Indoor The Giant Dr. Feelgood Project

Took these a couple of days ago.....

The one I thought was topped but wasn't.....

And the bigger one.....

Dunno if it was because I did less leaf tucking on this one that the central stem ended up being higher than the sides but I'm hoping it's going to be my biggest one yet. With the last one I harvested the base of the plant was nearer the pump and the roots ended up being concentrated at that end of the NFT table. With this one I put it further down and seem to have got a better spread of roots on the table and this is the first time I've seen so many roots in the res with this strain.



Day 24 for this one and been doing a bit of leaf tucking over the last few days, just as and when I pop my head into the tent.


Was hoping to have made some progress with a LED but not got round to it yet as I'm still looking at new grow systems......current thinking is just get a bigger NFT system for 2 plants to see how LED fares against HPS but I quite fancy having a go at aeroponics now I've had some practice maintaining reservoirs. The LED will be to the left of my HPS where I've even less height to play with but hopefully it will be just enough to run this strain then I'll have a go at aeroponics under the HPS.
Day 52 for the oldest one so a little over a week to go....and then a few days more probably as I might me a little busy next week.

Buds have fattened up nicely in the last week and starting to see some brown hairs so I broke out the macro lens again:smoking:






Since it's pretty much all ShortStuff strains here's a pic of all the gals (hopefully!)....


Dr Feelgoods in the back 2 "pots", a couple of another breeder's autos in together since those ones are tall and not that bushy then the one on the lower right is the Auto Gorilla OG which is part of the new test run thread.

Day 61 and ready to harvest for this one next chance I get to stink the house out trimming:smokeit:

Light on without flash:

Light on with flash:

This one is still standing on her own! Balanced precariously on a 4" rockwool cube but symmetrical enough not to topple:pass:
Chop day.....snapped a couple of pics as my mate was trimming the main cola.....


I chop branches off the plant then pull fan leaves and as many sugar leaves as I can too since I'm not too fussed for concentrates to make the pile on the left above and my mate trims them into what is on the pile on the right

The plant when the above was taken.....

.....and then about an hour and a half after we started (including making tea and having a joint) it was all on the rack....

