...cripes! The green goddess is wanking on your auto efforts this year so far! Keep grinding my man
A lot of autos this year and some photos, therefore many places to check, here is the first from this morning...

Mongol you cheeky bugger, I love it! It appears you found some new corn fields to exploit this year

...great to see you growing outside mate-

What do you have going there? Are you trying SSSC's Strawberry Cookies speed queen? .... did you want to join the Comp' or just buzz by now and again for fun? All good by me either way!
@Waira weekly update
Sun came out yesterday and finally broke 70f for the first time this year, so i moved everything outside.
T20M Snow G photo in the ground

At bloody last, hey?

... stoked to see you're in the Sun now!
Did you get with RotBlock/Phyter Bryon yet? I just PM'ed him now for an update....
Nice choices Kyote, good feedback on Elephant for solid efficacy with her high THC+CBD blend... MAL is a classic, everybody I know who grew her was pleased...
T20M is well represented this year! I have Trainwreck and Something Good germ'in right now-
Im looking forward to seeing the stretch with the photo girls. I still have a ton of work around the garden to get done and stuff keeps breaking down on me the weed whipper ( both of them actually) broke down( got to buy a new one this week) both of my riding lawn mowers are down Im rebuilding the motor on my zero turn and waiting for parts on the other, and The addition on my house is fully under way. Not to mention working 50 plus hours a week at the shop and running the seed biz Im getting kinda worn out this summer! My youngest have soft ball games twice a week so its full tilt go go go......

- the girls are on cruise control and flying beautifully my man! I got hump-eyes for Skunky's bod'-

.... auto's look great!
...Holy poop tea BatguanoMan, you have a killer schedule and plenty of side shit to deal with

... I don't know how you manage it!
Ditto above for RotBlock, you need to get going on that soon I told him.... Stand by!
>>> meantime, I have the seed's sown and am awaitin' =

I'm sorely tempted to add another to the 6, I feel I
gotta get an FV in the mix!
T20M Adam's last report of the rose aroma girl's repro' was a ball tweaker--- fucking ground squirrel got a few seedlings!

One was a mutie though, and that leaves 3 good ones yet at least.... The vermin got snuffed as a bonus, BTW!

...Then I have my chance too with the last couple seeds!
We'll see what shakes out here in the next few weeks...