Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

ah, well, at least i'm not totally alone in the small seedling department this year :whew: ppp
Luckily the lady I’m running for the comp isn’t falling too badly into this department
Ogreberry Day 25

Hello from the Mighty Kingdom of New Jersey!

Not entering since I've never got a plant to finish without a white fly infestation. I do have a journal going for these from seed though... So these are basically for fun and just another shot in the dark. All autos. About 3 weeks old. Question for you all is how can I stop the white flies? They start in September when the plants are in full flower and just take over everything including my tomato and pepper plants. I alternate Neem and spinosad weekly in veg and I'm fine, but flower is a problem every year
@Waira weekly update

Sun came out yesterday and finally broke 70f for the first time this year, so i moved everything outside. :thumbsup:

T20M Snow G photo in the ground
6=17 snowg.jpg

T20M Muchacha auto .. been outdoors for a week

SSSC auto Elephant in the GH

FB Mexican Airlines auto in the GH

That'z it for this week folks :toke:

Happy grows :weed::weed:
Minime presents

I know I'm starting a bit late but Hay ho there was a whole thing with seeds that was posted but wrong address got printed on label and ended up going back to the USA and they may come fins there way to me but I had these seeds from a previous grow and show and thought I would run 2 knows candy's from twenty20
I will grow in coco coir in and run canna nutrients full range

as iv got a bit of a stash of it
I'll have to find some where to hide them in the garden as I'm already in the seedstockers OD comp,
and have 3 girls already running,
and being in the UK I have to be careful,
I will start them of in the tent and move them out once they are a week or 2 old
Happy growing peeps

06/18/22 - 420Forever update #2
@Waira update #2 ;)

Female Seedz WWxBB photo Day 16 :smoking:


Linda Seedz Grapefruit photo Day 16 :smoking:


mmm, yes, technically, they are "growing"...albeit slow as fuckin molassez :doh: ah well, whatcha gonna do... :shrug: ppp