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I’d like to know that too, I read somewhere that if mixed at 1part to about 25parts water it should be ok for 5 days. But I can’t find where I read it. I also want to know, if you’ve sprayed with a neem oil solution can you still use a foliar spray with the same effects or would the neem create a barrier to uptaking the nutes in a foliar spray?

I wouldn't foliar spray unless the plants are nute def/sick. Just no point to it, make the plant grow roots.
How often would you apply neem oil if you were using it? If you dont mind.
Ive personally used it quite a bit and spray every 4-7 days depending. I mix it at 1-2 tbsp per gallon and a couple drops of soap to help it mix. I mix in a 1L bottle with hot water then pour into my 4L sprayer, make sure my sprayer water is warm too helps it stay mixed. Shake often during spraying to keep it nicely mixed.
Ive personally used it quite a bit and spray every 4-7 days depending. I mix it at 1-2 tbsp per gallon and a couple drops of soap to help it mix. I mix in a 1L bottle with hot water then pour into my 4L sprayer, make sure my sprayer water is warm too helps it stay mixed. Shake often during spraying to keep it nicely mixed.

How about with autos/flowering photos? Stop after the Pom Pom stage id assume?

And thank you for the response.
So my plants are 15days old and I’ve transplanted them to their permanent pots. Bit worried that the one on the left will die as some of the roots broke off as it came out of its bottle (bottle had an indent around the middle that caused the soil mass to split apart when I tipped it upside down). Ah well, you live and learn. Next time I’ll make sure my starter pots are easier to remove the plants from!
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Have a look here mate, a tutorial on low trauma transplanting,... the key is to use larger cup sizes and something you can easily cut through....
Oh outdoor growers who use neem oil.

How often do you spray?
Generally, follow the label directions as different brands may be different in how they process it,.. For sure, use a wetting agent! Neem is oily goopy stuff, first press stuff is loaded with other goods plants like besides it's bug killing power, but high residue (not for bloom!) and stank is the price...Wetting agents work like soap, emulsifying the soln. much better! it also helps coat and stick much better, otherwise stuff just beads up = poor absorption; liquid state is how it gets in, once dry it's "marooned" until redissolved again.
I don't use neem oil much myself, certainly not often... For pests, there are better things if that's the main reason you are foliar spraying.
I wouldn't foliar spray unless the plants are nute def/sick. Just no point to it, make the plant grow roots.
:smoking: don't get set on that mate, foliar sprays are excellent if done properly, with the right products... In the horticultural industry this is a common feed/supplemental way to boost the plants along. I foliar more or less weekly, with fulvic acid, Si, maybe micronutes or kelp....whatever looks good for them at the time!
As mentioned above, a wetting agent is key, also spray the UNDERSIDES of the leaves well, far more stomata there for uptake,...

*** Fulvic is pure magic even by itself, but it also chelated nutrients, serves as a carbon source for both plants and microbes in and out of the soil... Humic is a much larger molecule, can't be taken in directly like fulvic, but humic serves better in the soil for several reasons,.. There's a great article on himic-fulvic and chelation in the Reference section,.. read up, it's solid good info!
Sources: BioAg makes excellent stuff. Ful-Humic is a powdered version, very good value for the $, my 100g bag was cheap and has lasted years now, very concentrated in this form. They make Ful-Power, a liquid fulvic that's great too, but a better value tip came from brother Growshi -->
Soluble Fulvic Acid, one pound Ferti-Organic Soluble Fulvic Acid, one pound container - $13.40
Ferti-Organic Soluble Fulvic Acid powder, 69% fulvic acid concentrate, hydroponic, foliar fertilizer.

-- this is a shitload of fulvic! Shipping costs as much as the product, but doesn't change the value a bit... Ful-Power is 20+$/qt, and dilute, whereas this powder is also very conc., with like 1/4tsp/gal (I think, forgetting here),..more is OK, you can't really hurt plants with fulvic barring stoopid overdosing amounts!
Have a look here mate, a tutorial on low trauma transplanting,... the key is to use larger cup sizes and something you can easily cut through....

Generally, follow the label directions as different brands may be different in how they process it,.. For sure, use a wetting agent! Neem is oily goopy stuff, first press stuff is loaded with other goods plants like besides it's bug killing power, but high residue (not for bloom!) and stank is the price...Wetting agents work like soap, emulsifying the soln. much better! it also helps coat and stick much better, otherwise stuff just beads up = poor absorption; liquid state is how it gets in, once dry it's "marooned" until redissolved again.
I don't use neem oil much myself, certainly not often... For pests, there are better things if that's the main reason you are foliar spraying.

:smoking: don't get set on that mate, foliar sprays are excellent if done properly, with the right products... In the horticultural industry this is a common feed/supplemental way to boost the plants along. I foliar more or less weekly, with fulvic acid, Si, maybe micronutes or kelp....whatever looks good for them at the time!
As mentioned above, a wetting agent is key, also spray the UNDERSIDES of the leaves well, far more stomata there for uptake,...

*** Fulvic is pure magic even by itself, but it also chelated nutrients, serves as a carbon source for both plants and microbes in and out of the soil... Humic is a much larger molecule, can't be taken in directly like fulvic, but humic serves better in the soil for several reasons,.. There's a great article on himic-fulvic and chelation in the Reference section,.. read up, it's solid good info!
Sources: BioAg makes excellent stuff. Ful-Humic is a powdered version, very good value for the $, my 100g bag was cheap and has lasted years now, very concentrated in this form. They make Ful-Power, a liquid fulvic that's great too, but a better value tip came from brother Growshi -->
Soluble Fulvic Acid, one pound Ferti-Organic Soluble Fulvic Acid, one pound container - $13.40
Ferti-Organic Soluble Fulvic Acid powder, 69% fulvic acid concentrate, hydroponic, foliar fertilizer.

-- this is a shitload of fulvic! Shipping costs as much as the product, but doesn't change the value a bit... Ful-Power is 20+$/qt, and dilute, whereas this powder is also very conc., with like 1/4tsp/gal (I think, forgetting here),..more is OK, you can't really hurt plants with fulvic barring stoopid overdosing amounts!

I dont want to allow the plant get nutes without the help of microbes. I got flovic and $100 bucks of nutes sitting in a box outside. The less i do the healthier the plant is. Trust me, its worth it. Well no, dont trust me. Test and see how results are for yourself.
I foliar feed once a week with a little bit of kelp and a dash of cal/mag ....seems to really help the girls especially when the weather is stinking hot.....used neem oil a couple of times but found that in the summer when the sun is really intense it burns my plants Waira said neem is no good in bloom unless you want stanky buds and not the good kind :yoinks: