:smoking: No surprise that Twenty20Mendo is well represented this year-

... thanks again to
@Twenty20 Adam for the generous prize beanz last year!
Jean, that's really strange... Did you chat with Adam about it? I can happen on rare occasion, but I've never learned what's behind that odd "malfunction"...
Guys, I'll reach out to Phyter Bryon tonight and see what the scoop is for this year,... Home grower sizes and pricing, plus a website were a plan last I heard...
It is cray-cray season for him now though, so stand by for details....
I'm pretty much set for photo' choices this year, but work will make it something of a beating to pull off.
View attachment 1450184.... No reg's running this year, though I'm dyin' to try the Tangie auto x Org. Haze (same breeder as DOHz last year)... no time/space/resources for it this time.
Plant count is down to 6 =

... same MO: KIS Organics amended soil + supp's... testing
looking to be wicked effective stuff from testing so far!
- NevLime (Neville's Haze x Lime1)
- Eye Candy (Compound/Cookies colab')
- Orange Push Pop (clone, if it makes it here OK)
- Trainwreck (T20M)
- Something Good (T20M)
- (TBD)... grinding over this last spot... Could be a rose/floral aroma one-off from Mephisto's testing several years ago, SourBubble/ChemD x Alien OG... IF the seed germ's, saving the rest for Adam to try and save her by making S1's...
Alternates are Legend FV (Jean-O), or a Miss K' project FV (private breeder)...