New Grower The Quest of a Newbie grower.

ok so I'm impatient and went ahead and germinated 2 more seeds. Have had no progress with the two that did not sprout. I will leave them in pots and prepare 2 more pots for new seeds. Of the two that are sprouted id say the GSC looks good. The WW looks to be burnt a bit hot soil maybe?... light? idk ill post pics soon question though, When should I be watering the ones that have sprouted? I have only given them one light water 2 days ago. Since they have been in soil
water when the soil is dry... for new sprouts they don't drink much but you want to keep them moist.. I like to use clear plastic cups and keep them covered it keeps the humidity up... I take the cups off twice a day for 30 minutes and let the oscillating fan hit them.


same gsc


WW XXL (hint of yellowing and curling in leaf?)


got my LEDs about 24" away and they have 90 degree lenses on them this seems to be a good height so far having problem keeping RH up humidifier does not seem to work can only achieve 35% with it on and pots of water by my intake and a wet towel hanging from the top lol ill try anything
got my LEDs about 24" away and they have 90 degree lenses on them this seems to be a good height so far having problem keeping RH up humidifier does not seem to work can only achieve 35% with it on and pots of water by my intake and a wet towel hanging from the top lol ill try anything
try water your whole pot.. this helps and you do not want it dry while those babies roots grow...and seriously put some domes over those little girls theywill be happy you did....
soil looks dry get some clear plastic cups over them... water bottles work at their current size. just cut the bottom off and put the lid on

ya just placed cups over them didn't realize I had some or would have done that earlier thanks for being involved ripper!
ya just placed cups over them didn't realize I had some or would have done that earlier thanks for being involved ripper!
my pleasure... hope those cups are clear
also hope you watered them a little