Howdy doobies! .... again, pardon my lagging

-- I swear, I blink and 3 days fizzes off!
That RotBlock is a lifesaver, that's for sure!!!
That's why I've been singing the Gospels and nudging others to get in on it! Bryan is too buried to really do a G&S gig officially, but he's down with some personal testing and results follow-up right here or at his section,... Nothing formal, just toss a few updates in on occasion-

... it's funny, there's nothing to see in this product, just the opposite --- what you don't see! (or damn little of...) :smoking:
The flower stage is on

- I bet any delivery peeps are giving her an eye-full!
I forget, are the mystery girls unknown genetics, or uncertain volunteers from last year?
Seems we chatted about this before -

- doing a for-fun grow of UKN stuff someday! I have 2 batches of seeds that are
who-da-daddy? - kind, plus some freebies that didn't get labeled (wankers at the old Single Seeds bank).... One from a grow 3 years ago, and a few from a mate who sent me buds that had the rare bean or 3, from really premium genetics... Grenadine-x almost got dropped this year, and I'm still moaning about not doing it-
Too busy to do just one post right now.
Here’s the SnowG day 149 and just finished thinning her out and semi lollipop this plant. I’d rather send the flower power to the tops.would make a crazy outdoor or indoor scrog.

- woooo! That's what they call a "Brazilian" waxing!
Any worries of going back to a bunch of dead plants, has now lifted.
They are in fine shape and showed no signs of stress.
They have grown a good amount and are now starting to flower!
From now on it will be weekly updates as I need to go feed them once a week
Happy days!:smoking:

... that's a big bullet dodged mate, and a very nice reward at the end with that oh-so-timely rain
And they look fantastic, a very nice growth jump from last time! I love how they are staying in their cages, nothing for the vermin to chomp on...
Are we seeing some early crowns forming up now?
Im jealous of all you guys in USA for the size you can get your plants im just here trying with some of the best weather we've ever had in sunny old England but you guys plants are large bushes or small trees
Don't be too jeallie mate, coz their trim jail sentences are going to be

Letting you all know, I am harvesting all my OD autos this weekend. I am seeing all cloudy with about 5%amber on all of them, not just the OD comp plants and my entry… she ain’t large but sure looks like it’ll pack a punch! A Cherry Cola punch!!!
Jp, congrad's on the final landing of those gems!

... get us some dry porn, and don't forget to select your live pic for the polls as well...
---> oh, next page, done deal-

....no worries Jp, you're good!
Great news on the aroma, if you're getting some cola from her that's a huge plus... So often the namesake pheno' is an iffy bet to show!

The Hedge is looking pretty lush now! They should trigger soon, kinda surprised they are holding out on you this long? No fear man, remember those Doors x O. Haze I had last year? Last week of Aug. before they bloomed, but smoked their tires the whole way after and were done in 8 weeks! And that's with a nearly pure Haze Sativa, so I'll bet yours will be done in 6 maybe less...
** Everybody ** ditto, and keep them tucked away for now please... I'll get a set of poll threads set up down the road here where you can drop them off!
No I forgot to try and get at them this year I was busy and time just got away from me... It did work great last year and hopefully next year I will have the time to get at them and get my hands on more..... This summer has been crazy busy hopefully my lack of time doesn't hinder my harvest too much.....
... it's not too late Jean, and Bryan is game! You and GTG are prime candidates because of your big plants and challenging climate...
I did a lot of trimming on the girls over the last 8 days. Plus they all got another dose of good old Alaskan fish poop tea with little extra Boogie Brew herbs and some C90 Rare Earth minerals in it. Brewed in rain water over 3 day's with constant aeration it is some STINKING STU


but the girls love it.
-- proper boosh whackin' my man!
Hi peps think we got some pre flower stretch happening in the photoperiod greenhouse,I’ve been away from them this week and looked today and definitely shot up this week, solved the pale colours and all are back to green.

nice tune-up Dank! You may need to do some nip&tuck soon as well....

...goodness, those ones are bordering on conspicuous!

.... all the more cheeky luv-

.... now, some more

for avoiding unfriendly eyes!

ause: ...catch up fully tomorrow folks,...