Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

Detroit Rock City FV F1
@Waira update on the photo's
Detroit Rock City FV F1 is living up to its name and ROCKIN! Another Beastly plant she is shooting the moon! This plant has been a joy to grow and is already poring out a strong skunky aroma just like her mom last year... She is easily over 7 ft tall and filling out her cage very nicely. I wish I would have centered the plant better as she is mostly pushing out the back side of the cage and left a void in the front but OOPS! I really wish I would have had more time to spend in the garden this year but everything I have going on has had me very busy and not giving me much time to tend to the plants this year. Ive been putting in roughly 18 hours a day of work between the 2 businesses I run and building on to my house so I would say that with what little time I have given the plants this year things are really going very well.....
Skunk Hero 22 F1
@Waira this will probably be my last update with the skunk hero as something has gotten into the garden and literally dug holes all around the roots on this plant. I think i have a ground hog or moles something like that, that is really loving the aroma of this plant or something. I have the cage around the root zone but whatever it was was small enough to get through the caging and is eating the roots off this plant? I haven't ever seen this before and whatever it is, is only attacking this plant for some reason.... She is not doing very good any more from the damage to the root zone and I believe she is my sacrificial plant for the season sadly..... Seems I have at least one sacrifice every year to one thing or another.... I will probably leave it out in the garden until it starts to create issues but don't want to remove it and have the critter move on to another plant.... I have since put out more animal deterrents and a few traps to try and catch whatever it is out there.
I do have a Male Skunk Butter out in my garden which is one of the parent strains to the Skunk Hero 22 and I do believe I am going to let is go and pollenate my outdoor garden this year. From years past I have tried to make feminized beans out in my outdoor garden and have always had rouge male pollen end up in the mix so this year I am going to just make non feminized beans outside. Its a bummer to loose a plant but honestly it happens every year with a garden the size that I run so just another normal year here lol... She may make it to the end but I don't expect to see very good things from it with how messed up the root zone is now after all the damage from whatever critter is munching on it....
This Dead Head OG is really pushing hard in the back side of my garden

The 3 wise guys at the back of my garden Dead Head OG, Mendo 20/20 MMXX, and Ethos Grandpas Stash are all getting massive at the back of my garden where its a lot of shade and not even close to full sun. Im pretty surprised that these are all doing as good as they are not being in the prime spots in the garden. Look I built a wall of weed LOL....
Kyote's weekly update

Posting on Saturday mornings after Jean-O posts is humbling :bow:

Having just about perfect weather right now for the gurlz :thumbsup:

Some morning pics

First, i moved Fast Lemon Drizzle into the GH .. she is showing those moves that happen right before flower starts, so will give her another week and figure it out from there - do like her structure

Snow G still in veg with no signs of flip yet
8-6snow g.jpg

And Muchacha auto is gonna be a good one if she keeps this up :smoking:

Thas it for dis week ..happy grows all :weed::pass:

Posting on Saturday mornings after Jean-O posts is humbling :bow:

Having just about perfect weather right now for the gurlz :thumbsup:

Some morning pics

First, i moved Fast Lemon Drizzle into the GH .. she is showing those moves that happen right before flower starts, so will give her another week and figure it out from there - do like her structure
View attachment 1497402

Snow G still in veg with no signs of flip yet
View attachment 1497403

And Muchacha auto is gonna be a good one if she keeps this up :smoking:
View attachment 1497405

Thas it for dis week ..happy grows all :weed::pass:
That lemon drizzle really is a beautiful plant
Day 79
All my girls went into ground on the 19th of may in light mix then repotted into cheap garden centre soil with 4 months food for vegetables, 1 top dress of bat poop and just water daily
First my fastbuds auto gorilla punch

seedstockers x humbolt
Apollo black cherry #1

Panty Punch

Apolllo Black Cherry #2

Mac n Crack #1

Mack & Crack #2 this the photoperiod I want to pick for this grow

group all 5 together

the Chocolate Skunk auto is now finished and has been chopped! All of the autos are now finished in my garden and I am beyond happy with the results..

:woohoo: Wow, everybody's in already for auto's? I agree, a really fine run this year Jean - :d5:
How did the Lecter's aroma end up after drying? Dry bud looks yummy, and that grapey aroma too... It reminds me of a cross, long ago, we used to see during hard times (it was indoor for sure) that had a similar build and aroma... Yup, definitely on the heavy side like @Sawney_bean mentions! :baked:
...Choco-Skunk, I can't imagine where the terp's will go on that cross!

** BTW, don't forget to take and select your Poll pics for later- :photog::thumbsup: --- a heads up for everybody!

The big girl in the back is a Critical Fast by Dinafem and the small girls in front only in 30 Liter pots
:spels: very nice mate! I have some Crit' Fast too, SeedStockers though... Doesn't Dina' call theirs Quick Crit'? I am curious to see how fast blooming actually takes...

"Witch Doctor Anvil" from " BCBudlady ", you mean! This aint the "Portal" :smoking:
You can't go mixing up different forums and the respective "non de plumes" of their members! :jointman: (just a little leg pull)!

