015 would be the bee's knees for my "already hate to water" self. But space limitation dictates something more limited in size like what Anthro has whipped up. KODOS to all
Caught up and subbed now Wax Excellent read lads. Has gotten my lazy ass juices flowing. Something like the Waximus2015 would be the bee's knees for my "already hate to water" self. But space limitation dictates something more limited in size like what Anthro has whipped up. KODOS to all
Hey, Duck :) Thanks for stopping by, Brother! One great thing about this drip setup is that you could downsize it- use a 5 gallon covered bucket, smaller pump, and run 1-2 plants with it. I've been fantasizing about running a drip with 55 gallon drums, 16 plants per rez :) When canna is legal in Maine, I already have the site selected! A Waxi can dream.....
some love, Brother :Sharing One:
Minor update: The Coco Conchitas just sterted week 3 under 12/12. They were slow on the preflowering, but now buds are setting fast. I replaced the (14" high) legs of my table frame with 3.5 hydro buckets to get more vertical height. Damn girls were growing 2 inches a day for almost a week! I reckon they'll slow vertical in a week or so....
They are taking OVER the entire 1/2 tent! A full canopy is guaranteed :)
I've got the rez at 2/3 AN Master plan, and just introduced Bud Factor X into the mix, so that'll be a new addition to watch/observe :)
All in all, I'm COMPLETELY happy with this setup! :Sharing One: