Mephisto Genetics The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Hubbabubbasmelloscope, Autopots, Milk powder

Jan 3, 2015
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Mephistopheles has paid a visit to the Tabernacle, and dropped 7 Hubbabubbasmelloscope beans into the darkness of some Atami lightmix, mumbled some words that sounded like a Serbo-Croatian dialect while he waved a black wand around, knocking over a just opened 1 L canna boost bottle in the process. But it worked, 3 days later Corgy's very own homemade propagator was vindicated at 28 c, when the Hubba's smelled the scope of fresh air for the very first time.

1 lucky lady will be fed only milk powder(maybe some calmag addy if the need arises), and the other 6 will get H&G A+B, Bio-Green root xtreme, Bio-Green Zyme and Bio-Green Cal-Gel.

The plan is to house them in 25 L Autopots, except for the milk Lady who will ply her trade from a 22,5 L Airpot, trouble is that the order for the Autopots still hasn't been delivered, and IF they are not here by Friday, 22,5 L Airpots or smartpots is the name of game and will allow yours truly to yet again show off remarkable skills honed to almost perfection with a 10 L water can.

Here is some mug shots taken when the Ladies were looking the other way



Being only 6 days old, am I the only one to think they are a little preposterous in showing off the 2nd set of true leaves already?

Chester has gracefully agreed to keep an eye on my antics, AND those of the Ladies.......judging from what the Grim Reefer is up to elsewhere, some steady hand-holding might not be amiss, thanks Chester!

Please feel free to join this journey, and any critique, advise, scorn, comments and such is as always welcome.
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Brilliant Corgy!
Are you going to let them grow au naturale?
Or could some bending scrogging be in order?

Well, the first line of defense against Botanical excessiveness is supercropping, if that fails to halt the wickedness of Mephistopheles, then a SCRoG net will be deployed if I get them into Autopots as planned(just got a mail saying"they should be here on Friday".......should.....haha........if I end up planting in Airpots or Smartpots, then I fear only anti-Mephistopheles nematodes or some such has the required gumption........
shooting (2).gif

Any suggestions?

By the way, the Milk Lady will be subject to attempted mainlining.......we'll see!
Good luck. I don't think you'll need any hand holding. All I do is keep her fed and keep wiring the branches up because the buds get heavy. Have fun! Great strain.
1 lucky lady will be fed only milk powder

What!!! WTFO

You can't just drop that juicy tidbit in a thread and disappear.
Give us some background, more info, details.

Why milk powder instead of condensed milk, or fresh milk, or breast milk.
What brand, what concentration.

And what the heck are you thinking. Please tell me you are really gonna do this, growing is fun again.
What!!! WTFO

You can't just drop that juicy tidbit in a thread and disappear.
Give us some background, more info, details.

Why milk powder instead of condensed milk, or fresh milk, or breast milk.
What brand, what concentration.

And what the heck are you thinking. Please tell me you are really gonna do this, growing is fun again.

Oh, I gonna do it......already started yesterday with a small dose of 2 g per Liter.......but, but, this is not my thinking, I'm merely a copycat, you can find the inspiration and answers here however I was unable to source the CMS Lactose free powder variety, breast milk was out of stock this week, fresh milk I drink and creme fraiche is soooooo yesterday..........Mate, you're welcome to join the Milk Powder way or the other we shall prevail......or NOT!
