Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!


:jump: :jump: We gotz a flip on Snow G :smoking: Good thing i topped her as she has 6" between her and the tarp which is 6.5 feet. Web site says 49 to 59 dayz on her, highly mold resistant as well, so time to get excited just a lil bit :joy:

Topped dressed with WC and a 50/50 ratio of 4-4-4 and 2-8-4. Weekly foliar of Rotblock as well.

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And Muchacha Auto cruising along nicely :thumbsup:
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Loving these T20M plantz @Twenty20 Adam :worship:
Both looking awesome. Mine is up to about 11ft and trimmed off the bottom 4ft. Muchacha is on my list for next year
Both looking awesome. Mine is up to about 11ft and trimmed off the bottom 4ft. Muchacha is on my list for next year

Thanks, Ya, I'm restricted to height as i gotz to keep the fall rains and dew off of them..still might have to supercrop before its over. It's 6.5 feet to the tarp. I used to grow one sativa dominant every year when i lived in the Okanagan and the plants would be in the 10 to 12 foot range. Would have been a gas to grow the Snow G there and let her rip!

I think Muchacha would be quite a bit bigger if it would have had some decent weather during veg.. it had a rough start. It's a good long running auto.

Good luck to you finishing up this season.. hope the canna gods n goddesses smile on us ! :pass:
@Waira Update on the photo outdoor comp plants. Finished up working on the house late today and snuck out to the garden for some night pics. I hit all the girls out in the garden pretty heavily with pollen from the Skunk Butter I collected from. I ended up taking down the Skunk Hero a week or so ago after whatever critter got after the root zone she never bounced back ended up pretty much all died off n wilted from not being able to uptake water then the bugs came in and started to munch...
Sweet Seeds Chem Beyond Diesel CBD

Detroit Rock City F1

The massive back row in the garden Dead Head OG, Mendo 20/20 MMXX, and Ethos Grandpa's Stash.

Sweet Seeds Chem Beyond Diesel CBD is starting to bud up.

Detroit Rock City is throwing out all sorts of baby flowers.

Some good size plants again this year! Going to be a super busy fall...:smokeout:
I'm trying to squeeze in some hash runs out of last year's leftovers to get some jars ready for harvest. I still have a lot of last year's can't hardly give the stuff away any more around my neck of the woods... I like bubble hash n squeezing rosin out of bubble for edibles and that uses up quite a bit of flower to condense it for keeping.
08/27/22 - 420Forever update #12
@Waira update #12 ;)

Female Seedz WWxBB photo Day 79 :smoking:


Linda Seedz Grapefruit photo Day 79 :smoking:


the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
They're budding up now, from the right it's Kush, Critical and Cookie, but thee Cookir is fecking late this year idk why:shrug:
My stuff is late too this year
Wow you two, too?! --make that 3 with 420's girls loitering on the job, 4 with Mongol, and now devil (me ) makes 5 = :doh:
Same here, the only two that were timely were Something Good and the clone OPP.... Right now, FINALLY, Trainwreck, NevLime and Jean's Legend semi-auto (much younger BTW) are in bloom; Rosa is still not there, which is contrary to past growers experiences- :shrug:
To be sure, genetics are a big factor in how readily a cultivar triggers into bloom, how close to 12/12 or less they get before shifting gears,...(note that many equatorial Sativa-types may need 10/14 to really do the trick, N/A here of course!)...but still,...5 of us seeing late blooming is officially a trend, and not for the first year either. It puzzles the blue fuck outta me, weather/climate changes are NOT the weighing factor after all, it's dark hours which have not changed last I checked? :paleo::rofl:

Day 56 Update Autoflower
Afghan x NL tester SSSC
:drool: daayamn, she's loading up the trich's like a true hashplant, and so early,.... big heads too! She's going to be gummy AF when dry- :thumbsup:
Great shot of the two photo topiery dopiery trees Mason-

WOW all the plants look AWSOME ..the plants seem less finikey outdoor then iN , leaf has the good green color tint that nature makes!. Nothing like the real thing I guess .. GREAT JOB !!!
Doobie my man, how ya doin'? I have all digits crossed for you out there in the Caribbean for a safe hurricane season! :goodluck: No more of that shit for a while, hey?

:jump: :jump: We gotz a flip on Snow G :smoking: Good thing i topped her as she has 6" between her and the tarp which is 6.5 feet. Web site says 49 to 59 dayz on her, highly mold resistant as well, so time to get excited just a lil bit :joy:

Topped dressed with WC and a 50/50 ratio of 4-4-4 and 2-8-4. Weekly foliar of Rotblock as well.
:frog:excellent, and finally (again)! ....any good news on the Fast Lemon Drizz'? For what it's worth, next year maybe consider Something Good, she got going right on cue... Did I send you any of LBH's semi-auto Haze crosses? I'm thinking the Green Poison Haze might be a solid performer too...
Muchacha is getting noted for her performance elsewhere mate, some high Lat. auto OD growers looking for this kind of results even if longer running

Day 100 today for all my outdoor Seedstockers x humbolt photoperiods Gonna do a defol tomorrow. They all seem happy with no pest issues, I just hope the weather is kind so I can get these to a finish...
my new problem is all the pen has washed of my plant tags so I’m confused as to who is who now:face:
:doh::rofl: oh fek, no mental map, or actual? Past pics may be of help, I think I asked for a legend earlier? ... they look fab' in any case!
...more late bloomers,...start talking dirtier mate, and wear a banana hammock while doing it- :rofl::yellowcard:

@SuperSativaSeedClub_John , thought you’d appreciate an update on your superior genetics and @Waira , you were on point with the race to the finish line… they were barely showing last week and look at their little tufts now!
This is the starting gun shot Jp! If they can still get good Sun hours, you may be done in 6 weeks.... Did you do a stem run sniff test yet? Often, that strawberry-ish aroma may show even there, a good sign the buds will too....

Really liking this hedge!!
I think you need one next year my friend! Go horizontal monster(s) for a change- :rofl:

*** gotta saw to you fine growers, this is a stellar year for this Comp!
:clapper::clapper::clapper: :vibe:.... it's a pleasure to see all this fine-ass bud and growing getting show-cased here!
Be proud mates, this Comp draws crazy large view #'s, even if most don't post... The eye-humping is simply epic! And the best is yet to come :hump::hump::hump:***

@Waira Update on the photo outdoor comp plants. Finished up working on the house late today and snuck out to the garden for some night pics. I hit all the girls out in the garden pretty heavily with pollen from the Skunk Butter I collected from. I ended up taking down the Skunk Hero a week or so ago after whatever critter got after the root zone she never bounced back ended up pretty much all died off n wilted from not being able to uptake water then the bugs came in and started to munch...
:d5: you're a machine Jean-O, much respect for the hats and tasks you are juggling this year especially!
Butt-sucky to hear about the 'Hero,... did you get a chance to play detective and find out WhTF was the culprit?

Holy crap, you gang-banged the whole plot with fem' pollen?! :pimp: :rofl:... way to roll with those stylin' pimp-daddy shorts!:rofl: :spels:

>>> Well fek it, might as well drop my update too on a few.....<<<<

Trainwreck --> now in bloom, and she's ended up perfect for me in size and build... @Twenty20 Adam

NevLime --> just starting, but also stayed very manageable considering how big she can get even in multi-pots (by the breeder)

Orange Push Pop --> showing some color fade and now expressing signature purples!

@Jean-O ...Legend semi-auto, squat and burly, she's showing bloom sign already!
weather/climate changes are NOT the weighing factor after all, it's dark hours which have not changed last I checked? :paleo::rofl:

lmao, ikr :rofl: :wall: it'z the silliest thing & i don't have a fuckin clue, lol :doh: last year, they all flipped at the same time & within a week, were jus truckin right along, np....this year, they simply did...not...get...the memo :face: they're all goin at diff ratez & it'z jus plain sillee :doh: i've still got one, a tropicanna cookiez, that'z bein stubborn, but it is flippin ever so sloooowly :doh: ah well, whatcha gonna do, lol :rofl: :shrug: ppp
excellent, and finally (again)! ....any good news on the Fast Lemon Drizz'? For what it's worth, next year maybe consider Something Good, she got going right on cue... Did I send you any of LBH's semi-auto Haze crosses? I'm thinking the Green Poison Haze might be a solid performer too...
Muchacha is getting noted for her performance elsewhere mate, some high Lat. auto OD growers looking for this kind of results even if longer running

FLD went to the compost pile as i wasn't set up for her properly and it would have been a mess. So instead of frustrating meself for the next 2 months with her, she got the compost pile :shrug: Was a tough call to make, but she still hadn't flipped when i tossed her.

Nopes, no LBH crosses here :nono:

Muchacha is just a fun one and i have one seed left for next summer. This one had rough veg weather, so i think that actually stunted her a bit. I want to run her again and hopefully catch a close to perfect grow window for her and grow a 6' auto :smoking:

I'm happy to see the flip on Snow G for sure.. should be able to get her to the finish line np, unless all hell breaks loose which is also a possibility these dayz :rofl:

What you don't see in this thread are the Seedstockers BBgums, auto and photo, and a Thunder Banana auto :smoking: BBgum auto will get the chop in a few more dayz. Always wanted to grow out the same strain in auto and photo, so this year, that wat i did. Here a pic of dem gurlz :dancer:
Wow you two, too?! --make that 3 with 420's girls loitering on the job, 4 with Mongol, and now devil (me ) makes 5 = :doh:
Same here, the only two that were timely were Something Good and the clone OPP.... Right now, FINALLY, Trainwreck, NevLime and Jean's Legend semi-auto (much younger BTW) are in bloom; Rosa is still not there, which is contrary to past growers experiences- :shrug:
To be sure, genetics are a big factor in how readily a cultivar triggers into bloom, how close to 12/12 or less they get before shifting gears,...(note that many equatorial Sativa-types may need 10/14 to really do the trick, N/A here of course!)...but still,...5 of us seeing late blooming is officially a trend, and not for the first year either. It puzzles the blue fuck outta me, weather/climate changes are NOT the weighing factor after all, it's dark hours which have not changed last I checked? :paleo:
Dunno why this happens this year on the Cookie, the Kush and Critical are in full bloom and all girls standing same area, no artificial light elswhere, but Cookies do not bloom.:shrug:she already had 2 times PK and also tea, but doesn't want to flower, anyways the others do the job, but farrmers already harvested first corn fields, so it's i canna god hands now:headbang:
Wow you two, too?! --make that 3 with 420's girls loitering on the job, 4 with Mongol, and now devil (me ) makes 5 = :doh:
Same here, the only two that were timely were Something Good and the clone OPP.... Right now, FINALLY, Trainwreck, NevLime and Jean's Legend semi-auto (much younger BTW) are in bloom; Rosa is still not there, which is contrary to past growers experiences- :shrug:
To be sure, genetics are a big factor in how readily a cultivar triggers into bloom, how close to 12/12 or less they get before shifting gears,...(note that many equatorial Sativa-types may need 10/14 to really do the trick, N/A here of course!)...but still,...5 of us seeing late blooming is officially a trend, and not for the first year either. It puzzles the blue fuck outta me, weather/climate changes are NOT the weighing factor after all, it's dark hours which have not changed last I checked? :paleo::rofl:

:drool: daayamn, she's loading up the trich's like a true hashplant, and so early,.... big heads too! She's going to be gummy AF when dry- :thumbsup:
Great shot of the two photo topiery dopiery trees Mason-

Doobie my man, how ya doin'? I have all digits crossed for you out there in the Caribbean for a safe hurricane season! :goodluck: No more of that shit for a while, hey?

:frog:excellent, and finally (again)! ....any good news on the Fast Lemon Drizz'? For what it's worth, next year maybe consider Something Good, she got going right on cue... Did I send you any of LBH's semi-auto Haze crosses? I'm thinking the Green Poison Haze might be a solid performer too...
Muchacha is getting noted for her performance elsewhere mate, some high Lat. auto OD growers looking for this kind of results even if longer running

:doh::rofl: oh fek, no mental map, or actual? Past pics may be of help, I think I asked for a legend earlier? ... they look fab' in any case!
...more late bloomers,...start talking dirtier mate, and wear a banana hammock while doing it- :rofl::yellowcard:

This is the starting gun shot Jp! If they can still get good Sun hours, you may be done in 6 weeks.... Did you do a stem run sniff test yet? Often, that strawberry-ish aroma may show even there, a good sign the buds will too....

I think you need one next year my friend! Go horizontal monster(s) for a change- :rofl:

*** gotta saw to you fine growers, this is a stellar year for this Comp! View attachment 1506960 :clapper::clapper::clapper: :vibe:.... it's a pleasure to see all this fine-ass bud and growing getting show-cased here!
Be proud mates, this Comp draws crazy large view #'s, even if most don't post... The eye-humping is simply epic! And the best is yet to come :hump::hump::hump:***

:d5: you're a machine Jean-O, much respect for the hats and tasks you are juggling this year especially!
Butt-sucky to hear about the 'Hero,... did you get a chance to play detective and find out WhTF was the culprit?

Holy crap, you gang-banged the whole plot with fem' pollen?! :pimp: :rofl:... way to roll with those stylin' pimp-daddy shorts!:rofl: :spels:

>>> Well fek it, might as well drop my update too on a few.....<<<<

Trainwreck --> now in bloom, and she's ended up perfect for me in size and build... @Twenty20 Adam
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NevLime --> just starting, but also stayed very manageable considering how big she can get even in multi-pots (by the breeder)
View attachment 1506967View attachment 1506968

Orange Push Pop --> showing some color fade and now expressing signature purples!
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@Jean-O ...Legend semi-auto, squat and burly, she's showing bloom sign already!
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The Legend is looking very nice! I don't really know what the critter was that dug up the root zone on the Hero... It did leave behind a bunch of feathers from some kind of bird in all of the digging and mess it left behind so it could have been a couple of animals or one animal trying to burry something in a horrible spot? Don't know for sure I have never had anything ever eat the root zone on a plant like that before. I ended up getting some wide range of animal deterrent pellets and have been sprinkling it around the garden ever since seemed to work till my sweet corn got almost ready to harvest then the damn deer came in and wiped out the corn on me in the garden again this year errr..... Maybe if I have time this fall to look over all of the video footage from down at the garden I might be able to see what critter did the deed but haven't had much time to investigate. I seem to loose at least a plant every year so just that sacrificial tree this year sadly it was one of the original contest plants and one of my creations but that was the way the cookie crumbled this year. The pollen I used this year was from a male plant outdoors, I kinda got tired of trying to make fem crosses outdoors and decided I would just make non-fem seeds this year outdoors and keep the fem seeds to the indoor breeding.... So much male pollen out my way over the last 5 years of trying to make feminized seeds outside and I kept getting some male seeds in the mix I just decided I would be the culprit of all the male pollen out in my area this year:stir:...... Buggers anyways.....