I know, but was trying to be coy,... :rolleyes2:

Thanks for the reference list mate, handy for all :thumbsup: ... you could spend hours grinding more out these days!
I still haven't run Sour Crack yet, most annoying... Sour Livers was speedy too, and what funky terp's! ...GP is always a delight, I'm overdue to run the fabulous F1FV girl again... Outside, that finishes blooming in under 6 weeks every time- :coffee:... you know, more recently, a couple peeps I know grew the GPF1FV and got very different terp's than usual,... a bit alarming from Sweet, I wonder about the mothers they used drifting away from that signature aroma GP is so famous for... :shrug:
About 40 plants total just call me Edward Scissorhands / GTG
GTG I dig the spherical shape you have going on with those beauties, nicely trained! ...fingers crossed they don't stretch too much after bloom starts...
ed scissor.gif
:haha: :rofl: :rofl:
Shot Put - Most Narcotic Indica Stone

I haven't signed up for the outdoor grow this year. I should have! @Waira
But at least I can share a few pics of what I've been up to in the UK country-side.
:bighug: Maria lovie, I wondered where ya been! very good to see you have been up to some cheeky bizz as promised, and are reaping some rewards! ninja grow skills urban guerilla style in the House =

Looks like a wonderful peppering of petite's!
Budding looks spot on, did you use Tab's or something like usual?
I think she's about 9.5 weeks old. That's pretty fast for outdoors in the UK!
Small plants, yes, so no big yield, but plant a bed full of these and the numbers will give you the quantity.
For UK outdoors, the most important thing is speed and quality at speed.
Hit that window of June, July and August, and get the harvest in before the weather turns crap!
...couldn't put it better myself, for any such auto grows outside, guerilla or not....
Haven't used a bong in so long I forgot to block the release hole at the back.
Thinking, WTF, why won't it draw?!?! Hahahahaa! And I was straight at the time!!
Anyone, once I figured out what the hell I was doing wrong, a single bit hit was superb!
I'm a lightweight these days, but that was a damn fine single bong hit.
Was still feeling it hours later, though the main high was about 60-90 minutes solid.
:face: :haha: ... that my get you the Blonde Wig Award for the Comp' this year! :crying:
Sound like we were smoking a lot of the same stuff back in the 80’s and wish I had some of those seeds too.
I know, right?? :wall:..... 20/20 hindsight sucks! :rofl: ...if only I were wiser about the seeds... And they were rare in the buds!
Well at least we have @Twenty20 Adam and TW and Humboldt Afghani heirloom to get nostalgic about! I was SORELY tempted to try the latter, but the bus was full already...:dammit:
Non comp plant, the Sweet Seeds Zkittlez that for what ever reason flowered early is getting a bit of harvest done! I have been getting a ton of rain lately and the temps are over 90 deg F and humidity staying pretty constant around 100% here the last week. I took a few of the big tops off this plant as I was spotting a few signs of rot. With flowers this big you can't risk it for sure they are bigger than gallon milk jugs and pretty much ready they could have gone another week but no sense risking it. I left a lot on the plant still only taking the most massive and dense nuggs off the top. Solid flowers way too dense for the environment they were in.
Holy fuzznuts Jean, no waaaaayy that was the normal version?! ..."OEM" packaging errors are beyond rare, but you gotta wonder here, right?
She a beefy one too,... how's the aroma? That may be a clue right there... Any outcrossing can take things away from the super-candy-licious aroma Zkitt's is famous for!
Smart you puller her when you did, and w/o RotBlock to bakc you up yet....

:growing::vibe::growing:It's that time Jean, the beasts are "arriving"!
I marvel at your own vigor my friend, you are burning your wang at both ends this year with all you have going on
.... Despite the lack of luxury garden loitering time, the grow has been excellent on cruise control so far!
Even the "side show" is prime time- :woohoo1:

:pause: >>> BBL folks, speaking of gardening duties.... gotta get to my crew now, might do some transplants on the photo's today! NevLime, Rosa and Orange Push Pop for starters,... and the auto's should get into final pots too. Then it's game on for the Punto Rojo x C99a's, and praying for auto's to show! So far they look and act very Sati-dom,...
Update-Kindbuds autos Day 66.5
Update day- Day 66.5 for the OD autos! All are doing good! Finally got that topdress as told… a couple days late. Still the front runner is Blackberry Gum from @Seedstockers-Mark . The @Fast Buds Heather Cherry Cola looks like it’ll sting me if I touch it… and the Amnesia Zkittlez is looking like the top cola is gonna be a nice long spear. Been humid and hot as of late.
Up first is Seedstockers Blackberry Gum, after the group pic…

Up next is Fast Buds Cherry Cola
Don’t she look poisonous?
And lastly, Fast Buds Amnesia Zkittles
Using Dr earth 4,4,4 and sunlight. Mostly rain for water.
Update- Kindbuds photos; SSSC Strawberry Cookies
Update Day on day 84
They just started showing girl parts so now it’s just status quo. 7-10 gal pots (green is 10) peat based soil preamended with Dr earth 4,4,4 and topdressed @4 wk intervals. All rain for water. Now to the pics of what @Waira calls my “hedge” lol.

Obviously the pics didn’t load in order… good thing I labeled them for y’all! Oh yeah, a tag in to @SuperSativaSeedClub_John for the awesome genetics. I’ll be doing some Autocreeper soon !
Not been to the guerilla plot for 9 days and the UK is going in to drought, with hose pipe bans spring up everywhere!
Luckily I have a convenient water trough half mile from the plot.
15 Liter hauled today, 20 liter is too much hard work in this heat.
I expected to find wilted plants and virtually no growth, due to the lack of rain.
However When I got to the plot, everything was green and healthy, with a substantial spurt of growth!
Happy days indeed, I smiled like a Cheshire cat, when I saw how well they were doing.
No vermin,rodents or deer had visited all was looking good.
Its seems all the hard work prepping the ground had paid of and I couldn't be happier.
I gave each plant 1.5ltrs, which seemed loads as I was watering it in.
I will try to water a bit earlier next time and start adding the guerilla juice (for flowering) in the next week or two.