Indoor The Giant Dr. Feelgood Project

Got another bean in fresh rockwool and cleaned out the NFT system. Refilled with tap water which had been left to warm up to room temp, a wee cap of grow nutes to get the EC to about 0.5 and then pH down to get to about 5.6.

Initially I don't make up a full 20 litre res as for the first couple of weeks it should just be a case of adding water to keep the pH up to counteract the effect of acidic root secretions (handy when the roots are trying to get through soil but vestigial in hydro and can make pH swing low). Then after a couple of weeks I'll be looking for pH to start going up between top ups which I take as a cue to add more nutes to keep pH in range. By week 4 I hope to have nutes at over 1.5 (pretty much full strength) and be switching to bloom nutes.

Anyway, one of the side branches on the 50 day old one....


Light off pic with ringflash......No chance I can get them to available light to photograph before harvesting but once I get them prettier I can put more effort into the photography.

I'll get my better macro lens up here for some closer pics in the meantime.
Cheers bud. Should get half a dozen or so tops like that:cheers:

Temps have settled to low 20s near the res and high 20s at the tops so back within what my extractor can cope with so it's back on temp control duty rather than just running full blast all the time (try LEDs next summer?) and I have a timer on 20/4 rather than just switching the light off when temps get silly. Hopefully that will sort the curling leaves out.

Noticed the flowering one getting more and more of a lean on so have strung her up to stop it toppling so there goes the plan to grow these unsupported. Time for plan C:rofl:


EDIT....the top in the macro pic was the one at the back right of that pic


great shot of the 50 day old side branch. very pretty!

Thanks bud.

The main top doesn't look too bad either, I guess.....and still a little over 3 weeks to go:biggrin:


I just can't get an angle on that one which gives me a clean background.

One of the side branches on the near side.......most of it looks like they should be decent nugs with minimal popcorn near the base of the plant.


And a bit of some roots.....kinda hard to get a camera in but I can see enough to check flow rate.

drf0610-3.jpg a plant instead of mould this time....


Came up slow and looking a little yellow but I reckon she'll come good.
.....I reckon she'll come good.

Maybe I spoke too soon!

I initially left her under a humidity dome but the yellow bits went brown so I took the dome off and then the brown bits shriveled up so I figured it was on it's way out and started soaking more rockwool.

Now I've got rockwool soaked and ready for more seeds but looks like I might not need them.....


I think this one might have topped itself before it got the first set of true leaves out. Will be interesting to see what happens with this one.....:pass:
Interesting.... yes I'll be here man. Havnt seen this one yet

Aye, just as big and twice as many branches would be fine with me so here's hoping!

I wasn't thinking I would try topping this strain as it seems to grow an even enough canopy for me in NFT anyway. Was more thinking I'd rattle out a few Dr Feelgoods to get a benchmark to work from then start playing about with different nutes and maybe some different lights to see what difference they make.

Will get some new pics up of the older ones soon.

PS @autobeast I thought you might find this one interesting too:pass:
Kush defo mate count me in.been a bit less active last few weeks on here.but i been super busy over on 420 mag.but got a new grow going now.and just been sponsored by a seedbank and a led light company.light is on its way.all to be be returning with a bang thats for sure ha ha
Good times.happy growing mate;)