Wow you two, too?! --make that 3 with
420's girls loitering on the job, 4 with Mongol, and now devil (me ) makes 5 =

Same here, the only two that were timely were Something Good and the clone OPP.... Right now, FINALLY, Trainwreck, NevLime and Jean's Legend semi-auto (much younger BTW) are in bloom; Rosa is still not there, which is contrary to past growers experiences-

To be sure, genetics are a big factor in how readily a cultivar triggers into bloom, how close to 12/12 or less they get before shifting gears,...(note that many equatorial Sativa-types may need 10/14 to really do the trick, N/A here of course!)...but still,...5 of us seeing late blooming is officially a trend, and not for the first year either. It puzzles the blue fuck outta me, weather/climate changes are NOT the weighing factor after all, it's dark hours which have not changed last I checked?

daayamn, she's loading up the trich's like a true hashplant, and so early,.... big heads too! She's going to be gummy AF when dry-

Great shot of the two photo
topiery dopiery trees Mason-
Doobie my man, how ya doin'? I have all digits crossed for you out there in the Caribbean for a safe hurricane season!

No more of that shit for a while, hey?

excellent, and finally (again)! ....any good news on the Fast Lemon Drizz'? For what it's worth, next year maybe consider Something Good, she got going right on cue... Did I send you any of LBH's semi-auto Haze crosses? I'm thinking the Green Poison Haze might be a solid performer too...
Muchacha is getting noted for her performance elsewhere mate, some high Lat. auto OD growers looking for this kind of results even if longer running

oh fek, no mental map, or actual? Past pics may be of help, I think I asked for a legend earlier? ... they look fab' in any case!
...more late bloomers,...start talking dirtier mate, and wear a banana hammock while doing it-

This is the starting gun shot Jp! If they can still get good Sun hours, you may be done in 6 weeks.... Did you do a stem run sniff test yet? Often, that strawberry-ish aroma may show even there, a good sign the buds will too....
I think you need one next year my friend! Go horizontal monster(s) for a change-
*** gotta saw to you fine growers, this is a stellar year for this Comp! View attachment 1506960 

.... it's a pleasure to see all this fine-ass bud and growing getting show-cased here!
Be proud mates, this Comp draws crazy large view #'s, even if most don't post... The eye-humping is simply epic! And the best is yet to come 


you're a machine Jean-O, much respect for the hats and tasks you are juggling this year especially!
Butt-sucky to hear about the 'Hero,... did you get a chance to play detective and find out WhTF was the culprit?
Holy crap, you gang-banged the whole plot with fem' pollen?!

... way to roll with those stylin' pimp-daddy shorts!
>>> Well fek it, might as well drop my update too on a few.....<<<<
Trainwreck --> now in bloom, and she's ended up perfect for me in size and build...
@Twenty20 Adam
View attachment 1506960View attachment 1506964View attachment 1506965View attachment 1506966
NevLime --> just starting, but also stayed very manageable considering how big she can get even in multi-pots (by the breeder)
View attachment 1506967View attachment 1506968
Orange Push Pop --> showing some color fade and now expressing signature purples!
View attachment 1506969View attachment 1506970View attachment 1506971
@Jean-O ...Legend semi-auto, squat and burly, she's showing bloom sign already!
View attachment 1506972View attachment 1506973View attachment 1506974