Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

update sleeper 143 8/1
Update: so the crappy British weather has hit my plants - bud rot on both. I’ve cut the obvious rotten buds out and moved my plants in to direct sun as it’s been shining the last couple of days so the ladies have dried out from the rain. It hurt cutting the tops off both :( and having to remove a big chunk from the middle of the skinny lady. Hopefully the rest of the buds survive, only a couple of weeks to go on them!
Dragon blood HP
Still working on thinking about harvesting this Dragon Blood.
The weather has been really good I have had no problems with signs of any kind of fungus anywhere in the entire Garden...
knock on wood...:bow:all's good.

So with a little luck and perseverance I think I might Harvest her on Saturday evening with the two-stage Harvest.

We're supposed to have a large amount of rain coming on Sunday through Tuesday... So says the weather people ....LOL haha bullshit???:coffee2::rofl::haha:who knows for real???but that's the speculation.


So I've been harvesting other parts in my garden. I've taken 7 out of 13 plants 3 I took total and 4 I've took it part of a two-stage Harvest. I took the ripest buds first and leave the rest for a second harvest. I've been harvesting now for over 9 days. And the second stage Harvest on the first plants it's probably going to happen on Sunday as well. Out of my garden I've took Mango HP the 2 unknown plants which seem to be very tasty so far and the blueberry cookies from Dinafem
Number one silver haze and all three of the plant from Triple Threat Silver Haze.
All in all I've harvested / 5 lb of finished jarred product or vacuum bagged for storage product.
My friends and clients are extremely happy.



I'll be harvesting for a week or 2.

Then there's crop 2


Plus 3 more plants not photoed here.

C'ya in a week...
@Waira hopefully im still in this thing its been a few weeks possibly more since I have had a minute to post up on here. Im going to go with the Fast Buds CBD Crack for my auto. The plant was amazingly easy to grow the flower is a joy to smoke and she was a heavy yielder putting out just over 5 oz of dried and cured flower. To date the biggest yielding auto ive done. I got the 2 pics on here I think the middle pic is a little better the bottom pic looks a little over exposed maybe or might be my computer.
@Waira Dinafem Blue WIdow Update for photo's. She hit beast mode about a week ago and is huge. Close to a ft taller than me at 6ft 3in. Despite whatever issue she has going on she does not give a shit. It started preflower about 2 weeks ago and has pistols poping all over her now. Ive probably got another week or so of stretch to go through and I should start to see some flowers here soon.

She might be close to 8 ft the cage is 8ft tall I havent put a tape measure to her don't honestly care personally just as long as she puts out the #'s
@Waira my other 2 battle plants im just not sure if I plan to use them or not so Im just doing a lazy post about them just in case 1 of them surprise me with some amazing flowers. They look like they are going to stack up nicely but I have been pissed at these plants all year and honestly cant wait to cut them down and be done with them. Last week I finally just cut down the first HSO Fast OGKZ becuse it was 9 weeks into flower and I was starting to get some bud rot from its weird shit it was doing. It was not finished in some spots it had buds that were over ripe on it under ripe new flowers that had just started it was in about every stage of flower it could be in. The flower looks like shit garbage but taste great like zkittles smell like reggies, but the buzz is solid very strong europhic feeling of joy and bliss. I did end up pulling 136 grams off from it but it was a ton of trimming on small shitty looking buds with no bag appeal. It could very well end up getting pressed into rosin or made into hash...
First up is the base of the Dinafem Quick Kush. Look at those roots! Ive had roots like these rap around the stalk before and choke the plant out and kill it. For big plants with big roots like these you want to make sure you dont water at the base of the plant you want to roots to search out for the moisture. I usually water about 2 to 3 ft away from the plant and never at the base.

The top side of DInafem Quick Kush she is a thick and hearty plant Both that I have grown indoors and out are very susceptible to PM though. I personally would not say this is a strain for a beginner grower and would put its difficulty at a skilled growers level. Still no changes in the flowers from my last post she is getting frosty now though another plant I cant wait to just be done with what a bummer.....

HSO Fast OGKZ at the base she looks pretty good. But Ive already had to cut out some bud rot from a plant that is lazy to flower. She will have been in some kind of a flowering phase for probably close to 12 weeks or more bye the time is finally finishes up if it ever does like the other one I had to just finally cut so I could keep something rather than loose everything. The HSO Fast Green Crack I was bitching about earlier in the year that did its weird reveg thing is already way bigger and further ahead in flower than this one and it just went back into flower about 2 weeks ago. It has been a frustrating year with these FV tester seeds and I have PMed and tagged and gripped on and on and havent heard nothing from anyone involved with these seeds... Kinda irritating also. Kinda like they only want to hear the good not the bad....

Top of the HSO OGKZ FV you can see how she started to stretch out again in some weird late reveg reflower stretch again she should be pretty much into full flower bye now even my full photoperiods are starting to flower errrr....

If these things would have flowered even close to properly I might be singing a different song but shit WTF are they? Over 22 years of growing and Ive never seen a plant do what these things are doing.
Just wanted to throw in a pic of the powerhouse cbd cause she is a monster outdoor plant Ill have to break out my ladder and get a few top shots of her. She needs a second trellis net here asap....
UPDATE- fed girls today, must be the heat cuz i walk up and notice pale yellow leaves... we’ve had a stretch of 85-90 deg and we’ve had rain but not alot. Thinkin I’m gonna have to make the walk more than once a week.
First 3 are gorilla girl, last three alaskan purple. AP seems to be more affected with yellowing than Gg. Heat and lack of water? Nute lockout? I don’t know...
Just looked at waira’s quick and dirty diagnosis thread in infirmary section... looks like nitrogen deficiency on the alaskan purple. Thinking shes gonna have to get fed twice a week...