Indoor The Giant Dr. Feelgood Project

Aye bud, we're on trichome watch.....although I tend to go with it being done when it looks really done and we're not quite there yet. I'm not ready to harvest the hydro one yet as the plan is the soil ones and the Dark Devil Auto and have them dried and out the way, get a res cleaned and reset for germinating the next round and then get the remaining plants down before the roots on the new ones are out the 4" rockwool blocks and in danger of getting tangled.

Anyway, pics of my Dr. feelgood in NFT.....

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that's a bush and a half. :applause:
might have to give up on soil and go NFT!
very impressed my friend.
rep cumin yer way.
Thanks guys.

I'm well pleased with size and shape of this one. I haven't done any training beyond a little leaf tucking when it was a few weeks old and it stands up by itself....everything else I've tried growing in NFT has needed the net and stringing up to stop them falling over.

Hopefully next time I do a better job of keeping heat and high pH in check so it's a wee bit bigger and a whole lot prettier.
That Is awesome from a Dr.Feelgood. .. Top job

Cheers bud:smoking:

I got an ounce off the soil best yield yet from soil lol. It tasted a bit grassy and fresh so I've got it tubbed up to rest. Don't want to smoke it all before I get the hydro one down and tubbed up too anyway. Beyond the fresh cut taste there is something different though...something I don't think I've smelled or tasted before so I'm looking forward to getting to know it a bit better.