I noticed you havn't added any updates for some time Autoberry. I'm keen to checkout the progress and I'm sure I am not the only one, hope everything is going great with the fruit-age process .
I reckon AB is busy getting some bigger stash jars.....
Right on AB salivating for walnuts!!!
UPDATE; DP's Ultimate, SOG Journal.
Day 76 overall from first wetting DP's Ultimate beans. Day 25 Flower.
Your salivation Insert, can now be Ultimately quenched !! As we have our first "Walnut" or thereabouts Insert, at day 25 Flower at. Ec 1.6 Ph 6.5 temp 26c day. Lights out 14-19c. Flowers developing well after 25 days on 1.6 ec flwr nutes. They are slightly smaller than the Outlaw at this stage of flwr. No high N to delay flwr either. No dark green fans either. But filling out ok.
My thread page height has been reduced ?? can only get one pic on. INH can you sort please. 3 of the ultimate's are now at 1.4m and 6 days into LST !! the rest at 90cm-1.1cm. 40-50% stretch post 12/12. Gone from SOG to "Green Jungle". Will put more pics on tomoz or when page gets sorted on length !!..indi pheno below, classic "Skunk" long stem bud building strain..AB.....
day 54 fwr 76 oa ultimate 009.jpg
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yep, it will be interesting AB

Yea, Tony............it all ready is !!..............all my readings, show the ultimate at a max 100cm, after all pre flower stretch and so on............Qs;. "SO WHY ARE MINE 1.5M" !!.......or 4 of em are !!..........Skill Vs Genetics !!..

The maximum potential has been brought out by the Photon Led array. As i have not pushed the Ultimate to hard with nutes during veg was fine. Nice and tidy. Show em the Flora nute kept "N" low on purpose. To keep control of canopy. But bang, they went for it under the 1300w. As now inc an additional 240w evader 7 spectrum LEDhydro unit i used before.

The home made airpots seem to have worked to. kept drink down to 260mls twice daily. And still they have produced copius amounts of bud satalite sites by the bucket. The 14 Ultimate and one Outlaw are drinking 35L in 3-4 days. Dont forget my LEd array is 30% veg & 70% FLOWER Spectrums !!......Hence the additional veg window i gave them. 35 day's left to pack iot on. The "Bouquet" is pine fresh, citrus tang....with sweetness of skunk, but not 8% !!.......AB.....
The SOG Gone "Green ULTIMATE Jungle" !!.......Lovely strain, love it.......AB...
day 54 fwr 104 oa ultimate 007.jpg
Looks like a Full House!!!

Day 28 Flower; Day 79 Overall;

It is an Ultimate full house now;..........Something has brought out the monster in this set of beans..!!............the sugar coating has set in at week 4 of fruitification. The genetic potential is being massively exploited under the photon with IR. The stretch has now come to an end... i hope !!........the tallest is (From Soil To Tip) 1no 1.7m, 3no at 1.5m, 4no at 1.2m, 4no at 1.2m, 3 at 90cm. EC is 800ppm 1.6. Inc 8ml in 30L of pk13/14 just to tickle em into fruit building. As below;
day 54 fwr 76 oa ultimate 009.jpg

The Ultimate; Given more room, the 4no 6ft + Ultimate s would deliver a huge yield. Will hit 1.8 ec later this week, and up a little the background pk13/14. They do like the nutes this strain......!!....dont want to push to burn though at this stage, as they are "On Normal Level Of Feed" at the mo.........!! WTF !!....

day 54 fwr 76 oa ultimate 002.jpg

The fan-less 145w Led side-lighter, is showing at the bottom of pic, and is pushing light through the under canopy, developing the lower bud sites well.

I was hoping for a 1.1m homogenous canopy. But under the 1000w plus array, the Ultimate, has ultimately gone into mental jungle mode !!....there are hundreds of bud satellites inside the JOG (Jungle Of Green).....and still more pushing into niches of flux, there's plenty to find in there !!......all airpots are now on the floor, but the heads are only 20-30cm away from array, with a fan blowing mildly across canopy,

"No Beaching has Occurred" as this is not combined with "High Temps" at top of canna cab & canopy. So i my opinion, bleaching is only caused in conjunction with to high a temperature at canopy, & high RH. I have not even one leaf showing any stress at all from being 30cm from light array...in fact they love it up close....AB.........this is a mental strain, with more potential under led than has been seen, or brought out by a grower previously.....mental strain !!.....AB...
Day 28 Flower; Day 79 Overall;

It is an Ultimate full house now;..........Something has brought out the monster in this set of beans..!!............the sugar coating has set in at week 4 of fruitification. The genetic potential is being massively exploited under the photon with IR. The stretch has now come to an end... i hope !!........the tallest is (From Soil To Tip) 1no 1.7m, 3no at 1.5m, 4no at 1.2m, 4no at 1.2m, 3 at 90cm. EC is 800ppm 1.6. Inc 8ml in 30L of pk13/14 just to tickle em into fruit building. As below;
View attachment 228525

The Ultimate; Given more room, the 4no 6ft + Ultimate s would deliver a huge yield. Will hit 1.8 ec later this week, and up a little the background pk13/14. They do like the nutes this strain......!!....dont want to push to burn though at this stage, as they are "On Normal Level Of Feed" at the mo.........!! WTF !!....

View attachment 228533

The fan-less 145w Led side-lighter, is showing at the bottom of pic, and is pushing light through the under canopy, developing the lower bud sites well.

I was hoping for a 1.1m homogenous canopy. But under the 1000w plus array, the Ultimate, has ultimately gone into mental jungle mode !!....there are hundreds of bud satellites inside the JOG (Jungle Of Green).....and still more pushing into niches of flux, there's plenty to find in there !!......all airpots are now on the floor, but the heads are only 20-30cm away from array, with a fan blowing mildly across canopy,

"No Beaching has Occurred" as this is not combined with "High Temps" at top of canna cab & canopy. So i my opinion, bleaching is only caused in conjunction with to high a temperature at canopy, & high RH. I have not even one leaf showing any stress at all from being 30cm from light array...in fact they love it up close....AB.........this is a mental strain, with more potential under led than has been seen, or brought out by a grower previously.....mental strain !!.....AB...
