Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

:gary: Hey fellow gellies! ...I'm trying to catch up here, been a crazy week for me.... :help:

Awww wish I could give you buggers a run for your money under the sun!!
Skelly, every year we start this I have you riding shotgun in my mind! :pighug:... You are the OG behind this Comp' and many other fine threads, and you are solely missed- :d5: ... I'm just stoked that we have Jean, GTG and Mason still going deep Earth style to represent! :pimp: :growing:
I have a couple days off now so let's catch up in PM...:passit:

All topped and trained and ready for the next phase
:spels:... nice Brazilian wax job on them ladiez Mason! They look prime for blowing up now- :thumbsup:

@Waira weekly update
:hump:...ditto for you too Jean, I swear there's actual Mojo in those cage spots now after successive excellent grows with them!

Hold up, late comer reporting in!:smoking:

  • Guerilla sites found!
  • Seeds for first site selected.
  • Name of first guerilla site "St. Clements" all strain at this site are either, Orange or Lemon!
  • Strains
:jump: Hazah RT, that's fab' news mate,...and now we have a guerilla grow in the mix which is only proper- :smoking:
I dig the citrus theme, that is a fine mix of them! We will all be beaming you :goodluck::karmacloud: for a safe and fruitful finish!
LMAO, it would be great to have you growing with us but it wouldn't be a competition!! You would just take 1st 2nd and 3rd :rofl:
I'm only doing the comp, so I can have a grow and a jar of buds to smoke at the end, I won't win any prizes, I'm just in it for shits'n'giggles!
:rofl:-- that's why Skelly and I decided to make the Polls about purely bud porn, much as we love our size queens...:rolleyes2:
This whole Comp is more of a mutual admiration society! :ladies:

I still hold some ogs of that waira ,how awesome there will be more .
Oh snappitysnapsnap, that's right! :joy: ........Dude, if this repro by Adam goes sideways, it's going to fall on your seeds to make this happen! Last report is 3 strong going, after a near disaster with a goddamn ground squirrel snacked on two (of 6), and 1 mutie....
I have 2 seeds myself only, and depending on the timing, if Adam can get me pollen, I'll gladly knock up a branch or two for seeds!
Meantime the longer term nail biter is if the right pheno' shows with the desired aroma... it's been consistent 3/3 in the past so far....
Haha...well next season I hope to be ready to roll!!
For those that dont know me (yet) this is what I put out(just 7 feet tall, but 12x12 feet wide)
How I miss them horizontal hedge monsters! :vibe:
The Northern Lights photo was topped a week ago Shes getting a good stalk. The stragglers in the compost pile are around still Happy Farming !
:greenthumb:GH my man, love the volunteers and the go-back to the throw-back classic of NL!
I lament yet another year that my count limitations keep me from running the two NL's I have,... she keeps getting bumped by "obligation/gratis" stuff- :rolleyes2:
I forget, who's version is yours, and is it the same as last years? That was a damn nice result!
Thar was actually a Dutch passion blueberry
It was BOTH....:hump:

The MG-25 is short for modified grapes 25. I don't know what the crosses again this is from the guy I work for and his geneticists who makes this stuff up.
So it's a really hard and greasy bud with a kind of floral and grapy flavor and a little bit of a smell... Well it's got a funny smell.. it's kind of like waxy floral grapes and White Castle hamburgers kind of smell :shrug:if that makes sense?
:crying: It does! I'm spacing the names now, but a mate grew a couple things that had an odd mix of fruity-meaty/floral-meaty-musky... Pretty sure GMO was in the lineage... The bud looks juicy! :drool:
was totally jacked to get in on this lol. But after seeing some of y’all’s entries I think I will pass. My photo I planned to enter has had a rough go. She just went into a 10 gallon bag but she was fed to early and her bottom leaves are dead. It’s crazy how green some of your thumbs are. Will definitely be following along. Here she is for support of my withdrawal lol. I know she will be ok but not worth the embarrassment :rofl: :face:
....bro' it's way too soon to toss the towel on that girl yet:cools:... a photo' has the luxury of time, bet me in a few weeks she'll be unrecognizable!
And time enough to reboot some fresh auto's, the light hours are peak now so fire off a couple more, there's no limit to entry times, just a finish date...
Honest opinions please,
Started auto elephant direct sow and it is on day 11. Seems healthy enough but behind schedule as the weather is less than optimal.
Ditto New', and indeed cold is the auto's performance nemesis... get a good launch off in the tent, an couple weeks is OK, but cold can still bog them down regardless....
Sounds like the Pacific NW? Haven't seen a spring/summer like this here ever that i can recall. Hasn't even reached 70 yet, with clouds and or rain most every day, cept for a token day of sunshine every now and then. Couldn't hurt to start another and hope the weather warms up and the sun gets to shine. Maybe we can have our own contest to see who can grow the most stunted plantz this year? :rofl:
It's wackked all over Kyote, a brief look at the weather in all of NA makes that disturbingly clear.... Summer is fog season, "June gloom" is the local saying here about this, but we've had a whole 3-4 days of fog, unbelievable! .... I don't like one bit what it foreshadows....
Honest opinions please,
Started auto elephant direct sow and it is on day 11. Seems healthy enough but behind schedule as the weather is less than optimal. View attachment 1473546
would you start a seedling indoors to replace her? Even the next 4 days are rain and one day maxes out at 49f and lows near 42f

