Grow Mediums The Waximus DIY2015-A Drip System for the rest of us

I think part of my problem is I used more tubing than I really needed. My 3 plants are close to being done. The biggest will probably get cut down in a week. After that i'm going to try and use a lot less tubing so that way I won't have to stress about all the extra tubing on the floor.

What do you guys do for filters for the pump? I was looking at those filter bags you can put your pump in. I can't believe they want like 15 bucks for one of those things though. Is a filter even really needed? my cheap ass pump didn't come with one.

If I was going to try heating the tubing, how would you suggest I do so? like nuking it in the microwave? ;D
Do you guys know if it's ok to use airline tubing for the drip tubing? I bought some irrigation tubing but it's so hard and difficult to work with I HATE IT. I want to use airline tubing but I was worried there was a reason why it's called airline tubing lol.
It,s perfectly fine to use airline tubing,,i have used aquarium air hose tubing for drip rings for a decade..pneumatic tubing (prob,, not spelled right) also works,, silicone also work..e.t.c... [emoji2]
Thanks for the input ksj! I think I will definitely use air tubing for my rings at the least. My current setup has been working pretty well so far. Not perfect but that's more due to me having 3 different size pots for all 3 plants connected to the drip system.

After this grow I'm going to stick to 2.5 gallons. I currently have my system going 2x a day and I get a very small amount of run off on the 2 smaller pots. The 2.5 gal, not so much. I'm cutting her down any day now though so it's okay.

thumbs up for the waximus diy 2015 drip system ;D
Howdy, Peeps!
Just wanted to pop in and say "Hows the Growin, Goin?!"
The Waximus 2015 is still the go-to method here in Waxiville :) I have 9 plants in the 4x8 tent, running off of one 15 gallon cooler/system, and they're loving their lot in life!
If you're running a drip setup, either as a result of this thread or just because you find it a great method, drop us a pic!! I'd love to see what you've accomplished!
I just put my Sour Hound on the drip at day 29. I only have it and a photo c99 at day 15 going atm. Last time I was using hempy bucket but this time I went with air pot as I thought it would fit better with the drip method. Well it's been 3 days since I hooked the Sour Hound up and it's been amazing. It's working even better than before, air pot is definitely the way to go for this. I set it up for 3x a day @2mins each. I didn't have to do any more tinkering after that first random setting! everything was perfect! Plant is looking amazing too. It's like a mini version of the SH tang has going right now. I'm using a 4.6L instead of 15L like him but she is looking purty.

I definitely want to get some bigger air pots for my next grow. <3 the drip
I just put my Sour Hound on the drip at day 29. I only have it and a photo c99 at day 15 going atm. Last time I was using hempy bucket but this time I went with air pot as I thought it would fit better with the drip method. Well it's been 3 days since I hooked the Sour Hound up and it's been amazing. It's working even better than before, air pot is definitely the way to go for this. I set it up for 3x a day @2mins each. I didn't have to do any more tinkering after that first random setting! everything was perfect! Plant is looking amazing too. It's like a mini version of the SH tang has going right now. I'm using a 4.6L instead of 15L like him but she is looking purty.

I definitely want to get some bigger air pots for my next grow. <3 the drip
Righteous! When they take off in the drip... blows my mind, every time!
Got my fingers crossed! I dunno how many grows deep I am tbh, maybe 6 or so but it's been about a year and a half since I started and in that time I've only had 1 grow that I was really proud of. I think my first time using the drip + air pot might turn out to be the 2nd plant in my relatively short grower career that I can be proud of.

Now it's going to suck horribly if I'm jinxing myself right now and something goes wrong between now and the time it finishes haha. I wanted to post a pic though as I don't have e journal and I really do love the drip if for no other reason then it allows me to be lazy and only deal with watering one time a week.


Day 38 Mephisto Sour Hound 4.6L air pot and 24 inches tall. Fed nothing but AN ph perfect coco BLOOM/calmag from seedling. No ph pen used at all for this grow so far.

I got my 1 gallon Root Pouches today. Their build quality is spot on, but, for a guy who usually grows in 5 gal airpots, its like a hood fer yer junk!! I cannot believe I am growing Ganja in a stub sock! lololol