RT- what a feast for me eyes! The girls are working their magic over time, you must have been fist pumping like a Boss when you returned to see this bounty under way-

Their condition is remarkable considering the heat waves, and your blood and sweat equity is starting to show very promising dividends! The genetics are holding up their end as well, duly noted too... Lemon Pie has all the goods, including the speed it seems-

...any tell-tale lemon aroma yet?
I love how they are holding just the right size and spread too.... Timely rain is a real godsend for you I can imagine!
I'm grinning ear-to-ear mate, Cheers to the Green Goddess doing the same as you sprint for home!

View attachment 1509456
...good thing your neighbor is cool- :smoking:... Those monster dope-globe topieries are something else!

I'm digging the before and after pics GTG, nicely done as always-

....now we can see more than 2 inches into the plants interior! Bring on the air flow-
...Cousin It Silver Hz. is such a trip, but it looks like some decent foxy-strands are starting to form... she may stack those quite a bit yet, so fingers crossed,...
Should be some zippy trippy stuff from her!
...Love my deck Queenie

.... the gang looks prime my man, really looking forward to peak blooming-
View attachment 1509457 gorgeous! And that NL is turning into a lummox, must be amusing to visitors see/smell her when they walk up to the door-

Looks like smooth sailing over there GH-

... has the Mystery girl revealed enough aroma yet to get some idea who she is?

probably sorted for now, but your nose knows only at the end! Otherwise, it's chock-full of goodness in there mate, and the sap sucking wankers didn't do too much harm (thrips?)...
Such a bouquet of aroma potential in that spot, full bloom is going to be wonderful!
View attachment 1509467<-- none of that shite mein frunde!

..... Amen to that Mongol, we'll be sending

out your way along with Arty and Maria/Shiva!

hey Mud, looks like a wild-west of genetics spread in pheno's, but more often than not it's a boon! Some variation in aroma and effects is always desirable-
Ooooo, talk this up more Mason, she's all hashplant to my eyes-

Details on the stank please!
Speaking of which, the Punto'99's all reek of BO -

... no telling where the buds will end up! ...det's in my update tonight....

ause:-- gotta go tend to some ladiez, we have a heat eave under way unfortunately
