Grow Mediums The Waximus DIY2015-A Drip System for the rest of us

Lol,it looks like an alien space ship,but am stoned.
I will send off for that one then.
My plan starts to come together,lol.
Cheers Waxi,now all ive got to work out is how to set the timer when i get it.All those buttons scare me.
They cant be that difficult,can they?
Lololol I spaced n it for an hour, the day I got it... Righteous engineering :)
I just got a 2nd Mistking in the mail, today. It took under a minute to set 3x/day, with a 15 second run. And, I was under the influence of Durban Poison... A right speed bump... lolol
Lololol I spaced n it for an hour, the day I got it... Righteous engineering :)
I just got a 2nd Mistking in the mail, today. It took under a minute to set 3x/day, with a 15 second run. And, I was under the influence of Durban Poison... A right speed bump... lolol
Lol.Just a case of getting getting used to it then.I`ll figure it out pal.
I ordered the 4 port adjustable manifold,same brand as my link as i would never use 8 ports in my set up.It was cheaper than the inline sprinkler option.kushty.
Just a question on watering.
I run 18/6 lights for economy reasons,so is it adviseable to water in the dark period,i have read that
some growers water half an hour before lights on,and miss any others that fall in the dark period.
What is your opinion on this Waxi?
Cheers pal.
Lol.Just a case of getting getting used to it then.I`ll figure it out pal.
I ordered the 4 port adjustable manifold,same brand as my link as i would never use 8 ports in my set up.It was cheaper than the inline sprinkler option.kushty.
Just a question on watering.
I run 18/6 lights for economy reasons,so is it adviseable to water in the dark period,i have read that
some growers water half an hour before lights on,and miss any others that fall in the dark period.
What is your opinion on this Waxi?
Cheers pal.
I owe a debt to Jayar and truu on the watering schedule :)
I handwatered during veg, 3x/day, maybe a 1.5 cups liquid, each feed. Then, when I put them on the table, in flower-lights on 7AM-7PM, I set the timer for 6:30AM, 2:30PM, 10:30PM- 30 seconds each. The "night watering" did not harm.
Then I started 5x/Day, equally spaced timing, and still no issues with night feeding. I was going to up the feeds to 8 times a day, but I just checked the plants, and they don't seem to need anything more. THEY ARE THRIVING! Bud sets are sugaring up like crazy, and stack stack stacking, too! I'll have pics tomorrow... Just stellar growth! And, I'm at 3/4 strength AN nutes at this stage-Day 38 in flower. I think 5x/Day will do it for the rest of this run :)
Now, I could see dark period watering becoming an issue if the humidity is high in your grow area. Mine-Wintah in Maine- struggles to stay in the 40s(humidity) in the flower tent, and I have an industrial Venta humidifier at the intake lolol. At night, my rH can go up to 60-62, but its only during lights out. In Summer, I expect I'll be needing a rez cooling option, and will have to keep an eye on high humidity. In Winter, I just feed the room cold steam... lolol
Spot on info Waxi,just what i wanted to know.
My RH has never got above 60% in summer and is usually 30-40% in winter.
Im only gonna use a 20l bucket with lid as my res. so im hoping i should be able to keep it cool with ice bottles if need be.
Looking forward to seeing your pics tomorra pal.
Thanks for your help once again Waxi.
Make sure your connections are on point. My dumb ass has been having a helluva time getting the right size pieces for my shit. I've ordered 2 parts now that I can't even use cause my shit doesn't fit LOL. Gotta suck it up and go to home depot tomorrow to get the right piece. Fuck ordering online. ;D
Thank you for the kind words, red :) Yes, that timer will do the job. You probably will need to adjust the flow, as even one minute on, with a strong pump, will put a LOT of liquid through the drippers. I use the DIY drippers, but the flow control type will make the grade.
I had a look through the UK Amazon site, and they don't have a EU plug version of the Mistking seconds timer-evidently only a US product... Bummer, as that timer is THE best. Anyhow.. That timer will do the trick!
The Drip Plants are really packing on the buds now! Yesterday was the first day that, immediately upon opening the tent, mega-Dank Ganja scent! I can't wait to see these plants at week 9 :)
This toke's for you, Bro! :Sharing One:
just ordered the mist king timer emailed the shop its got a EU plug on it just need a travel adapter cost about £34.00 delivered ordered sunday they reckon i should get it by thursday but i did find one on fleabay after i ordered the mistking :Sharing One:

(sorry ment to say ordered it from the mistking website for people in europe you click a button at the top of the page )
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Do you guys know if it's ok to use airline tubing for the drip tubing? I bought some irrigation tubing but it's so hard and difficult to work with I HATE IT. I want to use airline tubing but I was worried there was a reason why it's called airline tubing lol.
Do you guys know if it's ok to use airline tubing for the drip tubing? I bought some irrigation tubing but it's so hard and difficult to work with I HATE IT. I want to use airline tubing but I was worried there was a reason why it's called airline tubing lol.
Hi Anasazi, My concern would be that it is somewhat softer than the irrigation tubing. I found that, if you hit the irr tube end with a lighter, just for a few seconds, it will make connections MUCH easier. It still bugs me that it is so springy on the table, but--no leaks :)
:Sharing One:
hmm. is there a downside to it being so soft? it's not really the connections i'm having a problem with but more like the tubing just won't ever go straight or sit on the floor and my diy rings refuse to stay flat on the pots etc etc etc. I also need to figure out why one of my 3 plants seems to not be getting as much water as the others.

lol i've been having a helluva time setting this thing up. I am so not a handy man, THIS SYSTEM IS NOT EVEN DIFFICULT OMG I SUCK. ;D
Got my irigation tube today,and its very flexible,its made from pvc.supposedly.
I found it difficult to drill a 1mm or even 2mm hole in it,more like rubber and the hole kept closing up on itself.I had to use a thin hot nail to get a clear hole,but i managed.
Anasazi,have you tried warming up your tubing,not too much or it will warp,and lightly weigh it down in position you want it.It sounds like it needs to lose its "memory". Just an idea pal.