
Dec 4, 2012
Reaction score


I am looking forward to the next 90 day's with the "Ultimate"
she is 50% Sativa 50% Indica 15-18% Delta 9. From my readings and advice she is greedy strain. The bourne id yielded 323 from 3 of these ladies, so i will try to match that hopefully.

10 March Is Day one/Beans Went in water.

AUTOBERRY'S GROWOUT SPECS Dp's "Ultimate" journal.....

12no Ultimate Fem/Regs in a 1.5/1.5/2m cab

In 9ltr home made airpots

1000w 7 spec led's (Custom made Order For AB) from LEDHydroponics.

KSA 100mm thermo fan at 26c

Soil jhn inns seedling compost 10% perlite 15% vermiculite 10% zero alkaline sand grit. Added at tbls in 9ltr epsom salt & potash soil conditioners/buffers.

Auto feed system spider head

nute canna regieme terra.......plus silica vit/min drop nitric acid ph down AN grow/fwr cal mag buffer into RO water warmed to 19c intermittent & pre feed airation halia 35ltr/min

i anticipate using 823kw during the grow. 91 days 5wks veg 35 days 8wks flower 56 days (The ultimate finishes well early like auto time !) but with fem reg yield.

This is the key to my target 1g/Kw

If i get 825g dry and use 823Kw = 0/99g/Kw

Here are the day 6 pics;

ULTIMATE DP SOG JOURNAL day 6 seedlings 12no 002.jpg Out of 15 seeds, 12 have germinated in 3 day's.
ULTIMATE DP SOG JOURNAL day 6 seedlings 12no 003.jpg The Ultimate "Ultimate" Seedlings
ULTIMATE DP SOG JOURNAL day 6 seedlings 12no 004.jpg
ULTIMATE DP SOG JOURNAL day 6 seedlings 12no 005.jpg From little things, to Big !!..
ULTIMATE DP SOG JOURNAL day 6 seedlings 12no 006.jpg Youl Ladies !!
1000W Led Panel 6 SPECTRUM LED  330W consuption 009.jpg Me new 1000w custom build 6spec unit, well pleased. Very low db's from it's 4no 100mm silent run cooler fans. And on the electric check meter it comes out at 345w power used/hr. That is a combined unit saving, the larger the unit the cheaper to run. very pleased, got a 5yr eu/uk warranty in addition for my troubles.

Heres What;

DP Masters At Genetics.jpg
Has to say about the "Breed"....The Ultimate From Dutch Passion nl.
Through careful breeding we have created one of our most important strains, we call it “The Ultimate” as it combines some of the heaviest yields we have ever seen with genuine connoisseur quality.:wiz:

It grows to a height of 60-75cm, ideal for the indoor grow room. Flowering time is 8-10 weeks, with explosive bud growth in the last 2 weeks. The Ultimate (50% Indica, 50% Sativa) will take plenty of nutrients during the growth cycle and is resistant to moulds and bud rot making it a good greenhouse choice too. The Ultimate is very suited for taking cuttings.:hot:

Our growers have never seen a plant yield as heavily with this level of quality. This is a recession busting strain of epic proportions and is guaranteed not to disappoint. This strain is already setting new standards amongst the Dutch commercial growers and is set to become a Dutch Passion legend.

A legend it is, and i will show how it can perform; right here !!!........

So keep popping in for the updates on The Ultimate SOG Grow Journal

Best wishes Autoberry. DP (Premier Grower) @ AFN.......:D
Subbed up- just might make this my next grow cant wait to see the ultimate.:group:
Want to see this 1 for sure,,Gd luck AB hope u hit ur target..:smokebuds:
Nice setup and seeds bro. Interested in how you made these home made Airpots? And can you lower you lights at all? The baby's seem to be stretching quite abit.
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will you exceed your OutLaw achievement ? It will be very interesting to see, and you have thought carefully about your plan. best of luck man
Nice setup and seeds bro. Interested in how you made these home made Airpots? And can you lower you lights at all? The baby's seem to be stretching quite abit.

Kip,.........well spotted,.........some strains fem/reg do stretch a little more than others. I usually elevate mt air pots to the light. But was so pleased when i got 14 out of 15 ultimate germed from wet. I for got to elevate for a couple of day's,......i was in bed for 2 days with spring flu,.............They are fully underway now though !!.........and i have shaken flu 60% off !!.........treated me self to some new 600watters led units. The home made air pots, are uk garage flower pots, 11ltr and very tall, perfect for me. Then ijust drilled plenty of 10mm holes through sides,..........air into root same as, and a proper resivoir at the top, with little sinkidge as with the spicky vertion. Hope this helps Kip,........
Eyes Peeled, good luck with your grow AB, will be watching

Cheers INH,...........i now have 15 girls in there on open, SOG, so i should easy get the 1g/Kw i would think. Not been done before in uk ! me new 189 photon 600w units are well made, and i am pleased. As these have the top x3 lenses. And direct more light downwards than my evaders 240w. Which i have used on all my other grows, on here. Have a look at day 13 update, you can see the increased coloridge directed onto girls......... Thought i would treat myself for the ultimate grow !!..........and they use less lecky !................it's the same quality Bridgelux/Epistar 3w diode as in my evader, but the 189 has the lenses...............thought i give em a go !!...........pleased so far.....anything to the contrary i post it !!....AB..........:key: