Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

update Kyote 6/24
@Waira Well got a bit of late sun today so snapped the weekly photos. The large 46" auto is a Critical 2.0 that is 45 days old. Not in the competition as is the newer Critical 2.0 in the center. I decided to top her, as well as topping the Green Poison FF. I tried to FIM one of them but think I FIM'd the FIM.

The mix I am using in the ground, not too happy with it, Sea Soil organic. I called them b4 using it and they said it was good for cannabis. I've got what appears as N deficiency, so I top dressed with some alfalfa meal. We used some of the same mix in the garden and where we used it the plants are doing poorly. Oh well, I'll pay attention and make adjustments as needed. I was hoping to avoid nutes for the in ground plants but that isn't gonna happen.

Using Mega Crop on the Critical 2.0 Auto and it is doing well. The weather is more overcast than sun, with temps 65 to 75. A good week of sun will kick these into high gear me thinks.

Good growing all!:yay:


:peace: :peace:
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update moutros 6/24
A new update, aces growing and growing, been giving a battle with budworms infesting my fresh leaves but i think i'm winning with some casualties. Had to remove a few tops but still plants look hardy with clear sativa characteristics.
A few update pics taken yesterday morning. Been so busy here lately they're barely getting any attention. All looks well in there though. View attachment 1205777View attachment 1205778View attachment 1205779View attachment 1205780View attachment 1205781

Non comp girls.
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Looking good dude! I presume you have neighbours, so do you do anything to keep the smell down? This is my first time growing outside and my 2 plants are already starting to smell!
Okay, things are looking better everyday.
The mistreated clones are greening up quickly and nicely. The new babies are doing very well. We’re supposed to get some heavy rain/thunder boomers today so I put some “hats” on the babies.
For feed regimen I water everyday usually two times, I brew a nice ACT once a week, I feed half strength MegaCrop and their CalMag once a week, and a bene bomb (recharge, mammoth p, Urb, fish shit, in other words a bene bomb! Also using “brown” matter to keep enough stuff to feed all that too.

@Waira thanks for letting me post a non comp plant she's grown outdoor in the UK with biotabs in coco.
my just for fun zamnesia white monster at day 65 on biotabs loving life and I think my summer outdoor plants will always be grown with biotabs I'm super happy with them I've also sprayed her yday with rotblock same as the week before

@Waira thanks for letting me post a non comp plant she's grown outdoor in the UK with biotabs in coco.
my just for fun zamnesia white monster at day 65 on biotabs loving life and I think my summer outdoor plants will always be grown with biotabs I'm super happy with them I've also sprayed her yday with rotblock same as the week before

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I’m using Biotabs Guerilla tabs in my outdoor grow. So simple to use them and no issues (yet lol). I’m tempted to use Biotabs for my next indoor grow now!
Looking good dude! I presume you have neighbours, so do you do anything to keep the smell down? This is my first time growing outside and my 2 plants are already starting to smell!
Honestly mate no not really. First couple of years I tried with mint and sweet peas but didn't really notice it. I have chives and wild garlic in the garden but again it's not that strong. Strongest smell is the dog shit bucket I keep near the greenhouse haha. I can smell that. There's always the smell of weed in the air round here so I don't worry too much these days.
The mix I am using in the ground, not too happy with it, Sea Soil organic. I called them b4 using it and they said it was good for cannabis. I've got what appears as N deficiency, so I top dressed with some alfalfa meal. We used some of the same mix in the garden and where we used it the plants are doing poorly. Oh well, I'll pay attention and make adjustments as needed. I was hoping to avoid nutes for the in ground plants but that isn't gonna happen.
:smoking: ...Dose them with that MC Kyote, that has as good an balance for right-now available nutes, high N, as you can get for a quick fix... Unless thay soil co' said it's "water only", it won't have juice to make it very far into the grow.... IMO, during veg', organic or not it make little difference, plant doesn't care where the nute ions came from, it's all the same to them! You're not loading up the soil with excess either, so nothing to sweat there either,... Some fast acting food will serve you well while the organic sources break down and ease their way in...
A new update, aces growing and growing, been giving a battle with budworms infesting my fresh leaves but i think i'm winning with some casualties. Had to remove a few tops but still plants look hardy with clear sativa characteristics.
looking great moutros! We all hate those miserable turd machine caterpillars - :cuss:... any chance you can get a Bt product, as in Bacillus thuringiensis spray?