ah, well, at least i'm not totally alone in the small seedling department this year :whew: ppp
Haha...well next season I hope to be ready to roll!!
For those that dont know me (yet) this is what I put out(just 7 feet tall, but 12x12 feet wide)View attachment 1473021View attachment 1473022
OMG, haven’t seen one that big in a while. Grew a 3 time clone mother out that was a little bigger than that once. In the long ago… bout 30 yrs ago! Was Sensi seed bank Original Skunk #1 pre embargo days.
Pics of Photoperiod SSSC Strawberry Cookies at day 27. Looking mostly good except for the beat up leaves. Got damaged during thunder storm. Only rain water so far as the medium was pre-amended with Dr earth 4-4-4.
t's wackked all over Kyote, a brief look at the weather in all of NA makes that disturbingly clear.... Summer is fog season, "June gloom" is the local saying here about this, but we've had a whole 3-4 days of fog, unbelievable! .... I don't like one bit what it foreshadows....

Wacked an gonna get wackier is me hunch.. whoever wrote this script has a strange sense of humor in many wayz :rofl:
I am gearing up, I got the fever!
fever giphy.gif
cowbell giphy.gif

Oh hang on , it's not more cowbell, it's more outdoor guerilla growing, I need!!! :rofl: :crying:
I have just ordered 100 more "Guerilla Tabs" and plan to do a few locations! :smoking:
I already have 20 Guerilla Tabs - 5 Tabs per plant, so a total of 120 Guerilla Tabs will be enough for 25 plants!:smokeit:
Not sure if I will do 25 plants but you never know!:headbang: I need to buy a hand crank trimmer, scissors aint gonna cut it, when trimming bulk quantities!
8 beans have been dropped, 7 have germed the only one not to crack is the Citrus Noir, bummer it has such a nice lemon/lime flavor.
CN is in damp paper towel along with the 7 germed seeds, I have my fingers crossed, the CN will come good!
Mutual Appreciation Club, rock on, that's my kinda jam!:d5::smoking::headbang:
Honestly I am just soo happy to be having a grow on, 6 months in the wilderness, with no grow, is no laughing matter!
Life has gone up a couple of notches, happiness wise, the moment the seeds went in to soak!
2022 looks like it will be a good year, fingers crossed!
:gary: Hey fellow gellies! ...I'm trying to catch up here, been a crazy week for me.... :help:

Skelly, every year we start this I have you riding shotgun in my mind! :pighug:... You are the OG behind this Comp' and many other fine threads, and you are solely missed- :d5: ... I'm just stoked that we have Jean, GTG and Mason still going deep Earth style to represent! :pimp: :growing:
I have a couple days off now so let's catch up in PM...:passit:

:spels:... nice Brazilian wax job on them ladiez Mason! They look prime for blowing up now- :thumbsup:

:hump:...ditto for you too Jean, I swear there's actual Mojo in those cage spots now after successive excellent grows with them!

:jump: Hazah RT, that's fab' news mate,...and now we have a guerilla grow in the mix which is only proper- :smoking:
I dig the citrus theme, that is a fine mix of them! We will all be beaming you :goodluck::karmacloud: for a safe and fruitful finish!

:rofl:-- that's why Skelly and I decided to make the Polls about purely bud porn, much as we love our size queens...:rolleyes2:
This whole Comp is more of a mutual admiration society! :ladies:

Oh snappitysnapsnap, that's right! :joy: ........Dude, if this repro by Adam goes sideways, it's going to fall on your seeds to make this happen! Last report is 3 strong going, after a near disaster with a goddamn ground squirrel snacked on two (of 6), and 1 mutie....
I have 2 seeds myself only, and depending on the timing, if Adam can get me pollen, I'll gladly knock up a branch or two for seeds!
Meantime the longer term nail biter is if the right pheno' shows with the desired aroma... it's been consistent 3/3 in the past so far....

How I miss them horizontal hedge monsters! :vibe:

:greenthumb:GH my man, love the volunteers and the go-back to the throw-back classic of NL!
I lament yet another year that my count limitations keep me from running the two NL's I have,... she keeps getting bumped by "obligation/gratis" stuff- :rolleyes2:
I forget, who's version is yours, and is it the same as last years? That was a damn nice result!

It was BOTH....:hump:

:crying: It does! I'm spacing the names now, but a mate grew a couple things that had an odd mix of fruity-meaty/floral-meaty-musky... Pretty sure GMO was in the lineage... The bud looks juicy! :drool:

....bro' it's way too soon to toss the towel on that girl yet:cools:... a photo' has the luxury of time, bet me in a few weeks she'll be unrecognizable!
And time enough to reboot some fresh auto's, the light hours are peak now so fire off a couple more, there's no limit to entry times, just a finish date...

Ditto New', and indeed cold is the auto's performance nemesis... get a good launch off in the tent, an couple weeks is OK, but cold can still bog them down regardless....

It's wackked all over Kyote, a brief look at the weather in all of NA makes that disturbingly clear.... Summer is fog season, "June gloom" is the local saying here about this, but we've had a whole 3-4 days of fog, unbelievable! .... I don't like one bit what it foreshadows....

Awe thank you so much for the kind words my friend. I will fire you a PM and we will chat. I will be sure to keep in touch, and I am gonna be growing again before too long.