Outdoor The Jokers Skyhighatry Blog

Aww well thanks Dave.. I'm flattered!
Always a pleasure vladimiriviskovskison [emoji23]
Only if there's lead in them or shiny hub caps [emoji23]

Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
No lead for sure. Was gonna put hubcaps in the wheels I was gonna fit to the drip trays to move them easier so I'll just get it over with and post them too you instead eh hahaha
Or copper cables.. Rubber gloves and wellies Wilee... [emoji6]
Wellies???? He's scouse not Welsh mun ffs dew dew Lmao. I kinda miss the beefs eh vlad lol
Always a pleasure vladimiriviskovskison [emoji23]

No lead for sure. Was gonna put hubcaps in the wheels I was gonna fit to the drip trays to move them easier so I'll just get it over with and post them too you instead eh hahaha

Wellies???? He's scouse not Welsh mun ffs dew dew Lmao. I kinda miss the beefs eh vlad lol

Mrs B's still on THCT mate, killing the pot noodle contest. I spoke to her today actually!
I thought that place shut down? I don't think I'm welcome there though for some reason [emoji51]

Talk not Tokers mate.. Talk's alive and kicking mate.. I don't go on there much tho, just follow a couple of threads. There's still a lot of the old crew on there actually, -the ones that didn't get themselves banned when the site got sold.
Talk not Tokers mate.. Talk's alive and kicking mate.. I don't go on there much tho, just follow a couple of threads. There's still a lot of the old crew on there actually, -the ones that didn't get themselves banned when the site got sold.
Yeah I kinda regret that now eh [emoji23]
Haha, yeah I bet. And guess what.. Nobody's info got sold to the police or anyfing! [emoji23]
Yeah I feel stupid for buying into all that now. My anxiety disorder was kicking off at the time though which REALLY didn't help. Maybe they'll forgive and forget now? Who knows
They let Beef back in.. He's commented a couple of times on his wife's thread. I'm settled here for now tho, it's alwight mate. [emoji1360]

Here's Yozik, outdoor grower in Spain

Yozhik's Grow [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]

After a break, it's time to dive into Grow [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] and some Sweet Seeds goodness again.

As I type this, the following were initially immersed in water for 24+ hours, and are now currently resting in a damp paper towel.

4 x Mohan Ram Auto

Once good looking tap roots appear, they'll be placed into small pots, and thrown into the tent under 600W HPS.
Will post again when that activity happens.

<font color="[HASHTAG]#ff0000[/HASHTAG]">Just to avoid confusion ...
Grow [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] and Grow [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] will be run simultaneously,
each dedicated to a specific 'Seed Breeder', and
separated into the breeder's respective sub-forum.

Hope you enjoy the ride!


Let's see if the link works... [emoji848]