Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements


Dragon Blood HP...

:headbang: This is 1 hell of a plant.

This is going to be my grandioso for this competition. :biker:

This is the biggest plant I have in my garden and it has the biggest buds in my garden at the largest Bud being 121 mm across. And almost 2 ft long. I got to say this is my number #1 Pic:kitty:

She's been drinking rainwater about 2 gallons every other day. She never looks like it's thirsty but I always know she's drinking. All the plants in this garden have drank their water... plus some. when I did the transplanting the other day I noticed that the soil was very dry down below at the root Zone much drier than I would expect for 2 gallons most every other day.
So note to oneself when growing in my DIY soil even with all this moisture protecting wood chip bed I have on.... that they can require more water than I expected....I gave the garden 95 gallons of water less than 4 days ago and yesterday I gave it 55 gallons of water. And I'm about to go out and give them another two gallons a peace right now..
I'm glad I have a very large water retainment system. Or I would be in a high water with a lot of City water bills and filters...

2020 photosynthesis plant pick for the 2020 outside grow comp.

Seed: Is Second generation 2018 Flat Rock MI. clone of Bodhi seeds Dragon blood hp. From my 2019 outside Summer grow.

The Only seed retrieved from a 1 pound + harvest.. A 50-50 chance it would either be male or female. And it just so happened to be one of the best females ever.


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Not ready yet... But certainly close.
It's Take able now. And has very many uses.

I'll watch her closely.
The weather man says we're to have a pretty good week with temperature and humidity low....
I'll keep a close eye on her. these buds they're pretty dank... but they're not as dank as the Hawaiian Maui Wowie. But they're close. I'll still be watching out for dreaded Bud rot closely. The fans have been running 24/7 on this plant and the rest of the garden since the last week of June....

now i know why you cage your plants, because they are beasts. awesome mate!
Incredible weather this past week, high 20s Celsius and barely a cloud in the sky. Day 63 for these girls.

Hubbabubbahaze, Ripleys OG are the first 2 and the comp plants. After that its Chemdogging, 2 Mango Smile and a cat lol
Perfect timing on the nice weather Drew, hope it holds for a Sun-baked finish! UV potency for the win -:dizzy:
All the girls are prime OD auto's mate, that Ripley's I think is one of those screw-ball pheno's that shows now and again, sheer bad luck....probably will have that funky leafy bud thing, still frosted as f*ck just poor bud: leaf,...
:biggrin: - like the kitty! Does he/she like a little green snack now and again? My buddy here DAB's had a guy that basically pruned his lowest leaves for him :rofl:

update she's been outside 50 days and is in preflower :headbang: I'll be feeding her 3 times a week for awhile
Wow, she's loving that spot Dabber, feeds look to have been spot-on! Will you do some trimming and thinning out on her? You have a million tippy-tops, generally best to reduce the lower/inner ones and put the energy and resources into better upper sites,... My Pineapple got a pretty good haircut today doing that exact thing...

Does kitteh like the herbs?
When I was at college, I went home for summer and dropped maybe 10-20 beans in a pot in my parents garden.
They got to almost a foot high, when the cat lay down and went to sleep on them!!!!!
... then my papa pulled them out, but didn't say a word ...
:dammit: dang it, kitties and Papa's ruining the fun,... :rofl:
Getting closer.
The Hawaiian Maui Wowie is doing very well in spite of.. it would do better but as I've said in earlier posts that if it wouldn't have been shaded by the OG fire to her Southside the OG fire the mountain of a plant that she is... the Hawaiian Maui Wowie from Nirvana seeds would have been a much nicer larger plant... as I've grown this plant before several times. She can get very big and produce some sweet bud and Definitely sativa and older connoisseurs can do appreciate.
:headbang: She's still my fav' GTG! ...her buds are getting nice and knobby - :eyebrows: .... well, next season you can position her more strategically!

Now that Dragon Blood - :bow::vibe: :hump:.... fantastic grow on her GTG! ... she's,...girthy-- (only time you can say that about a girlie and not get clocked!:rofl:) ... she's just loaded, good thing you have built-in support ahead of time,... All those hash-bats, branch after branch, yield should be phat-fat too - :thumbsup:
I dig the stubby foxtails all over!.....generous frosting,... Can you get some night shots before harvest? I strongly recommend that if she's your Comp huckleberry - :devil:
Walter White runt-turned-leader-of-the-pack has a very nicely spread out canopy and is pretty much done stretching. She not only has the most colas of any of my plants but is also almost as tall as my comp AVT:
:greenthumb::spels: lovely!.... always a nice surprise to see a seedling turn the corner and start smoking her tires to catch-up!
remember, you can choose 3 plants, no need to make a call until the final week or so before harvest... If you have a front runner, or a change in that, you're clear to do so since you've a ways to go still,...


