Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

I’m at 45N so I’m curious to see how this finishes too. I didn’t think they would be this tall. I was estimating 8-9ft tops. I gave up thinking that when they hit 8ft last month.

Right? I was growing just shy of 49N. I had sativas I topped and both mains were over 10 feet. They can more than double in height. Crazy bushes. Where I had them growing they would start to flower late August and I'd chop on halloween. They never did get to totally finish up. They would put on some nice colors though during the fall. I'm at 49+N now and in a west coastal climate that will start getting lots of cloudy wet days come late, September into October, so I went with a couple Critical +2.0 autos and trying out Green Poison fast versions, which are said to mature in 6 weeks and will see how they finish up.

It's fun watching your Gorilla's getting it going :joy:
Day 111 and headed to 11ft. Gave them a couple cups of tea. Thinned out one of the gorillas that doesn’t want to bud up like the others.
:jawdrop: *clank*.... :vibe::growing::vibe: Holy poop tea dude, what have you done? The Space Station can see these from orbit :rofl:

What a difference a couple weeks makes, ay? Fenceline,..what fenceline? :haha: .... amazing Masonjar, and fine job! Any butt clenching going on over this, or are you secure enough on that account?
CMXL is killer smoke
Nice, looking forward to it. While I’m here, they are at the 8 week mark now. A few lower leaves yellowed but nothing major. The Cream Manderine has showed some Cal-deficiency spots but also not bad so I’ve supplemented a bit. Main cola is bulking up nicely.
Fugue state is Looking lean and mean, well tall at least. Overall still pretty healthy.
Both are giving off some delightful aromas. Was having breakfast in the gazebo next to them and periodically get down wind wafting.

Heat and humidity has been high the last 2 days. Temps in the low 90s n humidity RH 90%...
UGH !!!
This is where I determine a good easy running plant or a, difficult fungus plant. In determining whether I'm going to grow that plant next year or not outside.

So the dragon blood has done pretty well this season. But with that being said it did get the p.m. on a few leaves about 4 weeks ago. That I killed immediately with the Green cure and have had no re-infestation of it anywhere in the garden or yard after using the Green cure twice this season.

But you can't control everything outside heat and humidity he's such a killer because of the plant can't release the green heat that it builds up during this time and the green heat kills it's self.. Because it can't burn... Too wet... But it kills the plant flesh from the green heat. This leaves a spot open for fungus investigation. In this case the dreaded Bud rot in 2 days 2 Bud's have been affected with the Bud rot from the Heat and humidity. 1 small spot on each large bud cluster.
I keep a really sharp eye on the all the plants and watch these Nemesis of cannabis and all the other ones. So far so good had a good grow season. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the rest of it finish out so well.
There's so many elements to the outside grow. From the smallest microbe to the largest Ripper.

My digital microscope broke yesterday.. ? the lens fell right out of it some place in my yard??? between the house and the grow cage. And I haven't got a clue where or what it looks like... I just know it's missing.... So forgive me on the close-up shots of the trikes. I'll try to edit better next time..

So I'm going to begin harvesting the Dragon Blood if not today by tomorrow morning I'll take it in two stages most likely..I'm feared I don't want to get any more Bud Bud rot to it and it's plenty ripe enough to take.
Running about 15% Amber to almost 20% depending on which Bud's you look at... that's plenty fine for me... She's very gooey very whuoey very sticky very icky.....
. :pass:
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:jawdrop: *clank*.... :vibe::growing::vibe: Holy poop tea dude, what have you done? The Space Station can see these from orbit :rofl:

What a difference a couple weeks makes, ay? Fenceline,..what fenceline? :haha: .... amazing Masonjar, and fine job! Any butt clenching going on over this, or are you secure enough on that account?
No butt. Clench at this time and my neighbors got my back. Nice thing about 1/2-5 acre lots big dogs and everyone hunts around me. Definitely know to move them to the lower tier next year. Some big autos might be fun too.
update Kyote 7/27
@Waira @Dinafem-Mark
Weekwee update here from sunny Vancouver Island :cools: 2x Green Poison FF and 1x Dinafem Critical+2.0 autoflower, and non comp C+2.0.
All get fed with Mega Crop line of nutes.

GP that was topped and is vegging along nicely. Bit of LST and cruising along.

The other GP. I tried to FIM this one when I topped the other one. Missed the FIM and this gurl was getting too tall in veg for the height limit I have to keep em under cover for rains in September. So I topped this one way up just to slow the upward growth down.

And this is the Dinafem Critical+2.0. I topped this one so I could see her structure for growing indoors this fall/winter. More Indica leaning than the other C+2.0 that I started earlier and didn't top. Did some LST to open her up a bit and moved out of the GP grow area as space was getting tight in there.

And the non comp Critical+2.0 that is going down this week. Thursday will be day 82 on her. I moved her to a less noticeable place after some dude came knocking on the door the other day with the lame excuse of "looking for Kaleb". Dude looked sketchy to me. It's real easy to pick up a 5 gallon bag with a plant in it. I've had this one on straight H2O for 7 days now and the uptake has really slowed.

And here is the local swimminz hole. I watched some little ones jump off the cliff for their first time yesterday. It's 10 meters or so to the water. This pic was taken a couple months ago, bottom pic yesterdays.
Errington river.JPG


Thats it for this week kind peples :headbang:
No butt. Clench at this time and my neighbors got my back. Nice thing about 1/2-5 acre lots big dogs and everyone hunts around me. Definitely know to move them to the lower tier next year. Some big autos might be fun too.
:jointman: ahhh that's good news mon! As fine a way to break in the new backyard as any mate - :d5:... lower tier next year,... Do your recall how 'GreenSkell worked his in-ground girls? If you have the horizontal space, even in large pots, this could be a good way to go.... There's a tutorial here I believe...
Yes, some longer cycle auto's would be perfect! The Creeper auto (SSSC) I have now has been outside full time since she got too big for the tent during veg',... about a 12-weeker, but even with limited direct Sun hours, she's performed very well, nearly done now with nice fat nose-cone buds on a leggy Sati'-frame... Smoke is very good, all +'s from those who have finished so far (save Ribbzzy, he got a funky pheno)... Check out the SSSC section for the test run thread, St. Tom got insane Zulu spear colas!