Lighting The House of Vorkosigan

Delilah the Mephisto Deep Blue C Illuminauto edition IMG_7431.jpg IMG_7432.jpg IMG_7433.jpg IMG_7434.jpg IMG_7435.jpg IMG_7436.jpg
The 6 wee Mumbling Dragons IMG_7437.jpg
Fiona the Fantasmo Express, girl is getting frost early! IMG_7438.jpg IMG_7439.jpg IMG_7440.jpg IMG_7441.jpg IMG_7442.jpg
Claudette the CBD bush photoperiod that may take over my tent like a Gilligan's Island cave tarantula! IMG_7451.jpg
She also has this one weird branch that isn't round with squared ridges but flat and wide IMG_7452.jpg this is the top to that branchIMG_7453.jpg
Mary's weight before the jar IMG_7455.jpg IMG_7456.jpg
Pictures are from last week so of course things have changed a bit...
Wee Mumbling Dragons IMG_7735.jpg IMG_7736.jpg The messed up babies are on the mend and working overtime to catch-up to their non-messed up siblings.
Delilah the Deep Blue C Illuminauto had her last moments alive on the infamous Rainbow Brite sheet IMG_7689.JPG IMG_7690.jpg IMG_7691.jpg IMG_7693.jpg IMG_7694.jpg IMG_7695.jpg IMG_7696.jpg IMG_7697.jpg IMG_7698.jpg Lots of frost but couldn't get her to amber, must be one of the Mephistos that do not.