New Grower The Quest of a Newbie grower.

metal corners the pvc might be the route I go just make a big U like you said then strap it to the existing frame to take weight off the tent It might be a little while till I can spend more as I am catching much wife aggro on funds spent so far lol all part of the game space should not be an issue for some time but I will address this soon also might pull ac out as temps seem to be satying in range with my exhaust fan on med with about a 10-15 degree difference in room temps to tent not sure what the spring/summer will bring since my house is not climate controlled (But my tent is!!!:crying:)
metal corners the pvc might be the route I go just make a big U like you said then strap it to the existing frame to take weight off the tent It might be a little while till I can spend more as I am catching much wife aggro on funds spent so far lol all part of the game space should not be an issue for some time but I will address this soon also might pull ac out as temps seem to be satying in range with my exhaust fan on med with about a 10-15 degree difference in room temps to tent not sure what the spring/summer will bring since my house is not climate controlled (But my tent is!!!:crying:)
with metal corners your good to go ... in my opinion.. plastic I would be cautious...
with metal corners your good to go ... in my opinion.. plastic I would be cautious...
That's what my corners look like

and here is a shot up close of lights about 20lbs apiece

so what do you guys think should I try and hang it? (the fan and filter) and make my grow space true 5x5 will I need that extra space? how far apart should 7 gallon pots be apart?
once again only thinking of running 4 ladies first run
so what do you guys think should I try and hang it? (the fan and filter) and make my grow space true 5x5 will I need that extra space? how far apart should 7 gallon pots be apart?
once again only thinking of running 4 ladies first run
Mine is hung and I am only growing 3 at a time in a 4x4
one thing to think about is when you want to get out the hot air you have to ask where is the hot air? is it on the top of your tent or the bottom...??
I have reclaimed my grow space what do you think


the support pole is bending a little over an inch in the center

this is what other side looks like with no weight

still a little worried but seems to be holding what do you guys think?
I took my fan off of the scrubber and put it at the end of the duct outside my tent... got rid of a lot of weight that way also your intake I would have it coming in one of the bottom openings....
I was also thinking of placing fan outside of tent on ground but thought I would lose efficiency in scrubbing and air flow but was not sure...and that is a 2nd intake you see there had to do 2 in order to keep negative pressure at bay once again worried about strain on the tent