Live Stoners The Cabin...

Good lord man. And woman. I am green with envy. That is some serious foliage you two have there! I can see two people that have been working their tales off this Summer. Here is to a magnificent harvest! :cheers:
wow Root & Eek..just Wow...I Wish I had a garden like that....:drool:

A few pics...


Ha ha..Love the arms...

Eek you and root need to do some landscaping you got weeds growing out of control :crying:

:crying: sniper...:d5:
We are in long as you have a recommendation and the county doesn't prohibit outdoor growing it is as legal as possible...2 boys under've got your hands full!

I never dreamed we would have this many plants...we figured some would be male...1/2 of the non femed.
Had to extend the garden twice to give the girls room.
:bighug: Hi gang! :pass:... how ya doin', dwelling in that lush, verdant jungle!
>>> :jawdrop:*clang!* :clapper::clapper::clapper: :woohoo: :bow::bow::bow: ...Holy poop tea guys!! I think that's the most concentrated goodness per sq. foot I've ever seen! Absolutely spectacular my friends, the sight of you two lost in The Bush in your own yard warms me heart,... :eyebrows: :rofl: ...all the plants look so gorgeous and healthy,... your skills and hard work are showing in Technacolor! Seriously, whatever products you're using, those brands should be endorsing you,:greenthumb:... the sheer variety of leaf shapes, sizes, plant structures, etc., it's like a canna field botany class; that big Bang is very cool, with the petite leaves; monster slender fingers here--who are they?-->
..... *oooof!* Is that Sweet's J47? I hear that's their potency champ, and that is saying something! ...that WW is stellar too :thumbsup:...I love that strain, but the last couple times it's come my way, were sorry examples of it, so I passed,..:doh: guys getting any buzz about so called Chiquita Banana? A local walk-in has had it a couple times now, testing out at 28-30+% THC!! :yoinks:...might have to bite the bullet and score a wee sample, painful as it is- LOL! Not spending $$ on quality buds does spoil one rotten after a while,..:biggrin: .... The Doktor- if A4 has wood for it, I must too! You know what Sati'-nut he is,...:drool:LOL! Have you seen the outrageous Grinspoon a. F1's lately? :woody: lordy!!- he getting some color in them too, purp's, way back from the JEM used his parent cross! .... looks like he's not the only one gettin' jiggy with the pollen! :hump:..hope the neighbors like Barry White....LOL!...lots of good stuff in the pipes Eek :goodluck:
.... Eek buddy, I like your Critter Gitter- :amazon: LOL!-- Redneck should git hi'self wunna dem too-- or fencing like you have! ... Root, safe travels luv, if you're still down in the swamplands-- stay cool! I lived in Gainesville for 3 years,... felt like a steamed Chinese hor d'oeuvre most of the time,... could NOT wait to get back to my lovely lovely coastal fog! :rofl: .... :biggrin: Is Fred still around? -I dig him! We have a similar unexplainable boon of those little tree frogs around here too, different species than the ones with the eye-stripe,...I have to chase and relocated 1-2 every night from my plants! ...:coffee:Man, no exaggeration at all about that growth explosion,... the jump from the 24th to the 5th was gob-slackening! I can't wait to see current ones (hint hint)....:eyebrows:... And by early Fall-- fuggedaboutit!! I'll be squatting in the garden myself! Face it, you'll need the help :rofl:-- the Green Goddess has apparently blessed you with a bollocks-free (or nearly so, I hope?) garden this year! :doh: Who knew to anticipate a pollen shortage?! :shrug::biggrin:

..... I'd love to get hold of that Sea Blend soil! Is it local only? .... :smoking:--love the pics in post #120-- Root= :help: :haha:.... Marley is too damn cute, and boy, is she growing too! I see she has a fellow young fuzzbutt brudda now as well! What's the Rotty's name again--Roxy, or something like that? ... great face! .... :drool:ooOOooo, when's the salsa party?! Veggie's look de-lish,... Just in time for a late season Giants pre-playoff party! :headbang: :wiz:-- could it possibly happen again???? :gary:

:pighug: :kiss: :slap: :slap: BOOM!! Mad respect for you both my friends, what a glorious grow this is indeed!!
Hi Waira, thanks for looking!

We need to get current pictures on...growing like Weeds!
The above picture is VOG X AH in the felt pot and JTR X AH on the right. They are a little bit bigger now.
So far we've taken 8 males out. There may be 2 or 3 more.
We will only be keeping pollen from a LR X AH...I hate killing males but they do make nice oil.
I can't believe how much room we have now! Instead of being cramped, they have room to spread and sunlight is getting down to the lower branches.

Fred the frog is still around along with his family.
We have a different kind of frog that wants to live in the sun room. Every night he disappears and in the morning he lives in whatever plant I have on the table in there. I've taken him outside several times and he always comes he is welcome to live with us.

Roxy, Marley, Wall-e and I need to do a little work in the garden...we'll be done in time for the Giants game today.
They have the ability to do it again this year...wouldn't that be Great?! We are fans either way!

Pictures soon
Eek you and root need to do some landscaping you got weeds growing out of control :crying:

Thanks for comin' in Sniper. Pollen's flyin' if you get me. But not here, and so FINALLY we got some males. It was like, one day they all looked female, and the next day we had to chop about nine males, of various strains.

Absolutely beautiful plants guys are soooo lucky to have a cabin in a place like that!!

Well, lucky would be one way to put it, lol. Just joking, and thanks. However when considering location, you have many other factors. Price of gas. Job distance. Security. The cost of living, food, etc. We DID luck out on our landlord, who is cannabis friendly.

Good lord man. And woman. I am green with envy. That is some serious foliage you two have there! I can see two people that have been working their tales off this Summer. Here is to a magnificent harvest! :cheers:


Hey Brother, I am gonna make my next post be the ones you wanted. Probably this afternoon, it is gonna be hot today, so it will be an inside afternoon, and I can do my posting then. The pictures are all ready taken.

I second what brother A4 said :thumbsup: Fantastic work my friends :d5: Much love :bighug:

Thank you very much, and I must admit that Root stays here mostly looking after them. A compliment from you has made my day sir. Not that other's don'[t ha

wow Root & Eek..just Wow...I Wish I had a garden like that....

Ha ha..Love the arms...

:crying: sniper...:d5:

We got a plot behind the house you can use, it is approx 10x10m, what could you grow in that space? And I love the arms too!

:bighug: Hi gang! :pass:... how ya doin', dwelling in that lush, verdant jungle!
>>> :jawdrop:*clang!* :clapper::clapper::clapper: :woohoo: :bow::bow::bow: ...Holy poop tea guys!! I think that's the most concentrated goodness per sq. foot I've ever seen! Absolutely spectacular my friends, the sight of you two lost in The Bush in your own yard warms me heart,... :eyebrows: :rofl: ...all the plants look so gorgeous and healthy,... your skills and hard work are showing in Technacolor! Seriously, whatever products you're using, those brands should be endorsing you,:greenthumb:... the sheer variety of leaf shapes, sizes, plant structures, etc., it's like a canna field botany class; that big Bang is very cool, with the petite leaves; monster slender fingers here--who are they?-->..... *oooof!* Is that Sweet's J47? I hear that's their potency champ, and that is saying something! ...that WW is stellar too :thumbsup:...I love that strain, but the last couple times it's come my way, were sorry examples of it, so I passed,..:doh: guys getting any buzz about so called Chiquita Banana? A local walk-in has had it a couple times now, testing out at 28-30+% THC!! :yoinks:...might have to bite the bullet and score a wee sample, painful as it is- LOL! Not spending $$ on quality buds does spoil one rotten after a while,..:biggrin: .... The Doktor- if A4 has wood for it, I must too! You know what Sati'-nut he is,...:drool:LOL! Have you seen the outrageous Grinspoon a. F1's lately? :woody: lordy!!- he getting some color in them too, purp's, way back from the JEM used his parent cross! .... looks like he's not the only one gettin' jiggy with the pollen! :hump:..hope the neighbors like Barry White....LOL!...lots of good stuff in the pipes Eek :goodluck:
.... Eek buddy, I like your Critter Gitter- :amazon: LOL!-- Redneck should git hi'self wunna dem too-- or fencing like you have! ... Root, safe travels luv, if you're still down in the swamplands-- stay cool! I lived in Gainesville for 3 years,... felt like a steamed Chinese hor d'oeuvre most of the time,... could NOT wait to get back to my lovely lovely coastal fog! :rofl: .... :biggrin: Is Fred still around? -I dig him! We have a similar unexplainable boon of those little tree frogs around here too, different species than the ones with the eye-stripe,...I have to chase and relocated 1-2 every night from my plants! ...:coffee:Man, no exaggeration at all about that growth explosion,... the jump from the 24th to the 5th was gob-slackening! I can't wait to see current ones (hint hint)....:eyebrows:... And by early Fall-- fuggedaboutit!! I'll be squatting in the garden myself! Face it, you'll need the help :rofl:-- the Green Goddess has apparently blessed you with a bollocks-free (or nearly so, I hope?) garden this year! :doh: Who knew to anticipate a pollen shortage?! :shrug::biggrin:

