Lighting The House of Vorkosigan

After @Itisi posted a remark about Dr. Grinspoon I had a thought while drifting off to sleep - what if Felicia is like Dr. Grinspoon, crazy growth habit but amazing medicine...& I don't pollinate her, I may never find her like again...I couldn't live with the thought so I pulled some of my royal purple Mumbling Dragon pollen from the freezer and nailed her lowest buds for a small seed run. Both are royal purple, he developed trichomes, and he was hardy as hell, should be a beautiful frosty combination.
She is insane with the frost and smells of the most delicious berries. I get excited every time I see her in the tent, even if she is the most awkward plant I've grown to date.
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You know I love my macro trichome shots. Her royal purple with light lime-green pistils just make the flowers POP.
IMG_7080.jpg Just look at the development of trichomes on the underside of the leaf *GAH* IMG_7081.jpg IMG_7082.jpg IMG_7084.jpg IMG_7085.jpg IMG_7086.jpg IMG_7087.jpg That is some ROYAL purple IMG_7088.jpg IMG_7089.jpg Trichomes on the stems!!! IMG_7090.jpg IMG_7091.jpg
Delilah the Illuminauto Deep Blue C. She is one sticky girl ALREADY! I moved a branch out of the way while I was messing with another plant, when I pulled my hand back my fingers stuck to each other! She is another one with a very chemical odor. Her side branching is thick with buds as well, a real winner!
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Rachel the Rainbow Moonstone, had me freaking a little bit earlier in the week as her leaves started to "reptile" or change to a darker color. The purple started out looking like rust spots. You can imagine a person standing over a plant asking, "What's your deficiency?!?!?! You're getting exactly what everyone else is getting, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!" I waited a few days and watched as the "reptile" fully came in and breathed a bit easier LOL.
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