Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

Hey Now,
My latest addition to my growing arsenal. One of my concerns about outdoor growing was water. Chlorinated water specifically. Don’t know why I did not think of this sooner. Total outlay excluding filters was 32 bucks. I put two carbon filters in there and now I have chlorine free water for my organic, living soil. I’m so psyched. View attachment 1211223
Way to go.. very good that'll keep your microbes alive while watering with that nasty city water:bow::pighug::pass:
it is prohibited in many places.
How the hell they gonna know? Unless you point it out to the proper authorities... growing is illegal in my state but i do it. Just gotta keep a screen over it so mosquitoes cant breed. Not trying to be an ass... just saying
noice dude. your city/county let you catch rain water?
If I could I would regardless. I am getting a new roof soon. AFAIK shingles are treated to prevent rot. This treatment does not lend itself to gathering rain water. I have a well on my property but it runs dry quickly so it’s not really that usable. So the filters will have to do for now.
If I could I would regardless. I am getting a new roof soon. AFAIK shingles are treated to prevent rot. This treatment does not lend itself to gathering rain water. I have a well on my property but it runs dry quickly so it’s not really that usable. So the filters will have to do for now.
looks like there might be a risk for e coli from bird shit. lol
i think i'm still gonna do it. it all winds up in the yard anyways

how long a life you get out of those filters?
How the hell they gonna know? Unless you point it out to the proper authorities... growing is illegal in my state but i do it. Just gotta keep a screen over it so mosquitoes cant breed. Not trying to be an ass... just saying
the city might come on to your property to work on power lines or check a meter and see your unlicensed water harvesting setup. or a neighbor might complain. but like you said if you control for mosquitoes i doubt you would ever have a problem
Quick update pics.