Grow Mediums The Waximus DIY2015-A Drip System for the rest of us

Sweet thread. I plan on trying this with my hempy buckets. I priced out everything I needed to like 32$ on amazon. Not including the drip clean and ph perfect nutes i'd want to get with it. Not bad at all. ;D

I was originally looking into auto pots but the prices on those things are nuts. This drip system seems so easy. I'm sick and tired of having to water plants every other day and I'm sure I should be watering every single day but if I can barely manage it every other day there is no way everyday is happening lol. I need the drip in my life. I'd consider doing it now if I knew for certain I wouldn't have to stress about ph with my current nutes.

I'm assuming liquid nutes would be better for this? ;o
Sweet thread. I plan on trying this with my hempy buckets. I priced out everything I needed to like 32$ on amazon. Not including the drip clean and ph perfect nutes i'd want to get with it. Not bad at all. ;D

I was originally looking into auto pots but the prices on those things are nuts. This drip system seems so easy. I'm sick and tired of having to water plants every other day and I'm sure I should be watering every single day but if I can barely manage it every other day there is no way everyday is happening lol. I need the drip in my life. I'd consider doing it now if I knew for certain I wouldn't have to stress about ph with my current nutes.

I'm assuming liquid nutes would be better for this? ;o

Howdy, anasazi :) Yes, the drip system freed up a whole bunch of time in my grow schedule! I still have the veg tent, and some test autos that I have to care for daily, but this system... Rez fill every 5-6 days (4 gallons of AN schedule, and yes, liquid nutes-especially pH perfect- are truly perfect for it.), and give the plants some touch time, and they do their thing. Incredible! When Canna is finally legal here in Maine, I plan on a large scale drip setup, as it eliminates HOURS of care, while giving near DWC growth.
I'm setting up another 4x4 drip table on the other half of my 4x8 flower tent, so flowering will be easy peasy! lolol
Thanks for coming by, and best to you as you go coco/drip!
:Sharing One:
I got a question for your sir waxi. The one thing about all of this that is confusing me to no end. Don't laugh! I know this is probably really stupid but........ How the hell do you connect the 1/2 tubing to the manifold? I've been searching for cheap manifolds on amazon and it seems like all of them have some weird piece on the end that wants you to screw it on to something. I was assuming I could just stick my tube in there some how but I don't want to spend money only to find out it doesn't work.

Here is an example of what I'm talking about.

I'm pretty sure I need some type of adapter but I can't for the life of me figure out what it's called out how to search for it lol. I know it's possible to build my own manifold with the 1/2 inch tubing i'm going to already have connected to the pump anyway but I wanted it to look all nice. qq
I got a question for your sir waxi. The one thing about all of this that is confusing me to no end. Don't laugh! I know this is probably really stupid but........ How the hell do you connect the 1/2 tubing to the manifold? I've been searching for cheap manifolds on amazon and it seems like all of them have some weird piece on the end that wants you to screw it on to something. I was assuming I could just stick my tube in there some how but I don't want to spend money only to find out it doesn't work.

Here is an example of what I'm talking about.

I'm pretty sure I need some type of adapter but I can't for the life of me figure out what it's called out how to search for it lol. I know it's possible to build my own manifold with the 1/2 inch tubing i'm going to already have connected to the pump anyway but I wanted it to look all nice. qq

Don't call me Sir..Sir.... lolololol
Yes, there is a gizmo/adapter that screws into the manifold side, with a 1/2" ribbed male side for the rez connect. I had a few odd pieces from water pump purchases.. the thingees that you go..nah, don't need it!... Well, I had three of the gizmos in that pump box! If you don't have a pump box, the hydro store should have gizmos in the bins :) Maybe $2-3, each, if not less :)
sir waxi.... Jeebus...... LOLOLOLOL
I need the drip in my life.


Greatest thing i've read all day lol. Go to the store and play with all the drip parts.. it'll give you an idea what all that will look like/work.
what do you guys think about res sizes? I don't have much room to work with and I want to do 3x 2.5 gal plants at a time in my 3x3 space. I'm assuming 3 plants of that size will fill my tent. I don't want to be stuck refilling the res every 3 days though. I thought 5 days sounded good but I wasn't sure if my 5 gal bucket would make it that long.

I figured i'd keep my feedings down to maybe 2x a day. I'm using hempy containers and those combined with my coco/perlite mix seem to hold a lot of water.

I'll probably just try the 5 gal bucket since I already have it and see how it goes. I can always buy something bigger down the road I guess. Waxis 8 gallon per 3 day shit scared the hell out of me though lol.

Dat drip got me excited. ;D
what do you guys think about res sizes? I don't have much room to work with and I want to do 3x 2.5 gal plants at a time in my 3x3 space. I'm assuming 3 plants of that size will fill my tent. I don't want to be stuck refilling the res every 3 days though. I thought 5 days sounded good but I wasn't sure if my 5 gal bucket would make it that long.

I figured i'd keep my feedings down to maybe 2x a day. I'm using hempy containers and those combined with my coco/perlite mix seem to hold a lot of water.

I'll probably just try the 5 gal bucket since I already have it and see how it goes. I can always buy something bigger down the road I guess. Waxis 8 gallon per 3 day shit scared the hell out of me though lol.

Dat drip got me excited. ;D
I just picked up a 2nd rez, at Wally World, for $16.. A Coleman 38 Quart/10gal.. I mix 4 gallons of nute solution and fill every 6 days, feeding 4 plants, 1 gal fabric bags, 5 feedings a day. Those 4 plants completely fill their 4x4 side of the tent.
Find a cheap cooler, and your golden :)
:Sharing One:
wow 4 gal of solution for 4 plants over 6 days. that sounds great. Seems like I really don't need to worry about it then lol. I keep thinking I want to try recirculating but I keep talking myself out of it. ;D 3x3 tent is really not much room.

Thanks for the input waxi!
You coco growing, fancy schmancy drip system guys think your so cool! LOL!
Ahhhh, Bandit the Provocateur... lololol
Hey, if you could have someone feed you...Beer... 5xday, every day. And, you only had to change the keg every 6 days.... BURP!!! LOLOLOL
aaight :Sharing One: