Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

Kindbuds comp girl day 143
  • A little late on the update but got some flash pics this am. Still doing good. Getting closer to harvest. She has been living under a pop up canopy for a week now as we have had rain in the forecast every day. Gotta find my scope and check trichs.
    Harvest Industrial plant
  • @Waira

    Update harvest industrial plant. I took the tops off the industrial plant yesterday evening.
    Before we got the heavy rain. It's the only plant that I was really worried about possibly getting Bud rot or pm, mold. The buds are very trenchy. It's a good squeezing plant for concentrates when grown outside. But it's not typical of this plant inside. The bud structures are leafy outside compared to how it runs inside. The buds inside are hard and dank and shaped like little torpedo heads. I was hoping for the same results outside. That didn't happen.

    Update to the update. So I started writing this last night. And put it on a pause for a minute cuz I had to be in trim jail for 5 hours. So when I come home this afternoon and looking at the buds that I left on the industrial plant. (Yes I do a two-part harvest usually)
    The buds are now be coming typical. In fact they've hardened up overnight.. it's amazing actually... Completely difference from last night when I harvested. :chef: Can you say fluffy?:shrug:

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    The day after harvest




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    Kyote's weekly update
  • @Waira

    Missed last weeks update as i was outta the country for a bit

    Snow G has fattened up a bit in the last week since i saw her.. some fade starting to happen on the uppers..

    Will give her another feed of banana sun tea tomorrow.. and foliar with Rotblock

    Another week of this crazy sunshine, so see how things go.. i'd like to keep her going


    :vibes: all :bighug:
    Harvest day SSSC strawberry cookies photoperiod day 148
  • Today is harvest day of Gloria, the last girl from the hedge. @Waira , yes I was broken up about the hedge but saved a lot from rot. This girl was a champ! No real problems and only a few spots of bud rot. She was the largest of the hedge. Trimmed all fans off and hung in the cool basement to dry before a dry trim. I only have two hangers full but branches are around 3’ long each. Will update further with dry bud pics as soon as they are ready.

    @SuperSativaSeedClub_John ,OD strawberry cookies
    10/17/22 - 420Forever update #19
  • @Waira update #19 ;) and well, my girlz may or may not end up havin to go a wee bit past halloween, idk yet, so....jus sayin :shrug: and sorry i missed my uzual weekend update, but i had a sudden plant emergency pop up outa nowhere late yesterday afternoon, in the form of pm invading both my gdp & thunder banana, so had to take unplanned time out to chop, trim, wash, etc etc....:nono: anyway, the other four, including my two comp girlz are still ok, but it'z suppozed to dip down to 22f tonite & 20 tomorrow nite :eek1:, so if they can jus make it thru a couple more nitez, i'm sure they'll make it to the finish......fingerz crossed :rofl: :rolleyes2:

    Female Seedz WWxBB photo Day 130 :smoking:


    Linda Seedz Grapefruit photo Day 130 :smoking:


    the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
    Update Skunk hero
  • Hey y'all. I'm sorry I'm not able to read everything that's above here I've been so damn busy my eyes are going cross all the time. Trimming does a lot to your eyes and your hands.
    I scan through some of the pics down through here real quick and read some of the comments.
    I want to thank you guys:bighug::worship::pass::cheers::toke:
    it's been a great grow year I've had a lot of fun growing you guys this year. I hope we can do it for many years to come. Everybody's grows look awesome:pighug:. Everybody did a really good job even if they think you didn't you still did.
    I know growing can be tough sometimes.:coffee2: We've all had our share of disappointments. It happens:shrug::doh::pop: it happens to the very best of us. You can't dictate what a plant's going to do or the conditions that you're dealt out during the grow when you grow outside. :doh::cuss:It's kind of like playing cards. You're just dealt the hand you're dealt, just deal with it. LOL:shrug::rofl::vibe:
    The grow gods know that I've had plenty of grows that have went South.:cuss:

    Been trimming my ass off. I've already got 108 plus hours at the farm.:help: I'm not sure how many here on my grow.?:shrug:a lot I'm sure. I've sharpened my scissors at least once. I've dry trimmed, wet trimmed, sat trimmed, and stood trimmed, I have trimmed about every position I can imagine. The farmer doesn't have as many workers this year as he usually does. Not sure why didn't ask just banking the hours.

    Most of the crop here in my garden I've took on a two-stage harvest. No different with the skunk hero. I took the ripe large buds and colons from the skunk hero yesterday morning.


    Skunk hero @Jean-O genetics

    Image_2022-10-18 06_31_34_534.png

    I'm making more complete post when I have more time here in a few days I just wanted to catch up a little bit while I had a few moments before I head up and put them scissors back in my hand for another day of probably 6 to 7 hours. Y'all take care.
    Rock on afn.:worship::cheers:
    10/22/22 - 420Forever update #20
  • @Waira update #20 ;)

    both my entriez are about 95% cloudy now & i'm jus waitin on amber :oops1: :face: am hopin i might be able to get two of my remaining four girlz down this next week, but we'll jus hafta see what nature sez, lol :shrug:

    Female Seedz WWxBB photo Day 135 :smoking:


    Linda Seedz Grapefruit photo Day 135 :smoking:


    the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
    Kindbuds final weight strawberry cookies comp plant
  • Good morning y’all. She was finally dry so I dry trimmed her yesterday and weighed her. Minus about 3-4 g of budrot and about an oz of larf for bubble hash she weighed 56 g. So about 88 total of useable flower. Scissor hash was banging! During trim I had smells of dough, bakery, berry… had an aroma of cranberry bread! Buds are looser than indoor, obviously. Frosted in trichs.
  • @Waira

    Updates. Fire OG Kush, industrial plant, skunk hero. Second stage harvest.

    So I harvested the Fire OG Kush first on the 10th of October I'm getting ready to harvest its second stage. There's not much left on this plant I could have probably left more to get better and danker. These bud's definitely got danker that's for sure. The buds are much better than what they would have been if I would have harvested the whole plant at one time. I'll be harvesting this plant within a day or so.

    Almost the final pics of the

    Fire OG Kush big head seeds. Harvest fall for 2022.


    Update industrial plant
    The buds on the industrial plant have grown and swelled up quite a bit. I've been manicuring them a little bit here and there. After I make this post I intend to go out and trim all the plants for final harvest as I plan to be in by this weekend on everything and have it all hanging.

    Industrial plant dinafem second harvest fall 2022


    Skunk hero Jane-O genetics

    Great plant love growing it I would grow it again in a heartbeat.
    The skunk hero was a Real pleasure and easy to grow. This plant was p.m. free the entire grow. I didn't have any pest issues that I could tell. As I do a pretty good IPM so I probably wouldn't ever seen them anyways. I just lightly spray this plant when I walk by, it never had any p.m.
    The aroma was not what I expected and was looking for.
    It's fruity... I'm not looking for fruity. I'm looking for sticky skunk. I'm looking for it to stink like you don't really want it around you stinky n skunky. But that's what I'm looking for and that's what I want. Maybe this plant will lean that way after curing? Unsure we'll see later on. It's hard to find stinky skunk smelling plants right now. As some people have influenced these breeders to breed fruit and fufu smells into these strains. When I'm looking for cat piss and skunk.
    I want it to be so stinky that you can smell it before I even walk into your house.

    Skunk hero Jane-O genetics
    Second stage harvest fall 2022


    The rest of the garden don't look too bad.

    The Super Citrus Haze

    I've only took a little bit of that plant. She's just finishing up now. And I'll harvest the tops the rest of them today and then I'm going to let the bottom catch up until next week. As that'll be the last thing I harvest before it gets cold.

    The headband A in the deckhole
    This plant I've already smoked some of her,. And it works spectacularly. Definitely very yummy very good high Superior.
    They call this strain White Castle now. Because they believe it has the aroma of old stale White Castle burgers left on the floorboard of your car LOL. I don't know. I asked how they came up with that?? I'm just relaying the message though :crying:
    But It does have a weird smell though... it's strange and I haven't had a White Castle burger in a long time.. so I can't concur with this aroma observation.:shrug::rofl: but I don't doubt it LOL:pop::haha:

    And the funky wedding cake oh my God it's still doing the same thing. The shadow side of the plant did get the nicer buds but the sun side of the plant didn't.? The one in the 15 gallon pot and the one in the cage also the out to the farm all did the same thing. The sun affected them this year and they all had smaller buds. I think this plant needs a little bit more shade??? to produce buds like it did last year. That's just my personal observation of this particular plant. This plant still does very good inside.?

    Pac plant.. it's got a nice buds on it. small plant and it appeared to be pest and mold free throughout the grow. First and only harvest.

    Headband A and headband B in the cage. Second harvest.

    Modified grapes 25 will be on her second harvest the mg 25 has got very dank buds on a second and they swelled up a lot. The wedding cake in the cage was very disappointing to say the least this year. It did not perform like last year nothing that we grew from this cut outside did well. I have others to talk to yet that got this cut out to as clones. I'm going to see what they got with this plant.
    I know the one guy who took a lot of wedding cake clones, he never even mentioned the cake when he talked to me a week or so ago. But he was raving about the mg 25 and how he loved it so much. Go figure.:smokeout:
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    Update second harvest
  • @Waira

    Working on the second stage harvest. We had really good weather up until yesterday evening. It's not raining will rain until this morning late sometime.

    The industrial plant is showing a little bit of p.m. I sprayed her with potassium carbonate two tablespoons per gallon mix. I use this mix two times in less than 24 hours after removing a good many of the leaves that had reoccurred on it from last trimming.
    The Potassium carbonate removed the powdery mildew really well, still a little bit here and there. But it rained, so I'll have to applicate again later on today.
    I plan to harvest all by next week. We are supposed to have decent weather from today until Monday next best chance of rain. Temperatures will be in the highs of the mid 50s and Low's of the upper mid 30s

    So the weather roulette wheel says. :crying: :shrug:

    The industrial plant does have the most buds on it for second stage harvest out of my three contestants. The industrial plant She may well have another half a pound on her of finished bud.

    Industrial plant Dinafem
    Almost second stage harvest.

