Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

Not legal where I’m at but doing it anyways... sometimes you just gotta walk to the ledge and jump!
Lol @420Forever was guerilla monster about 20 yrs ago. Now im creepin towards 50 and that gets old crawlin through dense brush and totin 5 gal bladders! Being a surveyor i do that too much now... lmfao!:bummer:
update Kyote 6/16
Ok update on Dinafem Critical 2.0 auto and Green Poison FF or FV from Canuk seeds. This is the first day in weeks where there is sun and its in up to the mid 60's. It has not been a good spring for outdoors.

The Critical 2.0 is in a pot. I haven't decided where she is gonna settle. I can move her around until I figure out the best spot for her. The GP FF's are in the earth today, and put tomato cages around them until I get the cage set up around them in the next few days. I topped the FF's last night before putting in the earth today. Letting the Critical go natural, no topping.

I did get rain barrels set up so get to water with rain water. Hopefully won't need much in the nutrient department on the FF's except during flower when i'll go with black strap organic molasses.

I will put up a greenhouse tarp over the GP FF's when I get conduit for the frame in the next few days. I like doing that as it protects the plants from heavy rain, especially during flower. I did it in the Okanogan mainly to protect the plants from wild fire ash which we would get about every summer, and September, October rains.

Ok, thats it for this week. Take care an be good to each other

Green Poison FF x 2

Critical 2.0 auto 5 gallon bag @Dinafem-Mark ya asked me to tag you on this
420Forever auto gelato germ pic
@Waira (this time, it'z fer real, hehe :biggrin: )
germ pic, auto gelato from @Mr B. from Female Seeds

introducing Pearl...:smoking:

hey kidz, say high to Pearl :toke: i dropped her in to soak this afternoon around 3pm & will be puttin her in the dirt tomorrow at sunset :cool1: and hey waira, hope u don't me makin me own'z the only way me stoned brain can keep track o' me own updatez, lol :tongue: also, the rulez say that i can "select up to 3 battle plantz for the duration of the battle", duz that mean i can enter two more plantz in addition to this one, or...:confused1: jus wonderin, cuz me got two more i'll be growin outside, but won't be plantin em til jul 10th, so...:shrug: the outdoor growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Gypsy Widow that started life with 3 main branches per node instead of 2. She is lovin the greenhouse but some nosy teenage neighbors leaning over the fenced have eyed her up so she will probably have to come inside to finish her grow. I live in a semi urban/suburban area but obviously people are always looking for something. It's legal here but I suspect theft will take place in a while if I don't move her.
Too bad but that's the way things go.
Topped the crap out of her so hopefully she won't outgrow my tent.
:doh: well bugger and fek! :cuss:Damn nosy punks, are well justified to do so John, if not from him then one of his ripper friends he told!
So, she's to go indoors full time now? I'm sorry to hear this,... Do you have any others in the Comp', or are you basically out now? Let me know please, so I can keep track of what's a record setting number of peep's entering!
Is there still time to join please?
:thumbsup: Entry noted mate!
It don't look good for my last auto
:dammit:shit and piss,...
I’m gonna have to go get some nets and poles... too late to make cages. I underestimated the size on these girls and at day almost 77 days were at 6ft. I think I’m on track for 10ft this year
:muahaha: - I almost have sympathy for ya :rofl:.... No worries about them anymore right? ... Oh nice, Bobby's Widow! Are these the recent generation, or earlier work? I know FD is cooking all the time,.. my beans are early work, not run them yet...
I've seen some great results from supercropping the top section... Hecno did this on his Mango Hazes to excellent effect, he got these cool horizontal rows of mini-colas along the bent top! You're plenty early for stems to be firm but pliable, and the lateral nodes to form up those nice little colas...
:doh: well bugger and fek! :cuss:Damn nosy punks, are well justified to do so John, if not from him then one of his ripper friends he told!
So, she's to go indoors full time now? I'm sorry to hear this,... Do you have any others in the Comp', or are you basically out now? Let me know please, so I can keep track of what's a record setting number of peep's entering!

:thumbsup: Entry noted mate!

:dammit:shit and piss,...

:muahaha: - I almost have sympathy for ya :rofl:.... No worries about them anymore right? ... Oh nice, Bobby's Widow! Are these the recent generation, or earlier work? I know FD is cooking all the time,.. my beans are early work, not run them yet...
I've seen some great results from supercropping the top section... Hecno did this on his Mango Hazes to excellent effect, he got these cool horizontal rows of mini-colas along the bent top! You're plenty early for stems to be firm but pliable, and the lateral nodes to form up those nice little colas...
ya @Waira was hoping to grow a giant compared to my tent grows but that's it for me this year for outdoor.
I will post for curiosity sake when it is done flowering inside. 1 more week and i will move her in. Hoping for something good.
good luck to the rest. Some great plants in this friendly comp.

:peace: :smoking:
They’re 20L pots, placed in to the ground. It’s illegal to grow here and they’re in my garden so had to be easily moveable. Still, 20L is plenty big enough for autos!
Yes 20l is good, thought they were smaller and also thought they were photos hahaha, got it all wrong. I know what you mean with moving around, mine are illegal too. When are people going to wake up and figure out its ridiculous to ban a plant?
What bugs you got Jean-O ?
None right at the moment ! I planted a pretty good crop of herbs n repellant flowers around the garden n i use dish soap coffee grounds and spray the plants with a mixture of essential oils that works pretty good. Last year i had white flies n burrow bugs n caterpillars late in the season. Caterpillars suck shitting mother fuckers.
Aready updated this week but wanted to do another as i got the outdoor frame with tarp set up and fence protection for the dog. I can pull the tarp over the frame if it looks like a lot of rain is coming and will be great in late summer during flower to protect from rains. Oh, and got the grow gnome going too to keep an eye out.

Green Poison in the earth, Critical 2.0 in the 5 gallon bag

And here is the setup of the frame and a smattering of wild daisies