Lighting The new DIY Section

The best feeling in the world is when watching those cobs light up. Throwing away the least efficient diode sold is the best thing you can do in a grow room.
Yeah man I'm itching to get it done now....the cobs you see are citizen clu48-1212 from a UK eBay seller. Really helpful and full of advise. He sent them already soldered together in pairs. Holders, wagos, and a few screws all I need is a liitle paste. I was tyring to follow your advise for the 1812 50v but they're like rocking horse shit haha.
So far I've got her all apart and clipped all the LEDs off, sanded the solder off and put it to aside for later. Just a case of reassembly now....... I think.
I'll upload some pics shortly if you don't mind having a look?
Cheers mate
this is where I'm at....needs cleaning up obviously
Yeah man I'm itching to get it done now....the cobs you see are citizen clu48-1212 from a UK eBay seller. Really helpful and full of advise. He sent them already soldered together in pairs. Holders, wagos, and a few screws all I need is a liitle paste. I was tyring to follow your advise for the 1812 50v but they're like rocking horse shit haha.
So far I've got her all apart and clipped all the LEDs off, sanded the solder off and put it to aside for later. Just a case of reassembly now....... I think.
I'll upload some pics shortly if you don't mind having a look?
Cheers mate

I've always used a micro torch to take out old diodes. Works like a charm and no hard work involved.
Might sound lik
Is that a vipar450 you are converting, and will you be using the existing drivers? Following closely on this, so please keep posting some pictures of the process.
Yes and yes my friend.
I've been taking pics throughout the project so far at each point. So once I am done I will post them up here or start a thread for it, as I too was looking around before but didn't have much luck on finding a documented vipar upgrade.....plenty have done them with great success but I can't find many "walkthroughs" as such......
I also have a 600 that will be getting the same treatment in due course :smoking::pass:
Might sound lik

Yes and yes my friend.
I've been taking pics throughout the project so far at each point. So once I am done I will post them up here or start a thread for it, as I too was looking around before but didn't have much luck on finding a documented vipar upgrade.....plenty have done them with great success but I can't find many "walkthroughs" as such......
I also have a 600 that will be getting the same treatment in due course :smoking::pass:
Perfect! DIY for dummies like myself when it comes to electricity.. on a side note tho, I've been really happy with the light itself so far. It lacks some red spectrum for flowering, but veg is actually pretty decent!
Might sound lik

Yes and yes my friend.
I've been taking pics throughout the project so far at each point. So once I am done I will post them up here or start a thread for it, as I too was looking around before but didn't have much luck on finding a documented vipar upgrade.....plenty have done them with great success but I can't find many "walkthroughs" as such......
I also have a 600 that will be getting the same treatment in due course :smoking::pass:
That would be interesting. I have an unused Vipar 600 sitting in a cupboard...
Perfect! DIY for dummies like myself when it comes to electricity.. on a side note tho, I've been really happy with the light itself so far. It lacks some red spectrum for flowering, but veg is actually pretty decent!
Yeah man...crap as they are on a whole I can't slate them really as they do grow plants......just cost the bloody earth to do so lol.
Same for myself with the electrics for dummies lol I usually open shit up look at it n think no its knackered
...this is first time I've had a proper go lol
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Story so far guys....think she's about ready to be rebuilt properly now...I've screwed the cobs and heatsinks down temporarily without any paste just to check my hole positions....all looks good although I need to sink the cob screws into the heatsinks as I didn't think about that bit lol.....
^simlpy unclipped the connectors and put drivers to aside.

^taking the lens/reflectors off was just a case of 6-8 screws and a couple of plastic screws on the lens side

^unscrewed the heatsinks from the led side. Then gently prised the heatsinks away from the board.
^so far this was the most work..clipping the leds snips were knackered so I made do with nail clippers, which worked well haha. Then sanded the solder off in the shed. Took about half hour to do this bit.
^used a wallpaper scraper and a Stanley blade to scrape the paste up and put it in some tin foil for late, used abit of wd40 to clean it up abit.
^used the old led side for the heatsinks. Just lined them up and re-drilled the holes.
^same for the cobs. I lined them up and drilled the holes. Although I did this when the heatsinks were off so I need to re-drilled the holes abit to sink the screws into the heatsinks.....

That's it for now. Tomorrow I'll sink the holes in the heatsinks. Take it all apart again, clean it up good then reassemble it with the thermal paste....couple of connectors and I believe it should be good to go.....

I can't stress enough how much I steer clear of electronics and tech but this build has been a doddle. Even for me.....

Cheers guys


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