Lighting The House of Vorkosigan

More of Margaret IMG_7194.jpg IMG_7195.jpg IMG_7196.jpg IMG_7197.jpg IMG_7198.JPG IMG_7199.jpg IMG_7200.jpg IMG_7201.jpg IMG_7211.jpg IMG_7212.jpg
Claudette the CBD photo IMG_7247.jpg IMG_7248.jpg IMG_7249.jpg
Aureum the Acapulco Gold photo IMG_7255.jpg She had balls tonight when I checked the new growth, I ripped them off! IMG_7256.jpg
Fiona the confused fixed herself and has pistils showing loads of places. I'm still doing a ball-check daily. IMG_7257.jpg IMG_7258.jpg
Blerg, much has been happening and I haven't found the time to get on for updates. Found a bit of time tonight so I'll post loads of pics, hopefully, with few blurbs, hopefully, in the process of getting stoned for sleep by eating a homemade medicated gummie. The following 1L pots have been harvested so far - Athena (Amber), Margaret (Mephisto Mystery), Rachel (Rainbow Moonstone), Aphrodite [top half] (Amber), Wilma (White Chem), and Mary (Mephisto Mystery). The 3 gal pots are going strong. I've started 6 Mumbling Dragons in wee pots for another seed run because I'm not satisfied with the current germination rates on the seeds I reproduced for the breeder (my own idea, not a request from them).
Rachel on chop day IMG_7357.jpg IMG_7358.jpg IMG_7359.jpg
Aphrodite for the top half IMG_7360.jpg IMG_7361.jpg IMG_7362.jpg
Wilma IMG_7363.jpg IMG_7364.jpg IMG_7365.jpg
With the ginger beer bottle for comparison IMG_7366.jpg IMG_7367.jpg IMG_7368.jpg