Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

420Forever auto gelato update #2
update # 2
@Mr B. from Female Seeds auto gelato, day 7

Pearl Day 7 :smoking:


had to fashion a lil "sleeve" reinforcement for her, cuz the poor lil dear kept fallin over, lol :yoinks: took me a min to figger it out, but i've never grown outside before, so gimme a break :rolleyes2: in a nutshell, the hot sun def bakez the topsoil & driez it out in no time it seemz, leavin no foothold for a bebe...soooo, as u can see, me got smart y-day & added a mix of hay & cedar mulch to all me outside girlz' potz to help keep moisture in & it'z workin a treat so far, so...:superhero: choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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the green bandit update 26/6
I think the time has come for this lot to get some bigger shoes and live outdoor permanently......all have been topped and seem to be doing ok, although I think the cooler nights are making them a little more stretchy than normal :shrug:
entry Green Hornet 6/26 auto Stardawg
Alright a 420 seeds Stardawg auto is above ground @Waira . this will be my auto entry. I have not grown outdoors much and have never had an autoflower that autoflowers so this plant may serve as an example of what not to do by yours truly. :baked:


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is that a pitcher plant i see in the back?
:greenthumb:sweet little garden place Drew! ...I think I see something fun, Sarracenia flava pitchers? I have a bunch of S. leucophylla tarnok's, I dig this family of pitchers!
...your HBHz looks a lot like mine does, squat and bushy...View attachment 1206344

Sure is! Waira nailed it, S. flava v. cuprea beautiful tall copper pitchers. Tarnoks are really cool flowers! You'll see a few in the pics below too ;) I've got a few different types that I had growing in a small planter for about 4 years but I'll be moving soon so I dug them all up, split em and potted them for now. Gave the majority away and kept enough to replant the bog and a few separate pots like the one you saw above. Don't wanna clog this post up with non-cannabis plants but I added a photo gallery below from last June around its peak flowering time and then early this spring after clean up. I wish Id taken a photo late July/August as thats when the pitchers are really at their best but oh well.

Beautiful HBH there too, hopefully mine looks like that in a few weeks :) Is that a recent pic or has it finished? My daytime smoke has run dry so excited to finish it up :)

Pics here of the bog planter
update Smokey 6/26
Update time with the 3 ladies

Liberty Haze - she has been the first to respond to light dep (which started on the 23rd) in second close up pic



Super Lemon Haze

Bag seed auto - Amnesia
mm not sure what going on she a bit droopy, lol she looks dead when she zzzzz,
update Jpkindbud 6/26
UPDATE- #? OD girls are doin fine, gorilla girl has some brown splotches on her. I inspected but can’t find cause. Those fans are touching the rabbut cage so maybe rust? Only in those spots. Alaskan Purple seems to be doing great! Then the white widow. Seems to be fine just not getting the same amout of sun as the other two
pics 1&2GG, 3&4AP, 5&6WW
UPDATE- #? OD girls are doin fine, gorilla girl has some brown splotches on her. I inspected but can’t find cause. Those fans are touching the rabbut cage so maybe rust? Only in those spots. Alaskan Purple seems to be doing great! Then the white widow. Seems to be fine just not getting the same amout of sun as the other twoView attachment 1206504View attachment 1206505View attachment 1206506View attachment 1206507View attachment 1206508View attachment 1206509pics 1&2GG, 3&4AP, 5&6WW

Sure looks like its from the wire cage. And the re purposing of the propane tank, good one :toke:
update # 2
@Mr B. from Female Seeds auto gelato, day 7

Pearl Day 7 :smoking:

View attachment 1206348View attachment 1206347

had to fashion a lil "sleeve" reinforcement for her, cuz the poor lil dear kept fallin over, lol :yoinks: took me a min to figger it out, but i've never grown outside before, so gimme a break :rolleyes2: in a nutshell, the hot sun def bakez the topsoil & driez it out in no time it seemz, leavin no foothold for a bebe...soooo, as u can see, me got smart y-day & added a mix of hay & cedar mulch to all me outside girlz' potz to help keep moisture in & it'z workin a treat so far, so...:superhero: choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

View attachment 1206349 View attachment 1206350

Mulch for the win:joy: