Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

:smoking: No surprise that Twenty20Mendo is well represented this year- :rolleyes2: :hump: ... thanks again to @Twenty20 Adam for the generous prize beanz last year! :bow:

>> Jean, that's really strange... Did you chat with Adam about it? I can happen on rare occasion, but I've never learned what's behind that odd "malfunction"...

>> Guys, I'll reach out to Phyter Bryon tonight and see what the scoop is for this year,... Home grower sizes and pricing, plus a website were a plan last I heard...
It is cray-cray season for him now though, so stand by for details....

I'm pretty much set for photo' choices this year, but work will make it something of a beating to pull off. View attachment 1450184.... No reg's running this year, though I'm dyin' to try the Tangie auto x Org. Haze (same breeder as DOHz last year)... no time/space/resources for it this time.
Plant count is down to 6 = :sad: :rofl: ... same MO: KIS Organics amended soil + supp's... testing @GreenLifeBiotics :greenthumb:looking to be wicked effective stuff from testing so far!

- NevLime (Neville's Haze x Lime1)
- Eye Candy (Compound/Cookies colab')
- Orange Push Pop (clone, if it makes it here OK)
- Trainwreck (T20M)
- Something Good (T20M)
- (TBD)... grinding over this last spot... Could be a rose/floral aroma one-off from Mephisto's testing several years ago, SourBubble/ChemD x Alien OG... IF the seed germ's, saving the rest for Adam to try and save her by making S1's...
Alternates are Legend FV (Jean-O), or a Miss K' project FV (private breeder)... :help: LOL!
Nope, he did not chat with me about it. This is the first I have heard about it
Nope, he did not chat with me about it. This is the first I have heard about it
...likely he was just crazy busy, not that cranked about it,... but I am curious about the details too! I recall 1-2 other folks over the years here who had this happen and ended up in Sick Bay asking about it,... Them, I know as noob's it was likely "operator error" of some kind, no matter what they said, but ya never know :rolleyes2:
Jean is very skilled though, so we'll see...
Adam says the Arcata cut is the best bet for the nasty stank I'm hoping for, as you know... :nono: :rofl:

You know me, a slut for variety! :woohoo1:
Yeah, I specifically asked him about that. A friend asked me about a strain 'wif dat stank', so that's why I picked it.
I was gonna run the Asian Haze along side, but with the Haze pretty much shutting upwards growth soon after it flowers, I didn't want the height of the canopy to being a problem. I'm gonna run her the next run in another EB with some gifted seeds of an accidental cross of Tangie and Daz's Wizard's Apprentice. Reported to be a very nice smoke, but I know nothing of it's growth..
I hate not growing gifted seeds. I think giving seeds is a small act of human kindness and love. Man, that's why I love this place!

Nice varied selection for this year! Should be interesting. I sure hope Phyter went further with their marketing and availability. That stuff works!
Can you please clarify. Are you saying you ran the Ave at 12/12 and they never flowered? In 25 years of growing I have never experienced this issue. Just curious why you did not reach out to me personally and instead opted to make a comment on thread about it without tagging me? This is the first I have heard of this issue and always appreciate feedback directly to me as apposed to hearing about it in a random remark in a thread.
It wasn't that big of a deal which is why I didn't contact or tag you in anything. And yes it was under 12/12 light schedule for over a month with no sign of flowering. I had never seen it before either I just figured the plant hadn't reached sexual maturity even though it was quite old. Not a big deal like I said though we can't control mother nature at all so she did what she wanted on this one.
Can you please clarify. Are you saying you ran the Ave at 12/12 and they never flowered? In 25 years of growing I have never experienced this issue. Just curious why you did not reach out to me personally and instead opted to make a comment on thread about it without tagging me? This is the first I have heard of this issue and always appreciate feedback directly to me as apposed to hearing about it in a random remark in a thread.
To clarify I wasn't complaining or trying to knock your genetics. I believe something was blocking ethylene production in the plant not sure what though. It was a healthy looking plant. I in no way am pointing a finger at anyone saying anyone made a mistake or anything. Weird things happen in nature and sometimes it's just flat out of our control. Keep up the good work that you are doing. I still have one bean left of the Avenue of the Giants and do plan on trying to grow it out eventually and am running the MMXX outdoor this year. Sorry if it sounded like I was complaining and I hope no one else see's this as an issue with the genetics here cause that was not the case just a freak accident.
To clarify I wasn't complaining or trying to knock your genetics. I believe something was blocking ethylene production in the plant not sure what though. It was a healthy looking plant. I in no way am pointing a finger at anyone saying anyone made a mistake or anything. Weird things happen in nature and sometimes it's just flat out of our control. Keep up the good work that you are doing. I still have one bean left of the Avenue of the Giants and do plan on trying to grow it out eventually and am running the MMXX outdoor this year. Sorry if it sounded like I was complaining and I hope no one else see's this as an issue with the genetics here cause that was not the case just a freak accident.
Thanks for the clarification
Thanks for the clarification
Honestly though we're you stopping by my house every night n turning on my lights during the dark period :rofl:. Sorry if that reads that bad I honestly didn't think anything about it other than mother nature was being weird. I'm glad you take pride in your work and addressed the situation I am sure Avenue of the Giants is a great strain and like I said I still have a bean left I do plan on growing eventually and I have a MMXX going outdoor this year so none of that detoured me from your genetics. Thanks again for the work you are putting in and my apologies if that post sounded like I was bashing your gear.