..... I'd love to get hold of that Sea Blend soil! Is it local only? .... :smoking:--love the pics in post #120-- Root= :help: :haha:.... Marley is too damn cute, and boy, is she growing too! I see she has a fellow young fuzzbutt brudda now as well! What's the Rotty's name again--Roxy, or something like that? ... great face! .... :drool:ooOOooo, when's the salsa party?! Veggie's look de-lish,... Just in time for a late season Giants pre-playoff party! :headbang: :wiz:-- could it possibly happen again???? :gary:

:pighug: :kiss: :slap: :slap: BOOM!! Mad respect for you both my friends, what a glorious grow this is indeed!!

Thanks for the reps, it is appreciated to the fullest. So much that you commented on. Root covered alot, so I will cover some as well.

Yeah, it is a lush garden as you say. Just a bit of perameters. Almost all the plants are six feet or greater, and all have a girth about the size of a 7 foot patio umbrella. I have had to bend some of the plants, because they are getting too tall and pressing up against the chicken wire roof of part of the garden (7 feet).

The critters are pretty darned cute, and effective in keeping deer and crooks away. Marley sleeps on the porch, the one you see in the pictures, and she barks vigorously at anything out of the norm. Then it is up to us I guess.

The picture you quoted earlier, is a VOG female crossed with an Amnesia Haze male.
This is gonna be a Huge plant. It is as massive as the White Widow and the Big Bang.

I will be posting pictures of the individual plants this pm.

Hi Waira, thanks for looking!

We need to get current pictures on...growing like Weeds!
The above picture is VOG X AH in the felt pot and JTR X AH on the right. They are a little bit bigger now.
So far we've taken 8 males out. There may be 2 or 3 more.
We will only be keeping pollen from a LR X AH...I hate killing males but they do make nice oil.
I can't believe how much room we have now! Instead of being cramped, they have room to spread and sunlight is getting down to the lower branches.

Fred the frog is still around along with his family.
We have a different kind of frog that wants to live in the sun room. Every night he disappears and in the morning he lives in whatever plant I have on the table in there. I've taken him outside several times and he always comes he is welcome to live with us.
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Roxy, Marley, Wall-e and I need to do a little work in the garden...we'll be done in time for the Giants game today.
They have the ability to do it again this year...wouldn't that be Great?! We are fans either way!

Pictures soon

Thank you Honey. You are the best. You are to be credited with such great work. You do most of it. I am only supplimental. Ha ha ha.

Hey Brother, I am gonna make my next post be the ones you wanted. Probably this afternoon, it is gonna be hot today, so it will be an inside afternoon, and I can do my posting then. The pictures are all ready taken.

No worries my friend, and no rush. Just curious how they work out for you. On another note, the Harle-Tsu are all above soil! Excellent germ rates so will be a journal on them starting this week.
This first one is for Waira.
I have seen the grinny auto's though. so here is the plant you had commented on. The VOG x Amnesia Haze. After aquiring the Vendetto OG from a dispensary about five years ago, I have been growing the strain since. Each year I will pop a few of them, they are not super frosty, but they are pretty potent. And they don't show much OG, though it does have a lemony smell. Also, the plants didn't get very big. I got about 4 ounces outa my biggest one. So I wanted keep the genetics of this beautiful Amnesia Haze male we had last year. We got a seed from a friend, and it turned male, so not being able to smoke any of it, we kept the pollen and did some crosses. It is huge now, about 7 feet tall, and so many branches of which budsites have exploded. If nothing else, the "Grow" part of the feeding program is phenomenal. The Cotton Candy x AH 's are most about 8-9 feet tall, and the tallest, but I think the one towering over all the females will be a male. Like macho men do, lol.

Have you ever seen the time lapse of a real-time male trying to pollenate a female? They get pretty jiggy with the dancing, etc.
Okay Wai, here it is.



