Nutrients Biotabs, Mephisto MBAP & DIY Cobs

Was it you doing Tabs, biobizz and autopots? I just read it somewhere.

I’ve done that exact combination and it’s perfect.
Yep, exactly, biobizz lite, BT full line with Silicium Flash, bat guano, and extra mychorrizea I have from another line to increase biodiversity in the medium.
I am dropping my seeds in the filtered water with a little H2o2 in there to aide in germination and help prevent and issues with bacteria or contamination.
I have some strong genetics going in with some potentially nice flavor strains...PineApple Express, Purple Nuggets, Orange Biscuit, Gorilla Glue, Sour Livers, and a hybrid experiment of Creme de la Chem x Sour Stomper. Should be a very tasty run if the organic does its job. I have the environment pretty much dialed in. Might be a touch low in RH for beginning, but I will use humidity domes to help that.

I will tag you in on this run. I would love any advice you might have. Passing one over to ya! :pass:
Yep, exactly, biobizz lite, BT full line with Silicium Flash, bat guano, and extra mychorrizea I have from another line to increase biodiversity in the medium.
I am dropping my seeds in the filtered water with a little H2o2 in there to aide in germination and help prevent and issues with bacteria or contamination.
I have some strong genetics going in with some potentially nice flavor strains...PineApple Express, Purple Nuggets, Orange Biscuit, Gorilla Glue, Sour Livers, and a hybrid experiment of Creme de la Chem x Sour Stomper. Should be a very tasty run if the organic does its job. I have the environment pretty much dialed in. Might be a touch low in RH for beginning, but I will use humidity domes to help that.

I will tag you in on this run. I would love any advice you might have. Passing one over to ya! :pass:

Sounds like an awesome selection dude. Lovely strains there. Purple Nuggets! Yum. I think you will be very happy with the organic flavours and terps.

I look forward to reading the journal mate.

Don’t forget to give the Seeds a quick suck (gently) to get your DNA into the mix
A quick suck,...well I can't say as though I have heard that phrase in a while, but there ya go!:haha:

I am actually doing everything I can to not get my DNA in the mix. Even germinating using H2o2 in the water, and even the water was filtered. Maybe I should try your way next grow.:eyebrows:

I will tag you in on the grow. On my way to the grow shop tomorrow to get my BioTabs and get started. Seeds already germinating right now.

Should be fun! :woohoo1:
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A quick suck,...well I can't say as though I have heard that phrase in a while, but there ya go!:haha:

I am actually doing everything I can. It to get my DNA in the mix. Even germinating using H2o2 in the water, and even the water was filtered. Maybe I should try your way next grow.:eyebrows:

I will tag you in on the grow. On my way to the grow shop tomorrow to get my BioTabs and get started. Seeds already germinating right now.

Should be fun! :woohoo1:

I swear by the seed sucking mate! Give them a quick suck and then carry on with your preferred germination method. Then as soon as they sprout just keep telling them how much you and the universe love them haha. They feel it!
Talking to the plants, connecting my quantum energy to theirs, that I already do, but I will leave the seed sucking to you for now...

Much love though to you and all your methods. I love growing and all its many possibilities.
I even name my plants because I believe they are all individuals and require unique care. Giving them names help me better identify their personalities and needs. This organic journey indoors, where I have less control will be interesting.
I have the teas, and the PK booster, plus their new product Silicium Flash, which has all micronutrients as well and eliminates the Cal Mag issues growers were having. Should be a smooth ride, but usually nature throws a curve or two at you. We shall see.

Today is the day it all goes in the ground.
Today is the day it all goes in the ground.

Good luck with your new grow mate, sound like you got everything under control. Tags us in once you start :thumbsup:.

In other news, most of the beans I started a couple of days ago showed their heads :woohoo:.
I even name my plants because I believe they are all individuals and require unique care. Giving them names help me better identify their personalities and needs. This organic journey indoors, where I have less control will be interesting.
I have the teas, and the PK booster, plus their new product Silicium Flash, which has all micronutrients as well and eliminates the Cal Mag issues growers were having. Should be a smooth ride, but usually nature throws a curve or two at you. We shall see.

Today is the day it all goes in the ground.

Awesome mate we are on the same wavelength then. They ARE individuals. As much as you or I. And they are sentient beings, whatever anyone else tells you! Some of them are teachers! Haha

Personally I love the PK Tee. You can brew it as long and strong as you like and the aeration I think really helps. Lots of activity in there when it’s all bubbled up.
I actually believe the same thing. All things in the universe are here as part of our journey and connected to our quantum life force. Plants can definitely be teachers, and so can pets, and even pain. Whether we listen and learn something is another story, and too long to get into now.

Thanks for sharing.:bighug:
I actually believe the same thing. All things in the universe are here as part of our journey and connected to our quantum life force. Plants can definitely be teachers, and so can pets, and even pain. Whether we listen and learn something is another story, and too long to get into now.

Thanks for sharing.:bighug:

Another hippy. Awesome.