>>>> Update time <<<<​

... this KIS amended soil is just a pleasure cruise- :cooldance: The plants seem as happy as can be,... It's been typical Summer here lately, fog-clearing to Sunny-back to fog, mild T's, nice breeze.... They do drink a lot considering! I can see fat roots already at the top of the pots, exposed after watering, so the fabric pots are doing their root pruning thing nicely :thumbsup:

> Red Mandarine F1FV - her stretch surprised me, but the open structure is all good by me for several reasons,... LST working well to get those lower nodes more busy! I can see deep color on her pre-sex calyxes, so she'll have the trademark color; stem rubs still nice and citrusy!

> Fire99 x Black Lime Reserve

> Pineapple ... loving this girls figure! She got a solid trimming today, maybe more to come... Tons of tops, too many in fact, so lots of lower/inner stringy ones got nipped off....

>>> group shots!
. front row here: RM, Ice Cool, Pineapple

...L->R; Strawberry Amnesia (week younger, now 2nd tallest), F99 x BLR, Mimosa Champagne
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update Jpkindbud 7/25
UPDATE- good morning all! Went and fed/watered the far flung od girls this am... apparently alaskan purple is appetizing to some bug or other. Two to three fans are perforated. Thats to be expected the tops on both are starting to “stack” internodes closer together like they’re getting ready to do something spectacular. 1 gal each of 5gMC, 1/4 tsp BE, and 2 tsp molasses. Let it grow, let it grow...
First 3 pics are gorilla girl, last 3 are alaskan purple
i like those little wedges. are they styrofoam?
yup! The idea is to get the branches to angle down more during formation for better light exposure, less congenstion around the main stem, and for lowers, prep them for LST to lay flatter and even instead of being bowed and funky because the branch base has hardened and is less flexible,... you have to be careful with them, easy does it day by day or it may cause the junction at the main stem to split open from the force...I have a couple that did this anyway this year. If it's bad enough, the plant can't seal it up, then it becomes an entry point for mold; if that happens, especially with botrytis, it'll travel up the vascular system and fuck everything upstream potentially! This happened to me before, not badly, but I had to chop a top sooner than I wanted. Some I caught in time, stopped it by basting the junction with powdered garden Sulfur wetted into a thick paint and brushed on,....
Hey all, we’ve been having some wicked wind over the last few weeks. Have had to strategically move the pot around to prevent them from being damaged. But things have been going pretty well considering the slow/rough start.

I think I may have missed a week looking through my pics but here are the ladies at week 6.
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and here they are today at week 7
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The fugue state on the left really shot up. It was the runt of the two in the beginning but showed some impressive stretch in the last couple weeks. The Cream Manderine XL I’m slightly disappointed it isn’t...well...more XL. But going back to the rough weather at the beginning, it’s not surprising that it may not have reached its full potential. It did bush out alot more though, whereas the FS Stayed fairly thin and lean.
Another difference I’ve noted is that the CMXL has always had very perky leaves, always pointing up and a little bit of curled serrations from the strong sun. The FS leaves have almost never stopped being somewhat droopy. Weak stems maybe? Or just another strain feature, who knows.

Been checking out the pics on this thread and wow guys, keep up the impressive work. Happy growing!
CMXL is killer smoke
420Forever auto gelato update #6
auto gelato update #6
@Mr B. from Female Seeds auto gelato, day 38

Pearl Day 38 :cooldance:


i am sooooo happee with this plant! :biggrin: :joy: female seedz geneticz ROCK! :headbang: jus sayin & carry on plz...:smoking: ppp

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Day 111 and headed to 11ft. Gave them a couple cups of tea. Thinned out one of the gorillas that doesn’t want to bud up like the others.View attachment 1217687View attachment 1217688View attachment 1217689View attachment 1217690View attachment 1217691View attachment 1217692
pretty sure it’s Jamaica Berry
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3 gorillas

i miss growing the sativa dominant photos - i struggled with them in the northern latitudes but they sure are producers. Some serious shrubbery. Looking awesome! :thumbsup:
i miss growing the sativa dominant photos - i struggled with them in the northern latitudes but they sure are producers. Some serious shrubbery. Looking awesome! :thumbsup:
I’m at 45N so I’m curious to see how this finishes too. I didn’t think they would be this tall. I was estimating 8-9ft tops. I gave up thinking that when they hit 8ft last month.